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Posts posted by Moldy

  1. Kinggath,the mod author,has a YouTube channel and a whole host of tutorials,which he adds to every week. On Tuesdays,I think. He makes these tutorials under the assumption that the user has zero relevant information,and explicitly references other sources if that's impossible. As for the City Leader system,once you assign a Leader,you then need to assign a City Plan. Both of these are done by the City Planner's Desk,by activating the visible blueprint on the desktop. By default,your available City Leaders are the vanilla game's available follower NPC,such as Cait,Preston,and Ada. Now,you don't need to assign a City Plan,but that's how you get the most bang for your buck. Each City Leader has their own traits that,when assigned as a City Leader,will be imposed upon the settlement. If you do not select a City Plan,then you're the one in charge,building everything. With a City Plan,then control is taken out of your hands.


    In short,if you want the system to do the building for you,then you need to both assign a valid City Leader,and a City Plan. It takes a significant amount of time for cities to level up like this; There's a minimum Happiness level per level,the settlement's primary needs need to be met,the settlement needs to collect enough scrap,the plots in the settlement need to be mostly the right level (Typically the level of the city plan that's next),and finally,time needs to pass. Loafing about for a fortnight should be enough... Assuming all of the above is also true.


    EDIT: Since my BBCode failed,here's a link to Kinggath's tutorial playlist. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2g2oK5KhZT2GB7CbkCHtY9xjldm1sazU

  2. It's identical to the power armour jetpack. Hold the jump button. After a moment,the jets'll burn. Of course,due to this input,trying to use the jetpack while travelling up an incline will likely not work at all.

  3. Did you take it to an Armour Workbench to set it to either the Jetpack or Advanced variant? Upon first crafting,it's set to Jet Sprinter,which allows you to sprint faster,for less AP,and jump higher and further if done from a sprint. Jetpack is exactly what it sounds like,and Advanced combines both.

  4. Looting is a critical part of the game,and a 120 Bethesda Funny Unit carry capacity means you can't loot for love nor money,as the highest value loot,modified weapons and armour,especially Legendary variants,will consume a huge chunk of that. Characters without maximized Strength,just beginning the game,won't be able to loot at all. This means players won't be able to make money,nor would they be able to get scrap. They'd have to rush to level 15,and then rush through the Automatron DLC in order to make a robot for the exclusive purpose of being a pack mule.


    Weapons have mass. Ammo has mass. Armour has mass. Clothing has mass. First aid items have mass. Performance boosters have mass. Between the primary weapon,ten reloads for it,secondary weapon,apparel,and aid items every character and their grandmother will be carrying around,there'll be no room for that critical loot.

  5. Let's not forget that this is in a universe where radiation makes things larger, one can take a diuretic that makes all your rads go away and life threatening injuries can be fixed right up with a couple needles of unknown healing substances.


    Funny you mention the reactor pool - you're absolutely right in that a hazmat suit is useless if you get extremely close to the fuel rods, although you don't even need one if you don't dive to the bottom.


    RadAway actually makes some measure of logical sense. Radioactive particles need to actually bind to something in order to do their damage. RadAway is conceivably delivered intravenously,putting it directly into the bloodstream for rapid dispersal. Conceivably,RadAway can bind to radioactive particles in the body,before or after they bind to your precious tissues,in such a manner that makes further bonding impossible. They'll then eventually get passed from your body via the kidneys and bladder,and it wouldn't be hard to get a potent diuretic in the mix,as well in order to facilitate the process.

  6. Every single source of poison damage in the game is delivered via an injection of some kind; Be it from a Rabid Molerat bite (Which has a poison damage effect) and pretty much any goddamned bug in the game stinging or biting you,it's almost always a venomous injection. With the case of the Rabid Molerat and one (I think...) variety of Ghoul with the poison effect,they're still logically breaking skin to deliver a rapid-onset infection. Unless Mirelurk Hunter/Queen bile deals poison damage... Which is total bollocks,since it's quite plainly some kind of mega acid. The Acid Sprayer from Nuka World also deals poison damage,which is,well... Bollocks. Acid ain't poison. So,for poison resistance on armour; Ask yourself if it can stop a purpose-built penetrator with all of the weight of a fully-grown man,or more,behind it. The usual answer for that question is "No." Power armour,meanwhile,would be able to pull it off. Even the Raider variant.


    Finding a way to change the damage type for Mirelurk bile and the Acid Sprayer might be in the cards,too.


    By lore,power armour is very well insulated,with the exception of T-45d,and conceivably the Raider hack-job,so having fire and cryo resistance on power armour makes sense. As for poison,fire,and cryo resistance on more conventional apparel and armour? As I said before,just about nothing in the game besides power armour and robots can conceivably survive a Radscorpion stinging it,and Robot Armour (Added by Automatron) likely wouldn't survive,as much of the robot's durability comes from most of its internals being significantly hardier than the human being beneath the armoured plating that Robot Armour is made from. For fire and cryo resistance,the Boston area is in a fairly temperate area that will conceivably see a reasonable amount of snow in three months time (The game starts a week before Hallowe'en.),so it's reasonable to assume that most non-Institute outfit items would have enough cryo resistance to suggest that it's suitable for hiking from Concord to Fenway Park,a significant distance in reality. Of course,this is assuming the outfit item has long sleeves and legs,and only minimal visible holes. The Institute's outifts would be exempt,as they live in a climate-controlled paradise,and their only agents on the surface are either Synths who either can't feel discomfort (First and second generation) or are posthuman cyborgs who have a much more drastic tolerance. The armour in the game is visibly not made for insulation,but instead to protect the wearer from the hazards of war. For fire resistance,that is pretty simple.


    Don't apply it to any outfit or conventional armour.


    Fire simply does not care. If it's sticking to you,you'll sooner die of asphyxiation than trauma. If it doesn't stick to you,then the heat is the issue,and fires burn extremely hot. A campfire? Eleven hundred degrees Celsius. I shudder to imagine what a flamethrower's fuel burns at. Every single apparel item has elements that will catch fire from exposure to any fire attack in the game. Only power armour is exempt from this,provided you're not talking about T-51b,which has very visible leather straps on the shins,and that iconic leather gorget,both of which would either catch fire,or,if treated,melt,when exposed to these flames. For power armour,T-45d is infamous in lore for having God-awful temperature control and insulation. Which makes sense; It's a rush-job,actually. Raider power armour would be even worse off,since it's slapped together from scrap metal and salvaged,poorly kept,power armour pieces. T-51b has the aforementioned leather parts,which would suffer when exposed to fire,but you'd still be better off than wearing any previously mentioned suit. The Asbestos Lining mod for outfit and armour (?) items would make it extremely difficult for you to actually catch flame,but it'd be cold comfort if you're getting hosed by a flamethrower. If we approach from the realistic model,then the Forged would likely become the second most dangerous group of humans in the Commonwealth,due to their heavy use of incendiaries,which,as I've spent an entire paragraph explaining,doesn't care about armour.


    Getting significant cryo resistance would be difficult,and often impractical; I have never fought an enemy that wields cryo damage. However,candidates would be the Winter Jacket and Jeans outfit item,for reasons I think are obvious,and the Cleanroom Suit and intact Hazmat Suit. The latter two would actually have some manner of fire resistance,contrary to my rant above; They're explicitly engineered to protect the wearer from not only hazardous materials,but hazardous environments,as well. Which would make for a hilarious image of Hancock in a Hazmat Suit kicking down the doors at Saugus Ironworks.


    And THAT is my breakdown on "elemental" protections.


    As for communicating the stats you're using for carry weight and carry volume limits,maybe a note? If you go that route,maybe make it the musings of a scavenger and complaining about storage woes,with lines like, "Maybe Hercules' Bigger Cousin can haul all that junk..." and in general using the rank titles from the New Vegas Vit-o-Matic Vigor Tester to explain these things.

  7. Regarding PEACE and power armour; Power armour suits are literally walking tanks,and quite plainly airtight,considering your permanent underwater time while wearing a suit. To that end,isn't it more than a little shenanigans that they don't provide poison resistance,especially since stepping into a power armour frame completely negates any and all stats provided by worn equipment?

  8. Dual wielding is impressively impractical... Which means it's a long league away from the sphere of WARS,which aims for realism without compromising fun. That said,dual wielding is also impressive to see in action. For some reason,I've always had a soft spot for dual MP5k's or P90c's. Dunno why. You'll still need both hands to reload one of the things.


    Closer to topic; I'm sort of amazed Antistar didn't spring for a Colt 1911. THE American pistol. And,thanks to its calibre,.45 ACP,a close quarters dominator.

  9. To elaborate upon the topic; I'm very new to making mods,but an old hand at using them. Scrap Everything has a very well documented laundry list of performance,stability,and compatibility issues,largely stemming from the mod's use of bUseCombinedObjects=0. However,I still want to knock down certain precombined objects for the sake of maximizing space. Specifically,Sanctuary's still-standing houses and that damn ledger terminal,the structures built around Outpost Zimonja's radio tower,and the scrap shack at Tenpines Bluff,among others. I also use Sim Settlements,and I'd eat my combat boots if the City Plans for these Settlements didn't utilize these structures in some capacity,so installing a mod that removes these structures wholesale from the word "Go" is out of the question,too.


    So,I'm here. I want to make for myself a mod that allows me the option to scrap these structures,should I wish it,or need to,but also allows me to keep them around,should I want to. I don't know where to begin,so I'm asking here. What I'm looking for is either guides or explanations on how to go about doing what I want. Maybe tips and tricks born of more experienced modders' experience. I wanna do a specific thing,and so I'll do a specific thing. Hell or high water.

  10. So,my understandng;

    -Commando: Submachine guns and pistol calibre longarms.

    -Rifleman: Longarms with intermediate-to-large calibres,likely with 5.56mm as the bottom limit.

    -Gunslinger: Sidearms,likely ballistic only,regardless of calibre.

    -Heavy Gunner: Big stonking guns.

    -Science!: Energy weapons,including plasma,regardless of configuration.


    A chance to set enemies on fire is redundant,as every single "standard" energy weapon option has an entire third of their capacitor options being guaranteed ignition options. And then there's the Flamer,a BFG that,in-engine,deals energy damage,so it'd be effected by Science!,and is all about lighting things on fire. It can also be modded to the maximum without any investment in perks,at all. Which is kinda-sorta shenanigans,as flamethrowers are actually impressively complicated pieces of hardware with multiple synchronized valves across three pressurized lines.


    Maybe,instead,a chance to knock enemies over for a moment(Referenced in-engine as a paralysis effect,I'd imagine),as you're either blinding them,forcing muscle convulsions,or bathing them in napalm? Commando gets stagger,Rifleman gets crippling,Gunslinger gets disarming AND crippling. These are all effects that aren't inherent to any of the parts available to the effected weapons. Your proposed chance of ignition,meanwhile,is baked into a full third of all capacitor options among laser and plasma weapons.

  11. Fallout 4 is a desaturated,bleached mess. The colour is washed out,unnaturally so. This makes it quite difficult to pick out targets while out of doors at range,especially if there's foliage about. This washed-out palette also makes it very difficult,for me at least,to use the game's Reflex Sights (The reticule blends in with everything without providing any zoom),and I can't read iron sights for love nor money. This has pushed me to use the See-Through Scopes mod,but lately that was misbehaving,the see-through scopes in question being invisible,and thus impossible to use.


    So,I need a mod that adds some goddamned colour to the 'Wealth. I'm not looking for neon hues,or unnatural colours. Just... Colour,in general. That isn't washed out by impossibly intense sunlight. Seriously; I play the game mostly at night or in the rain,because visibility's actually better in those conditions,than during the harsh daylight.

  12. Hi, I just heard about this WIP mod today. It's really impressive what you got going on. It amazed me that you have still been working on this for 3 years. Out of curiosity, how much progress left until this mod can be released. As I read on the 1st post, it's still far away from complete.

    The second post has an answer for your question.

  13. The issue is as the title says; The See-Through Scopes mod,which I've used in the past,and love to pieces,doesn't want to work. The scopes in question are invisible,and thus inoperable. Load order follows.


    Arbitration - Resources.esm=1
    More Power Armour Mods.esp=1
    More Power Armour Mods - Automatron.esp=1
    Armorsmith Extended.esp=1
    Wasteland Sniper by Hothtrooper44.esp=1
    Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp=1
    Craftable Armor Size.esp=1
    CCOFO4 - Traits and More Perks.esp=1
    VAFS - Chem Redux VIS Patch.esp=1
    CHOoV- VAFS compatable.esp=1
    VaultTecAcceleratedFocusSystem - FarHarbor.esp=1
    VaultTecAcceleratedFocusSystem - NukaWorld.esp=1
    Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp=1
    chem redux.esp=1
    Radrose Usability - DLCCoast.esp=1
    Radrose Usability - DLCNukaWorld + AWKCR.esp=1
    Radrose Usability - DLCRobot.esp=1
    Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements.esp=1
    Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp=1
    Radrose - Valdacil Patch - FO4Hotkeys.esp=1
    Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SimSettlements.esp=1
    Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SkibsWeapons-REDUX.esp=1
    Radrose - Valdacil Patch - VaultTecAcceleratedFocusSystem - Nuka World.esp=1
    Radrose Usability - Empty Bottles.esp=1
    Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp=1
    Radrose - Valdacil Patch - HoloTime.esp=1
    Bozar Fix.esp=1
    3dscopes Add+DLC+BMD Sollus91 Custom.esp=1
    Arbitration - Button Lowered Weapons.esp=1
    Crafting Mastery.esp=1
    Crafting Mastery - Patch Sim Settlements.esp=1
    CartographersMapMarkers Commonwealth.esp=1
    CartographersMapMarkers FarHarbor.esp=1
    CartographersMapMarkers NukaWorld.esp=1
    Better Manufacturing.esp=1
    Better Manufacturing - Valdacil Patch.esp=1
    Better Manufacturing - Manufacturing Extended Additions.esp=1
    Targeting HUD Enhanced.esp=1

  14. Huh. The ass end of the launcher looks to be wide open. It's my understanding that underbarrel grenade launchers are rimfire,but there's nothing,that I can see at least,like the Carl Gustaf's rear cap to keep the round from sliding back out,or to otherwise keep the grenade in position for firing.


    Good work,I'm just wondering how this thing functions. It's how my brain works.

  15. How to render a laser stealthy; Produce an ultraviolet or infared beam. Since it's outside of the visible light spectrum,it'd be impossible for most enemies to see the beam,and it'd only make noise at two points; The point of origin,and the point of impact. The former,because of the energetic nature of the discharge. The latter due to the fact that whatever you're hitting is guaranteed to sizzle.

  16. Y'know,my favourite weapon from Fallout 3: Wanderer's Edition was the HK G11. What a great many people calls,including a current Fallout 4 Featured Mod,"Kraut Space Magic." I have a hunch that it won't exactly be hitting WARS for the following reasons,but I can always hope; It's a f*#@ing amazing gun.


    -Unique animations are required,assuming you're not given permission to poach from the aforementioned mod.

    -As a prototype weapon,the G11 isn't built with modularity or modification in mind,meaning you're largely forced to use the baseline model.

    -Requires a wholly new,and wholly unique,ammunition type; HK 4.73*33mm Prototype Caseless. Literally no other gun in the game will use it,thus begging the question of why.

    -Related to the above,ammunition will be ludicrously scarce and expensive,even if the player opts to craft it,if that is even possible. Not good traits to have on a largely automatic weapon.

    -As yet another gun that has the general profile of an assault rifle,with even less modularity,you'd have a very difficult time of trying to justify its inclusion at all,as its role is already filled by other weapons. Even if you make it perform better than its competition,the lack of mods would likely still be a deal breaker.


    From the perspective of your mod's objectives,the G11,while a lovely gun,probably just doesn't fit. We'd be more likely to see a P90. Which is something I'd also like to see,but,again; Proprietary cartridge and general lack of modularity.


    Still,it was a nifty thought experiment.

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