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Posts posted by Moldy

  1. The FAL; The reason why we don't use 7.62mm as the standard calibre for our service rifles in NATO. They were too heavy,and had way too much kick. Still,if used as a DMR,they work wonders.


    And holy balls,that folding stock animation! I want that! We need that! Please tell me you're planning on putting that in for the Skorpion,and other guns with folding stocks.

  2. Ammo's roughly cylindrical in shape,so all you gotta do is calculate the cylindrical volume of the cart in question,fudge it down for the bullet's irregular shape,then cross-reference that with the internal volume of the can,which you also fudge down,because circles can never perfectly fill a space.


    You know,that sounded a lot like a D&D or Pathfinder game master thing.

  3. Please,that wasn't a rush-job,that was a soulless cash-grab. But that isn't a discussion for here. New Vegas was a rush-job,and that game's considered to be the best modern Fallout title by about half the fanbase.


    Still,while I might be itching for WARS and PEACE to release,polish is good. I'm pretty sure that Antistar did enough internal QA to them that most of the issues that don't relate to intermod interaction would be ironed out. Then again,some people just have that "Magic Touch" that breaks even the vanilla game in entirely new and unique ways.

  4. It has been. It's a mod that beats a huge swathe of the game with the mod stick,and almost all of the work is being done by one man,with a dayjob,in his spare time. Furthermore,right now,the mod's in a holding pattern because for WARS and PEACE to work right,the mod needs AmmoTweaks to update,a mod that Antistar isn't involved in. Without this update,the mod simply will not work as desired/advertised.

  5. It means that there is no way for modders to tinker with survival values of food and drink,at least not directly. I think it's engine-level,but I'm no modder,so don't quote me on that. Hard-coded more or less means that,if you try to do that thing in any way other than the exact,precise way that it's already being done,then it'll have a conniption,explode,and fail. For modders,this typically renders the feature as a complete and total black box,something you have little hope of cracking open to understand and reverse-engineer. Thankfully,people have figured out this particular black box; If the food and drink is more valuable per-unit,then it has a larger impact on your survival stats. If the food and drink is less valuable per-unit,then it'll have less of an impact on your survival stats.


    Many people getting into overhaul mods run facefirst into all kinds of inconveniently hard-coded features. Have a gab with modders who put out big,successful mods that intersect with what you're trying to do,here; They should be able to give you some spectacular advice.


    Yes file size. With wars and peace both running have you noticed any effect on frame rate in testing ?

    No, but I haven't done any extended regular gameplay testing yet, like I was saying recently in one of the threads.


    Neither mod is likely to have much of an effect on performance though; I'm not doing anything crazy on that front.



    So... What role would the Gauss fill? Fist of God?

    The boring answer is that in WARS it's the Energy weapon equivalent of the Barrett M107; an anti-materiel rifle.



    Can you really call a Gauss gun a directed energy weapon,though? It throws a tiny piece of metal downrange at high speed to do the damage,not a bolt of energy. But,this is just me being pedantic.

  7. I use the Lavish Tower of Alchemy Power mod by Tchos,and I love it. It has an alchemy lab,ingredient sorter,and a Grinder from Common Oblivion,also known as COBL. And,perhaps most interestingly,a series of books which detail which ingredients from Oblivion and Shivering Isles have which effects,as well as the inverse; Which effects are held by which ingredients,all divided by Alchemy level. And,finally,three books which detail advanced alchemy recipes,using ingredients from Shivering Isles and Oblivion. I personally make heavy use of these recipes,since they are excellent. However,I find it odd that the mod requires COBL,but there isn't any mention of COBL's ingredients,which are numerous,diverse,and in possession of interesting effect combinations. Further,I make use of Alchemy Advanced,which takes Alchemy,and runs away with it,including adding two more apparatus; The Notebook,which allows you to save recipes for later use,and the Refiner,which allows you to keep certain effects out of your brew.


    So,that brings us here; Making use of COBL's ingredients and the Essences from Alchemy Advanced,and maybe by using the potion merging feature from Alchemy Advanced,using vanilla and SI ingredients only when necessary,what alchemy recipes do you have? I'm looking for both beneficial potions,and venomous poisons.

  8. Grenade machine guns exist,yes. But something about an autocannon screams "Yes." to me. And Antistar has said,multiple times,that if he implements a new traditional machine gun,then Hell or high water,it'll be belt-fed,have a fully animated belt,and dynamically run out if you tape the trigger down. So,I doubt we'll be seeing a traditional machine gun in the mod unless an omnidisciplinary modding wizard steps out of the aether.

  9. Well,the Bofors firing mechanism is small enough to conceal beneath a duster. Since the feed system is a gravity-assisted,recoil-operated self-extract system,it's exceptionally simple. Most of the weight of a Bofors comes from the exceptionally long barrel,and the carriage. A Bofors modified how I described earlier would certainly be an exceptionally heavy weapon,likely weighing in excess of 100 pounds,empty,but considering the mechanical simplicity and compactness of the system,I can easily see it getting stripped down to something a PA unit can wield.


    The question is if somebody is willing to actually do that,especially considering each single shell weighs two goddamned pounds.

  10. I've had a chat with a pair of soldiers I know,and I've learned something. If you dismount a Bofors 40mm AA autocannon from whatever it's mounted to,and cut down the barrel,then finally mount it to a superframe of a sort (Similar to how the Broadsider's built),it'd be a plausible power armour unit's heavy weapon. The ammo,of course,would be cargo-intensive,being 40*311mm to 40*365mm and two pounds apiece. That's just over a foot long per shell,and just under a kilogram each. The AA shell would be higher velocity than the others,and a proximity airburst,effectively serving as a 40mm flak shell. There's also an HE shell,which is used by the Bofors when it's mounted inside an AC-130 Spooky gunship,for when the Bofor's pointed at a surface target.


    It should also be noted that the Bofors is loaded via a top-mounted hopper,meaning it loads similarly to a lever-action carbine.


    Would a dismounted Bofors be practical in the least? Probably not. But Fallout 4's heavy weapons compliment is in dire need of an expansion.

  11. There are two known Triangles of Death; Abernathy Farm,Sanctuary Hills,and the Red Rocket Truck Stop forms the primary Triangle of Death,due to how attractive Sanctuary and Red Rocket are for player headquarters and large settlements,and the fact that you're rapidly pointed at Abernathy Farm for questing,and the fact that it's right there outside the Vault. The secondary Triangle of Death is made up of Spectacle Island,Warwick Homestead,and the Castle,for almost identical reasons. Triangles of Death are the result of proximity; Take a look at your Pip Boy map. See that grid? That grid neatly divides the game world into what the engine defines as cells. And the game keeps nine cells loaded into memory at all times; The one you currently occupy,and the eight surrounding it. If you're familiar with how Minecraft handles world loading,it's a nearly identical concept.


    Triangles of Death cannot be removed,cannot be avoided,and cannot be stopped. All you can do is deal with their existence as best you can. They are engine-level,due to how the game handles world loading and scripting. There is no fix for it,outside of completely rebuilding the game,and thus violating copyright and earning yourself the wrath of Zenimax Media's army of lawyers. No,the best you can do is the INI edits I'm about to throw your way,and pick a single settlement from each of those Triangles,and tear down the rest. Another good thing to do is take a peek at the list of mods I'm going to throw your way,as they're confirmed to either not play nicely with Sim Settlements,or produce visible issues with the game when combined with Sim Settlements. In general,if the mods break precombined meshes,it's a significant problem,as precombined meshes exist to minimize asset use.


    INI Edits

    If you do not have Notepad or Notepad ++,I very strongly suggest getting the latter right now; It's free,and a very useful text editing tool,especially for code and pseudocode purposes,such as this one. For all following instructions,ignore all quotation marks for searching your documents or text input,unless otherwise noted


    1) Navigate to your FalloutCustom.ini file. It's in the same neighbourhood as your saves. By default,it's in "My Documents/My Games/Fallout 4".

    2) Open FalloutCustom.ini. Look for a line of text reading "[Papyrus]". If you do not have this line,then add it to the very bottom,following the same spacing format as exhibited by the rest of the document.

    3) At the bottom of the "[Papyrus]" section,add the following lines.


    If similar lines already exist,modify them to suit. This effectively gives the game just under a quarter second per clock cycle to calculate scripts,and assigns it more RAM to use in that span,as well.


    The following link leads to the Sim Settlements wiki's list of problematic mods. Furthermore,do research into the mods you have installed,to make sure that they don't break precombined meshes. Off the top of my head,More Uniques,last I checked,did this,unfortunately. Any others,I can only guess,so do some digging.


  12. Could be engine level. The engine budgets less than a quarter of a second per cycle for script calculations,and Abernathy Farm with Sim Settlements is a remarkably script-heavy environment. Fatally so,if you also build up Sanctuary Hills or Red Rocket. There are INI edits you can make to increase the time budget for scripting. If you've also built up Sanctuary Hills and/or Red Rocket,then I strongly suggest you pick one of those three settlements,and tear down the others,due to a phenomenon known as the Triangle of Death. Abridged version; Settlement building is script heavy to the extreme,and mods that build on this system,like Sim Settlements,only increases the script load. It'll eventually get to the point in the Abernathy/Red Rocket/Sanctuary triangle,due to their proximity,where the game engine will simply think itself to death and crash,because it cannot resolve assigned scripts within the allotted time limit and RAM allocation.

  13. I tend to see sneak attack bonuses as an abstraction of taking the time to specifically strike at a defensive vulnerability and/or something vital. Really,video games are loaded with abstractions,necessary to ensure that the game won't get bogged down too much. Let's take bagging yourself a Radstag. Why do you only get one Radstag tenderloin,or two with a magazine perk? One answer is that it's because you botch the field dress every single time,which isn't exactly believable. A second answer is that it's an abstraction of how much generic edible meat you've been able to find on the corpse,with the magazine giving you insight into what offal is safe to eat,and the game simply abstracts this as a cut of tenderloin.


    As for the damage idea; Due to how damage is handled by the engine,proper AP effects are practically impossible. Armour protection in Fallout 4 follows a quadratic curve,and high values,such as on Fog Crawlers or Mirelurk Queens,might as well be invulnerable outside of sniping at weak points or the use of excessive force; Remember that both can shrug off multiple Fat Man shells. And the quadratic armour curve is to blame. The 30% armour penetration of the Penetrating effect,which is likely going to be piggybacked by every other AP effect in the game and this mod,therefore sees diminishing returns against foes with extreme armour. To the tune of seeing less than a 5% damage increase against most Mirelurks,despite your ignoring 30% of their armour. Anybody in power armour is going to see a similar degree of defensive insanity. Throw on the top tier Ballistic Weave with a Vault Suit and a full suit of Marine Assault Armour,and you're looking at a similar degree of invulnerability.


    This means that the only real way to combat the runaway armour curve is to give more energetic calibres much more damage,since the only other way to fight against the armour race is to cripple armour. And one of the fastest ways to put most everybody I know off of a game is to have armour that doesn't do its job.


    From a game design perspective,Antistar's in something of a terrifying position,trying to find the knife's edge of balance for the defensive arms race.

  14. I use Pip-Pad. I've had a really weird problem in the past,but it wasn't reproducible,and a "Delete every single file and reinstall the game" approach fixed it,with only a barely-touched load order. Any problems outside of oddball problems like my old one would likely be documented by the Pip-Pad team themselves.

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