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  1. Unequipping a weapon when equipping another is hardcoded I believe. Unless it can be overwritten as such; begin OnUnequip return end but I doubt it. I once used a programming engine where you could reprogram basic functions, and use the old code later down in the code example; mob/New() spawner: if(!src.name) //if the user has no name var/namer = input("What is your name?") if(namer.findtext("Goku")) alert("No anime characters.") goto spawner else src.name = namer //set the name ..() //then get on with the original protocal Ofcourse this engine was more flexible, but had more limitations (wasn't 3D, but very powerful). Not sure if script has this function, but if it does I'd gladly do it. Edit: Actually, I think it is possible. You set up an armor for every weapon type, and give it no equip type (so it can be combined with anything). scn ExampleCode ref item begin OnEquip set item to activated;not quite sure of the function set item.equipped to 1;give each weapon a script if(item.unequipped == 1) set item.unequipped to 0 unequipitem item.armorequiv;set up a ref which is connected to an armor endif end begin OnUnEquip set item to activated set item.unequipped to 0 if(item.equipped == 1) set item.equipped to 0 equipitem item endif This code would require a lot of tweaking, and would not work on its own but it's a guideline and could help someone who really wants to make it.
  2. Lucien turns into a ghost and lives in a secret chamber of the santuary with the ghost of the night mother, who visits him there once a week..
  3. This sounds great, and I'd love to see it done. It sounds like something that should be included in every shooter.
  4. This is slightly off-topic, but I was wondering this -- Why is there water under everything? Under land, worldspaces, etc. Wouldn't this decrease FPS or performance or something?
  5. Thanks. It still doesn't work for me unfortunetly. Hm, I was wondering.. Would the people at FOSE (Fallout Script Extender) be able to fix things like this? Or is that not what you do or whatever. Just wondering, I'm very frustrated about this at the moment.
  6. What I'd suggest is using the exsisting Leather Armour, and then modifying it from there. Making one from scratch would be too hard. I think if you followed a modeling tutorial for base male/female models, it could help with this. Anyway, keep me updated on how you're going.
  7. Haha. You're right about that. I'd love to have Mad Max armour, but I have no experience in modeling or texturing. But if you were to get the model made, I could put it in the game as a new armor (but anyone can do that).
  8. Whenever I try to edit, or add (or even double click on a dialogue topic) in GECK, it just stops working. It crashes. I'm using Windows Vista Home Premium, 32bit. If anyone has any information that could help me, I'd appreciate it. Note: I've tried running in combatibility mode, and running as an administrator. Edit: I just tried the same thing on the Oblivion construction set. It has the same problem. I did some research, and it was a common problem between Vista users. Bethesda, you had three years to fix the problem, yet you haven't? Honestly, if you have to make the construction set user friendly (by not changing it all), then fix something that stops a majority of mods.
  9. I cant seem to get it to work (in game using the console). It says cannot find object 'Bobby' (or whatever I tried to rename). SetActorFullName "Bobby" doesn't work. Anyone got any ideas? (I was targeting an NPC. I also tried it as player.SetActorFullName "Bobby", still didn't work.) Thanks.
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