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Everything posted by Type2

  1. Watch it that can be very offensive. Even if you do censor it that can still get you banned. Just a warning from a member. yeah sorry alright. just got home from work and came onto my favorite fallout site and my ears exploded... it set me off and i apologise. you are right about paying the bills.
  2. whats with the video ads? signed. try not to destroy nexus guys. EDIT by LHammonds: If I had not seen you apologize a little further down, you would have received a strike for this. As it stands, I will do what you should have done...edit your post to remove the vulgarities.
  3. yep i worked it out... http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=29266 ill make it for player only as well sometime soonish...
  4. UPDATE!!! Well i sent a pm to the Animation Legend himself Umpa and he sent me a link to get the idle. heres the link: http://www.4shared.com/file/193417016/2667...iveIdle0_5.html the only thing is that it randomizes between two seductive idles. so i am going to try to see if i can make it not randomize and just have a specific idle.
  5. lol i"m looking for this exact idle pose for my female Char. anyone know how to add this idle without downloading a mod?? i read somewhere that this pose is actually in vanilla Oblivion. something about a female bandit gang using this pose... ( i haven't seen them yet ) i got some experience with the fallout 3 geck if it comes down to making a .esp to do it.
  6. Hey all. is there a camera mod around or something that will make the third person camera stop were u aim after rotating it? like not snap back to behind your character after releasing the middle mouse button. lol , i think that makes sense*.
  7. i leave the first two zeros. i think if you change them or one of them f3 still randomises it. i use 00f*****
  8. if you use F3MM to edit the items id it wil garantee to spawn with that number in you inventory. but its down to the modder to change it or else its default generated geck id will forever be lost in the Fallout 3 universe.
  9. just frigin make a mod that spawns 1000 gouls in random locations. may take over your system though.
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