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Posts posted by Moldy

  1. My issue is less with third person and clipping,and more with immersion and logical sense. Heavy Combat Armour's pauldrons are goddamned bubbles. Realistically speaking,you'd never be able to brace a shoulder stock against that in any meaningful way. And,you'll be getting facefuls of that bogus armour even in first-person,thanks to all human enemies having access to this.

  2. I've noticed something with several pieces of armour - Especially the "Heavy" variants. They have pauldrons that,simply put,do not work at all with shoulder stocks. The single most egregious example of this is Combat Armour. Those pauldrons look like they'd be more at home on StarCraft's Marines. And those drugged up,brainwashed,Southern-fried psychopaths are wearing power armour. A quick look at images on the wiki has led me to conclude the following suits of armour,as they exist in vanilla,are not compatible with the use of shoulder stocks;


    -Medium and Heavy Combat Armour; Insufficient shoulder space for a buttstock after moving arms into an aiming position,obscene pauldrons,respectively.

    -Heavy Metal Armour; Insufficient shoulder space for a buttstock after moving arms into an aiming position.

    -Robot Armour in general; Insufficient shoulder space for a buttstock after moving arms into an aiming position,obscene pauldrons.

    -Marine Armour in general; Insufficient shoulder space for a buttstock after moving arms into an aiming position.

    -Operators Armour in general; The inflexible steel sheet mantle makes using a shoulder stock an exercise in futility.


    Would it be at all possible for you to at least take a look at these armours,and make a judgement call on what'll happen,if anything?

  3. An idea pursuant to a fast travel system; A caravan network. Add a Settlement object that connects to established Supply Routes. Meaning,to travel settlements,you need established Supply Routes between settlements. To travel to major world locations,such as Diamond City and the Edge of the Glowing Sea,you need to first discover the map marker in question. Maybe find a way to keep players from travelling between the Island,Commonwealth,or Nuka World,though.

  4. A question,regarding your medical brace system. The overwhelming majority of attire in the game restricts the wearing of armour pieces,sometimes completely. Much of the attire that restricts or disallows armour carry impressive stat boosts,including the all-important Charisma and Intelligence stats. If a player elects to wear such attire,for whatever reason,and needs to fix up an arm or leg,what will their options be?


    If you can get your hands on a Mk VII Turret Control Module and enough .308 ammo to run a Mk VII Turret though, damn - those things are monsters.

    I mean,yeah. It's .308 Winchester,only a hair different from 7.62mm NATO. That stuff can overpenetrate a maple tree's trunk. Provided you're using AP. So,yeah,I can imagine a Mk VII Turret's going to be something like an M60,or somesuch. Did you implement crafting recipes,inventory models,and world models for the TCMs? For crafting,do you need certain perks? Do you need to ferret out blueprints in the wild?


    EDIT: Correction. You do not need 7.62mm AP to overpenetrate a maple tree's trunk. Standard ball rounds do that just fine,provided you're within 100 metres. My source; Two soldiers in the Canadian Armed Forces,one retired,one still serving actively.

  6. Hmm. Survival Mode disables fast travel,outside of using the Institute's teleporter,but that mandates going to the Institute,then setting the teleporter to send you out,again. And,obviously,this ceases to be an option when you earn the enmity of the Institute,and eventually reduce them to a smoking crater. You can use the Vertibird flares,but considering the general fragility and other weirdness surrounding Vertibirds,many players,myself included,don't use them. Further,there are some places where the Vertibird simply cannot land; I challenge you to find a place where a Vertibird can land in Hangman's Alley.


    However,I've been playing a lot of Fallout 3,lately,with Fallout Wanderer's Edition installed. And,yes Antistar,WMK as well. And FWE has an interesting solution to fast travel being disabled. Limit fast travel to a personal vehicle. By interacting with it,you can fast travel to another point on the map that you've discovered,and the vehicle will travel with them. Include wear rates and fuel consumption,and you have something that the player will need to spend resources on in order to keep their handy transport. You can also include multiple upgrade options that the player can craft,be it with the appropriate perks,or after finding the requisite schematics in the world. Things like storage capacity,fuel efficiency,fuel tank size,and a GPS tracker.


    Really,I'm suggesting you ape FWE's Wasteland Explorer motorcycle. But,maybe instead of a motorcycle,you instead have an ATV of some sort? Maybe one of those long ones with a flatbed on the back? I hear those are even amphibious,which would allow the rider to reach Spectacle Island.


    I had a flash of inspiration and now I think I have a way for Workshop turrets to not have unlimited ammo. I added a secondary activation option to them so that you can access their inventory and give them more ammo as required. So now it's just like having to supply settlers with ammo, really. Don't know why I didn't think of it earlier.


    Of course people who don't like the idea of having to supply settlers with ammo aren't going to like this either, but this is a (relatively) simple solution and it appears to work fine from my quick tests just now.


    I can't really blame people for not wanting to potentially have to manage ammo for a whole bunch of settlers (and now turrets too); I'd love to have some setup where they're automatically supplied from the Workshop inventory or a special container or something... That's just a deceptively complex thing to implement, like I've talked about here before, I think. I know that people much better at scripting than I am have tried making auto-supply systems for settlers in the past and haven't been met with overwhelming success. This is something I'd love to be proven wrong about, though - and maybe one day inspiration will strike (me or someone else).



    Anyway, this is part of a larger effort to make turret spam less of an obvious default choice for settlement defence. I'm also planning to add a new "turret control module" item that can only be found on destroyed hostile turrets (and maybe crafted with high Science! and rare components). A control module would be required to build a turret - there'll probably be several levels of module corresponding to the different models of turret. (Mk I, Mk III, etc.) On that note, the turret you get won't be levelled anymore; you'll select a specific model. Probably something like:


    Mk I - 9x19mm SMG Turret

    Mk III - 10mm Auto SMG Turret

    Mk V - 5.56x45mm AR Turret

    Mk VII - Bulk .308 AR Turret


    The other turret types (laser, shotgun, missile) will be accounted for as well. I think I'll also do what I did with the Automatron player-built robots and add a "recharger" laser turret variant that doesn't need ammo but does lower damage.



    Someone mentioned Modern Firearms, I've taken a closer look at it and it features a few interesting scripted functions besides underbarrel weapons and selective fire. It has deployable bipods that significantly slow down your movement but provide a bonus to accuracy, it also features reflex sights with functional magnifiers and quick suppressor swapping. I was wondering, is there any chance we could see those functions in WARS as well? The sight magnifier I find especially important since as I said before, the lack of adjustable scope zoom in the vanilla game is frustrating. I know the script prompts the weapon re-equip but a magnifier that has to be manually moved would seem less awkward. It's a shame Modern Firearms has mediocre textures and no custom sounds or animations, it has great potential for a weapon platform....

    I wouldn't want bipods in the game unless you can also go prone (in a fully-featured way that works in first-person; that mod that lets you do it with certain weapons and only in third-person is cool but not what I'm after), and deploy the bipod on chest-high walls and whatnot. Massively complicated and not something I ever expect to see in FO4. (But again, hopefully I'm wrong.)


    I believe the pending AmmoTweaks update features a dedicated custom menu - and hotkeys - for quickly swapping things like muzzle devices, bayonets and scopes. WARS itself also already features a Weapon Modification Kit (no not that one :wink:) that brings up the weapon modification menu and lets you swap certain mods out, without the use of a workbench. Likely not as fast as a hotkey, but it's in there.


    A flip-to-the-side mount with an ACOG or something on it - combined with a reflex sight - is something I've considered before. I didn't see any suitable available assets for it when I was working on the AR-15, though. Not sure if there are any out there now...



    All of that being said, thanks for your patience Antistar. I, for one, am keeping an eye on this because its such an ambitious project.

    Thanks. :smile:

    0 Links



    Might want to watch how you implement that plan for turrets. Sim Settlements has its own approach to combating turret spam,and I think it's loads more elegant; Manned defence posts,as provided by Sim Settlements,provide significantly more defence value than turrets. And some of these Martial Plots,as the mod calls them,include turrets,especially at higher levels. The Sandbag Fort comes to mind for one such Martial Plot. Your idea might render turrets provided by Sim Settlements plots entirely nonfunctional,or break them in some other capacity.


    This might sound like me being an arse,but... Maybe remove settlement aspects from the scope of WARS and PEACE? While settlements do form a core pillar of the game,trying to modify settlement defence will mean having to work around a monolithic mod that you yourself admitted to wanting to play with,and that mod is built from the ground up to have user-made plugins extend it.

  8. I just realized something. Since WARS and PEACE will make everything much more fragile,while making weapons near-universally more powerful,this makes complexes full of Gunners Cages for XP and loot farms even more attractive than they are in vanilla. Allow me to elaborate.


    -A Gunners Cage is made with ten Steel,two Copper,and five hundred Caps. All of these items are very widely available. Furthermore,resetting the trap only costs one each of Steel and Copper,and fifty Bottle Caps.

    -All enemies caught by Cages are unlevelled. This means,at level 1,you can capture a Gunner Brigadier,which is the highest level Gunner in the game,and is worth a hefty chunk of XP (317 base),to say nothing of the level 94 loot.

    -Even a low-level Gunner packs,at the very least,a Laser Gun as a ranged weapon,plus requisite ammo.


    In vanilla,this system has significant risks,since a level 94 Gunner Brigadier is a huge challenge early on,even in a controlled environment. With WARS and PEACE,the game's combat balance is looking a lot like rocket tag; Everybody's capable of killing anything in line of sight in short order. At least,that's how it is for humans and most Ghouls. This means that,with sufficient distance and cover,you can open 100 Gunners Cages,releasing 100 Gunner Brigadiers (Statistically infinitesimal,but you will get at least one per batch),and killing them all with a fistful of well-placed grenades. This will grant the player a massive steroid of XP and high-quality weapons and armour,plus an embarrassment of ammo for these weapons. The player can then select choice morsels for their personal use,and scrap the rest,providing a huge windfall of resources which can be used to further invest in equipment,or settlement building. The player can then sell the melee weapons for the 500 Caps they'll need to rearm their hundred traps,and simply sod off for three or so days,waiting for their traps to collect yet more loot delivery boys for them. If the player's sitting on a stockpile of food and drink,they don't even need to leave the settlement; All they need to do is nap for three days to a week.

  9. What is ETA on this mod? Idk how long Modern Firearms took to make but this is obviously going to be much higher quality. I actually thought this mod was just a curation of other modders work and building a big variety of guns into one mod with permissions, But Idk, seems you are making them all yourself?


    I don't follow this thread but it pops up often and I have a quick read. Hope it might come soon. I mainly keep visiting here because I enjoy messing around with mods, not really playing the game much, but I would like to eventually have one final playthru. I have never even visited the DLC worlds yet. lol.


    A question for this ambitious mod of weapon collections; Do you plan to include Worn and damaged varieties like Horizon does? and instead of simply reduced damage for a damaged rifle, will you be introducing weapon jamming or at least increased bullet spread etc.


    The first two posts will answer your question about the ETA. As for weapon condition,jamming,and such... I know each gun has five different tiers of receivers in order to emulate overall thresholds of weapon condition,as well as overall weapon condition per level. For the rest though,I can't recall; Antistar likely has a definitive answer.

  10. If I recall,the "Assault Rifle" combines elements from the Lewis Mk. II (Especially the water jacket),which was used on aircraft,and the MG42,on top of heavily fictionalized design. And this is because Bethesda wanted a gun that would look at home in the hands of a power armour unit. Protip,Bethesda; Autocannons. Also,Lonesome Road's Shoulder-Mounted Machine Gun. Bah,who am I fooling? Bethesda doesn't care anymore. Haven't for a while,now. Thankfully,Antistar's replaced that chunky abomination with the AR-15 and SA80.


    Seriously hoping for a unique variant of the SA80 called the "Civil Servant" with the tooltip, "It doesn't work,and you can't fire it."

  11. I've been playing through a FWE-modded Fallout 3 lately with a power armoured Big Guns wielding character. And with an M60 and Bozar,it feels good,though the Missile Launcher and Grenade Launcher felt outlandishly underpowered. However,I've been finding some interesting handguns,including a high-explosive .223 Pistol that I've never seen before. So,this got me thinking; With FWE's absolute embarrassment of handguns,are any of them viable for use as a primary weapon against any target? Including extreme targets,such as Enclave troopers (95% DR from the armour),Deathclaw Matriarchs (Huge HP,decent DR,from MMM),and the familiar Super Mutant Behemoth. I refuse to use a Fat Man,or the MIRV,since FWE expands blast radii,and those weapons have huge spread,even under ideal circumstances. Which almost always leads to self-destruction. Especially considering that most Behemoth encounters are close quarters. My Big Guns character kills Behemoths by crippling their legs,then dumping into centre of mass. This spends around 800 rounds of 7.62mm.


    So,are there any weapons that are viable against those targets,that fit the following criteria;

    -Governed by either the "Small Guns" or "Energy Weapons" skill,but isn't a Plasma gun. (I can't lead a moving target with plasma for love nor money.)

    -Is visibly used in a single hand.

  12. To be fair,I've been waiting three years for this. I'm feeling itchy,myself. I simply don't vocalize it,since I'm either aware of the realities of mod development,or can make some good guesses.


    Is it good that people are chomping at the bit for it? Absolutely. Is it good that people are asking for a release date,or snarking about the long development cycle? Also yes,since it shows that they,too,are hyped. We simply need to make sure that we don't come across as confrontational when we point out the "It'll be done when it's done" nature of modding.


    That said,it is getting old having to keep saying the same message over and over. But,can't do anything about that,since the people who'll ask tend to not read the first two posts.

  13. Planned release of this mod is "When Ammo Tweaks puts out that update." Antistar's done everything they could on their end for the initial release of the mod. Since WARS is dependent upon Ammo Tweaks,and the upcoming update is necessary for some of WARS' functionality,the only thing we're waiting on is another mod author to finish their update. And Antistar's started work in earnest on the sister mod,PEACE,in the meantime.

  14. Sim Settlements has quests attached to many of the T3 Advanced Industrial Plots,and one of them is looking for specific weapons. The beer brewery has you using certain food,chem,and junk items to make custom beer recipes. The Medical Plastics Factory has you taking base game flora items (Razorgrain,Mutfruit,silt beans,et cetera) to make new food and chem item recipes. There's a couple of Google docs out there that has everything an end user needs to know about these sorts of things,actually.


    Plots,magazines,and quests: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HAwaYDPQpS8cxhVSG-oJyiMpTqxaRjUkYoeF2grKXgo/edit#gid=0

    Brewery recipes: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Xc3pYjwAen-9w27Lly83QcKzHP-r_mKbSNQnv3HhLbc/edit#gid=0


    Be sure to click on the cells for the quests tab,as there's some info squirrelled away in the cell... Descriptions? There's a text bar above the horizontal axis labels,where info pops up on for some of the cells. These sheets should give you a general idea (I hope) of what Sim Settlements is looking for.

  15. About the tools in a Doctor's Bag; You're performing field surgery,or otherwise very invasive,emergency medical work. Those tools would not be sterile anymore,and therefore very dangerous to reuse. The last thing you want is to go septic,or pick up a flesh-eating virus,from non-sterile medical tools. So,it's safer to just discard them; You'll need far more than just whiskey and a match to sterilize them again.


    Also,as an aside; I hope that WARS and PEACE won't slap around Sim Settlements too hard; Sim Settlements has a few quests attached,more so with Conqueror,and almost all of them are looking for specific items.

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