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Posts posted by Moldy

  1. First of all, many thanks for those who working hard for this mods, you guys rock. When this mod finally release, Bethesda will thank you when they see a tremendous increasing peak on chart. Second, what is the percentage upon the completion of this mod?


    The second post on the first page has an FAQ in it. That'll answer your question as to when it'll be done.

  2. I was discussing this mod with my old man,who plays Fallout 4. He's a retired soldier,and when he saw that the M79,the M203,and China Lake were all in the game,he asked, "Why?" As far as he's concerned,the M203 obviates the need for a dedicated grenade launcher,since it allows you to deploy a 40mm grenade without needing to carry an entirely new weapon.


    I should point out,he's an ex-infantryman,sniper,and helicopter tech,from the Canadian Armed Forces. I can guarantee you his soldiering career colours his opinions.


    While,from a realistic standpoint,I see exactly where he's coming from,as the adoption of the M203 is actually what killed the China Lake,but from a gameplay standpoint,I see why you included them; So a player who wishes to use explosives as their primary weapon will have a weapon available to them; By cutting out the M79 and China Lake,an explosives character will either have to drag around a Fat Man or Missile Launcher,or grumble and gripe about having to drag around an AR-15 just so they can launch grenades.


    That about the size of it?

  3. An animation question; Do you have any idea as to why literally every single game on this planet has everything animated for right handed people? It's always baffled me that literally nobody in video game fiction,with the old and no longer valid exception of Link,was left-handed. It is somehow easier to animate for right-handed characters?

  4. DeviousMethods did a beautiful job with that Reising, but in WARS it would fill a pretty similar role to the Thompson already in place. Like I've said before I think, I can't just add every weapon ever, or the mod will never be finished. :wink:

    So,what sorts of progression curves are we looking at,here? What sorts of weapons do you expect players to cycle through as they play the game and level up,be they a Gunslinger,Commando,Rifleman,or Heavy Gunner?

  5. I'm looking for a mod that adds a pistol to the game. However,I have a few criteria.


    1) It must be ballistic. Pew-pew lazzors and plasma is nice and all,but I have a soft spot for kinetics.

    2) It must be self-loading. To all you gun-educated people in the room,you know precisely what this means. To everybody else; No revolvers. No lever-action. No pump-action. No bolt-action.

    3) It must be a viable primary weapon. It should be able to serve as my go-to gun,capable of killing most enemies I point it at without dumping 10+ magazines into it. In particular,I want it to outperform the Deliverer,because my character isn't James Bond.

    4) It must have modification options. I want a gun that I have to put some TLC into to make it work.

    5) It must be balanced. I'm not looking for a god gun. If I wanted to use the Thumb of God,I'd bust open FO4Edit to turn the Pipe Gun into a monster. I'm looking for something that performs well,but doesn't kill everything in the strategic area with one shot.


    Some nice bonuses would be leveled list integration,and no new ammo type to worry about. Negative on these would be a pretty big deterrent for use,but not entirely deal breaking. I already have the Institute Pistol,but it lacks leveled list integration,and I'm unsure if it outperforms the Deliverer; I've yet to get one and mod it.

  6. I am going to try and be a bit more helpful then rabbit (honestly, why post if you're not going to answer? Don't you have something better to do?)


    It looks like you got a lot of cosmetic mods. Might I suggest LooksMenu. That should make customization a bit easier. You will need F4SE, which I consider to be another "must have" as quite a few mods require it.

    I am going to assume you got BodySlide to go with CBBE and SHB. If not, you should grab that as well though that is less of a mod and more of a companion program. To go along with your theme of self-expression, maybe some better peepers? Eyes Of Beauty has a literal shitton to choose from.


    That is really it from me when it comes to cosmetics. But if you want Settlement, UI, Weapons, armor, and powerarmor mods? I'm yer guy. Let me know and I will list those here. I have 255+ plugins installed and more than willing to share the choice cuts :wink:

    I would like to take you up on that offer,actually. I'm looking for mods that play nicely with Sim Settlements,Armorsmith Extended,and,when it comes out,WARS from Antistar. Not really in the mood for new outfits and similar glamour mods,though.

  7. NMM it is,then. Easy manipulation of my load order is a must for me,and while I don't use profiles,since I'm the computer's sole user,and it's not as dead as I thought it was. It does literally everything I need. Throw in Wrye Bash and FO4 Edit for making bashed and merged patches,and I'm good.

  8. I've been unable to play most of my games for more than a year,now. Now that I've finally built my computer,I need to start all over. In the interim,I've heard that NMM has ceased active development and support,and has been replaced with something called Vortex? Now,I'm very used to how NMM works,but if that's dead code,then I'd rather move onto something with active support and development. Out of the currently-supported mod managers out there that work with Fallout 4,which one is closest to Nexus Mod Manager?

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