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Posts posted by Moldy

  1. I'm currently playing a minigun-oriented character in New Vegas. I picked up the CZ57 Avenger from that crater near Bitter Springs,and had a good ol' time chewing up Cazadores and muties in Bullet Time. However,the biggest threats of the Mojave,to me,are Deathclaws,members of the BoS,NCR and Legion troops,and other armoured targets. I feed my beast with 5mm AP,and that simply doesn't cut it. The CZ57 may shoot at 1,800 rounds per minute,but that doesn't matter when it's at 13 damage a round,and I'm getting slaughtered when more than three targets are in play.


    So,I've taken it upon myself to make a mod to address this issue. Weapons with a withering rate of fire should have more to them than their staggering ammunition consumption. My solution is to take the And Stay Back! perk,and modify it to suit miniguns and other high rate of fire ballistics. I will be making this mod myself. I simply posted the thread here to get help when I need it,and to get feedback as I work. The goal is twofold. First,to make a perk that makes high RoF weapons with low damage useful against large numbers of targets,and second to keep it balanced.


    I'll be playtesting the mod myself,starting at a 5% chance. I'll be needing names for the perk. I have five candidates so far,but any better suggestions are appreciated. If you suggest a name,please provide a description for the perk,as well as a description of the image for it on the Perk Menu.


    Weapons considered to have a "Withering rate of fire" have a minimum RPM of 800.




    -Weight of Fire


    [The Vault Boy holding a minigun,firing,with another Vault Boy hitting the deck]


    Make them keep their heads down! With this perk,you've learned how to keep your foes suppressed under the sheer weight of fire from your mighty weapons! Any ballistic weapon with a withering rate of fire you use has a X% chance to bowl your targets over,per bullet!


    -Heavy Metal


    [Vault Boy,in a Great Khans outfit,rocking out on a minigun]


    All hail the Gods of Metal! And your tribute will be lead! While using ballistic arms with a withering rate of fire,your targets have a X% chance to be thrown prostrate before the Gods of Metal!


    -Rain of Steel


    [Vault Boy,with an umbrella,walking along,with a metal object,probably an anvil,coming down]


    Make it RAIN! Miniguns,machine guns,if it puts a whole mess of lead downrange in a second,you love it! And you know how to use it. With this perk,you have a X% chance,per bullet,to knock your targets off their feet.


    -Lead Phalanx


    [Vault Boy,hunkered down behind sandbags,with a minigun turret]


    None shall pass! You've mastered the technique of stopping your enemies dead with ballistic arms that fire more lead in a minute than the Mojave has people,and enjoy a X% chance per round to make your targets take a tumble.


    -Ballistic Blowback


    [Effectively,And Stay Back!'s image,just replacing the riot shotgun with a minigun.]


    When you throw as much lead downrange as you do,it takes a tremendous force of will to keep your feet under you when you take on that much weight in lead. When using high rate of fire ballistics,such as miniguns,you have a X% chance to blow your target off their feet,per round that hits. Ain't life grand?




    If anyone is willing to help,that's grand! 'Cause I'll need it. I'll swing by to ask for it when I need it. In the meantime,I'll work it out myself when I can. If this is the wrong section,my mistake. It seemed most appropriate,in my head.

  2. I don't have a scanner,so I won't be able to provide a sketch. And it'd look like garbage anyways,since I'm no artist.


    So,I hope a description will do. Everything from the brow up is bad. The horns need to go,as does that mounting bracket (for lack of a better term) on the forehead. Replacing them,I think,should be a nose guard,and a smooth top for the helmet. Decorating the helmet,and to convey that it is indeed a Dragonscale helmet,maybe something like a samurai's kabuto. Also,cheek guards would be a good idea for the helmet's appearance. As I said before,agency is encouraged. If you have an idea,run with it.

  3. So...Helmets. Personally,I'm amazed this didn't come up before. Let's look up some images of the game's helmets,and ask ourselves "Does this look nice?"


    I'm fairly certain you said "Hell naw!" to at least two. In Skyrim,the armour generally looks quite nice,and practical...Save for Ancient Nord on women,which is sideless and backless for one reason or another. But,my request is for helmets. My main gripe comes to the Light Stalhrim and Dragonscale helmets. The Light Stalhrim helmet just looks...Silly. Obscenely so. The horns look out of place. If they were removed,or changed to curve backwards close to the head,then it'd look nice. But as it stands? It looks like it'd be right at home in a circus sideshow. The Heavy Stalhrim helmet looks like a lazy reskin of the Iron helmet,with only the most minor mesh changes. And then there's the Dragonscale helmet,which doesn't match the armour set it's supposed to be a part of,and looks like some aboriginal headdress gone wrong to boot.


    These helmets see use in every player of the game,and,although this is just an assumption,I'm fairly certain that my views are not unique. While yes,I could simply not look at the helmets by keeping to first-person,I like my armour to look nice,too,as I often find myself doing camera orbitals to take in how my character looks with his leather pouches and Dragon Priest cloaks. And I can guarantee that there are people out there who play third-person,and go helmetless because the helmets just look god-awful.


    I'd love to do this myself,but I lack a 3D program,and the expertise to use it,in order to make the helmets look nice. Ideally,the mod would be modular,and only touch the meshes and/or textures,to avoid gameplay conflicts,and to allow the player to choose which helmet(s) they want changed. My requests are as follows,but modder agency is encouraged...


    -Stalhrim,Light: The horns are my biggest concern. The path of least resistance would be to remove them,but in order to keep thematic consistency with the rest of the game,they should be modified. I think they would look best curving back to the rear of the head,keeping close to the skull.


    -Stalhrim,Heavy: While it looks far less offensive to my sight than the light variant,the horns seem quite large. Shrinking them,or angling them downward slightly can help tremendously to improve the overall look of the helmet.


    -Dragonscale,Light: I'll be honest. It needs a total reconstruction. It doesn't match Dragonscale armour,either in shape or colour. I have no real help here,besides it'd look far less disgusting if it looked like it matched the rest of the set.


    -Dragonplate,Heavy: This is another light job. The materials all look poorly matched,with the exception of the section covering the back of the head. And the horns make the person wearing it look malproportioned. Maybe having them sweep backwards would help,instead of rising skyward.


    If you have another idea,go for it. I'm just here to make a suggestion,to plant the seed,if you will. Modder agency is encouraged,and you're in creative control,not me. I'm just here to say "This is something that should happen." So,any takers? I tried as much as I could to give you some ideas.




    I'm french and i really love this topic, what a good idea !

    I've got a problem since few weeks but the solution is not in what you said.

    I have post it on the official skyrim forum but no reply ....

    Have you ever seen this magic effect ?





    Since a quest in dawngard i have a big magic aura like snow or magic wind.

    I don't remember if it was the quest when you save the phalene priest from vampires or the quest of the master of vampire's hunters.

    It's horrible when i play and i really want to play with this character (i've just bought dragonborn DLC).


    Thanks a lot for any help !


    I have the same spell effect going on with mine, I made a youtube video of it a little bit ago if any one wants to take a look. It may be from dawnguard but I cant for the life of me figure out what spell effect it is. Thanks in advance to anyone who can throw me a bone here.



    Heres the link to my bug:


    I found no solution on the internet, you are the first person with the same problem than me...



    I have the exact same problem as these two. I have a suspicion that the effect is related to the spell "Blizzard",and I'll be beginning my own search for a solution along those regards. If ANYONE has even a POSSIBLE fix for this,let us know IMMEDIATELY! The people I'm quoting have been waiting for quite some time. I even saw the OP make several posts after these,not even acknowledging their existence. Even a "Sorry,no idea" is helpful.

  5. Here's my issue. I'm running a heavily modded Skyrim (Mod list at bottom),and my character is a door-kicking warrior. The closest thing to magic they do is alchemy and enchanting. When I went to Kolskeggr Mine to kill the Forsworn there,something bizarre happened. A blizzard kicked up. This occurred while I was decapitating a Forsworn Forager on the bridge in front of the miner's barracks. I thought a Blizzard Dragon dropped in to say "Hello" (Dragons Diversified adds these),but there wasn't a dragon,nor any sign of a dragon nearby. My next thought was that Serana cast the Blizzard spell,since she specializes in ice spells. I walk into the mine,and the effect is still there.


    Now,to clarify,the "effect" is both visual and audio. Howling wind and swirling snow.


    Thinking it's the blizzard effect,I romp through the mine and kick all the Forsworn ass there was to kick. It was a quick romp,as I'm level 52 with a 100+ damage per swing weapon. I fast travel to Left Hand Mine to hand in the quest,and the effect is STILL there. This is about the time I'm convinced it's something that needs fixing.


    How do I fix the issue? Below is my load order,so that should clear up any "Well,maybe mod X did it" remarks.







    -HighRes TexturePack 01.esp

    -HighRes TexturePack 02.esp

    -HighRes TexturePack 03.esp


    -Ish's Souls to Perks.esp

    -Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp

    -Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp

    -Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp



    -WATER Plants.esp

    -UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp

    -UFO - Dawnguard AddOn.esp


    -The Dance of Death - Dawnguard Edition.esp





    -Predator Vision.esp

    -Realistic werewolf speed.esp

    -The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp

















    -Automatic ItemStorage.esp



    -Bounty Gold.esp

    -More Training_50.esp

    -TTYM - Think to Yourself Messages.esp


    -Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp






    -Follower Trap Safety.esp

    -Auto Unequip Ammo.esp






    That's my load order,should it help. The effect is annoying,to say the least.

  6. Hello! I've been downloading mods from the Nexus for a good long while now,but now,I want to make one or two. Sadly,I don't know where I can get the New Vegas version of the G.E.C.K,and even less about how to work it. Does anyone know where I can look to find the G.E.C.K and assistance material,aside from just this forum? I'd like to keep my reference pool deep. My first mod will muck about with ammunition rarity. I want my forty millimeters...
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