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About Garfield007

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    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout NV
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    Fallout 3, Fallout NV, Fallout 4

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  1. I was thinking of how nice it would be to have a spot light added too the turret so at night when you are looking around and want to shoot something, it would be much easier to see with a spot light. If someone could make this happen, you will be awesome and amazing. Thank you. Make the Spot Light effect to be LED.
  2. Finally figured it out, apparently I thought this was changed but apparently not. I ended up having to manually place the files in a different folder through the documents. Thought that changed and they were supposed to go into the main file where the game is located in. It is working now.
  3. Yes I know one of them has been updated and still doesn't work. But I tried another to see if it would work too but nothing. The mod I am currently trying to use is the CRT Body Mesh. The mod works from what I can tell but the underwear is still. visible.
  4. Since this last update for the game, my mesh body replacers are not working and they are updated. For unknown reasons, I am unable to remove the underwear. The mesh body mods I use and I tried a couple, the underwear is still showing. The mesh body did work before the update but now I just can't figure out why I can't disable it now. Not sure if others had the same or similar issues but any help would be appreciated. I am just getting very annoyed that I can't figure this out. Thanks
  5. Is it possible for someone to disable the artillery? Its really irritating of how it only bombards you the player. Thanks
  6. Hopefully someone can make a mod that can disable the personal missions. They are so annoying that they constantly pop up and especially in long game plays, most of the missions don't really do much. Any help with creating a mod for this would be greatly appreciated.
  7. I have that mod, been using it for quite awhile. I tried switching the axis so I can rotate the turrets upside down but they still do not rotate upside down. As I said, it does not work.
  8. I have never thought of that before. Thanks for the good tip. I just tried to do this but you cannot rotate the turrets upside down.
  9. A friend did show this to me " http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11189/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D11189&pUp=1 ". Gonna try it out but I am mainly wanting vanilla ceiling turrets.
  10. I have done a search in Nexus for this and have not found anything. I had thought that someone would of made this by now. Could someone please make ceiling mounted gun turrets craft able and add them with the defense. Thanks
  11. I'm still having the same issue but I am also having other issues with my game and mods, like certain mods are no longer functioning properly. For my game when I try to sleep or rest, its not instant and instead it takes a few minutes for each hour to pass. So I'm just gonna resort to an older save when everything was working properly. I rather do that and have my game/mods work then working on trying to fix something that I don't know what is going on with.
  12. I have been noticing the same issue with the time. Also for some reason it takes forever to sleep/wait. I've only noticed this happening since the Texture DLC update. I am also unsure what is causing this.
  13. I am not sure how or why this is happening. I am on my 3rd play through now and the first half on my 2nd play through I didn't have this. But now on my 3rd newest play through it is still here. I have noticed some other areas having the same issues "cannot remember where they were at" but this is the main one that has been like this for sometime. So if anyone knows of any mods that may cause this or knows anything of how to fix this, please let me know. Here is a short video. Thanks
  14. Not sure if this has been requested before and nothing came up in the search. I would like to see the Tunneler Hide be added with the Geko's HIde so you can craft them into armor. The Tunneler Hide could add somekind of a bonus to crouching speed. Other wise as we all know, there is no use for the Tunneler's Hide. Thanks
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