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  1. I think I figured it out. I did a bunch of changes at once so I can't be sure but I believe it was with the name I used on the mesh node. I had it matching its parent, so I changed it to have :0 after it. Works now. Not sure if it just get angry if nodes have the same name or the child needed :0
  2. For the past few days I've been trying to make a new weapon based off the plasma gun. I think I am losing the attachment points on the receiver when I remove the mesh from the plasmareceiver.nif and add my own mesh. I've been checking forums and the youtubes but haven't had much luck. Here are my steps: Create my new mesh OBJ. Use bodyslide to convert it to a nif. Copy plasmareceiver.nif. Add my BSSubIndexTriShape to the copy and add a copy of the old material info over. Delete the old BSTriShapes *Note the connection points are still in the nif In creation kit: Create copies of the mod_, miscmod_, co_mod_ and the weapon itself. Modify the standard receiver OMOD to use my new nif. *Note the mesh displays in the preview window. I open the copied weapon and open the templates. I clear out everything in the default template and add in my new receiver. If I close the window and reopen I can see the new receiver mesh in the preview. However, if I add in other mods the mesh disappears. So, now to the attach points idea. If go back to the mod for the receiver and remove the attach points and click "Collect From 3D" the attach points don't return. But if try the same with an unmodified receiver the attach points return. If anyone has ideas or another method for starting a new weapon I'd appreciate the help. Thx in advance.
  3. Weird, maybe there were was a normals issue? I dunno, the nif format is weird. I spend the weekend battling it over a weapon mod issue, that one day I will defeat. Anyways, glad you were able to make some progress and gave your hack/fix. Could help someone else someday.
  4. I assume the part that is missing is a separate mesh. Its just a guess, but it could have something to do with the pipboy. I believe in FO3 the section of the arm under the pip boy disappeared to prevent clipping. Something similar could be happening here. You could try combining the robot parts into a single mesh, though you'd need to retexture. I would put it on a companion and see if it looks correct on them.
  5. Well after four days of working on it, I finally got a set of custom armor into the game. Thx to Jaysus' for his mini tutorial. I still need to rework the textures and such. I've noticed a problem though, the skin doesn't change its hue like skin should. So the skin on the hands and head are a different color than the parts I pasted in. Is there a flag or something that I need to set manually? When I copied the mesh data over I used a node that was originally skin, so I hoped that would take care of it. Anyone know some voodoo to fix this problem? Thx.
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