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Everything posted by Koshinn

  1. Thanks, was having this exact problem.
  2. This works perfectly for a mod that already exists and needs to use another mod's resources. In my particular example, realshelter.esp.
  3. I know this is old, but I just had a problem where I couldn't leave Dustman's Cairn. It would get an infinite loading screen. I tried disabling mods, no dice. I tried "coc whiterun" and other locations, same thing happened. I tried unequipping my items, nothing. Strokend gave me an idea - I somehow had Serana with me on the quest as well as the Companion dude. After thinking about it, the game did tell me that the companion would replace my follower for this quest, but it never actually happened. So with that in mind, I opened the console and disabled Serana, and viola, I could leave without infinite loading screen! I then ran "enable" and "moveto player" so I could get her out of there. Sorry for bumping an old thread, but I hope this helps someone.
  4. I used to hate deathclaws (and giant radscorpions, which were responsible for the death of rex in my hardcore game) until i figured out how DT worked and that you can get 100% crit on a sniper rifle. Then, as long as you aren't fighting them in a cave... ... ... they're not terribly hard. Video I made: I still hate cazadors, although decidedly less now that I picked up a LMG and have a bucket load of HP ammo from my marksman carbine days.
  5. Sword is too small, needs to be BIGGER!
  6. Background: Naval Station Norfolk is pretty much the largest naval base in the world and home to ship yards and the largest concentration of Naval personnel. It's roughly 175 miles south of DC, somewhat shorter by boat. It's far enough away (much further than, say, MCB Quantico) that it wouldn't be on the tip of everyone's tongue as a place to visit. It'd be a good week's journey by foot. As a large military base, it would be a prime target for nuclear attack and so we could assume that it'd be directly hit during the war. It'd probably be wiped out for the most part. Nuclear-powered submarines are probably the single most survivable military asset and are the only guaranteed way to preserve a retaliatory-strike capability. Idea and extrapolation: Let's say after the war, a few portions of the base survived the nuclear strike. Enough that some American subs stationed in the Atlantic could dock there after a few months at sea. It makes sense that Vault-tec would issue GECKs to submarines because they're so survivable. So after they come back to Norfolk they'd use their combined GECKs to create a new community from the ashes and the technology and training as military to secure it, creating something of a fully-functional pre-war society, more so than what the BoS or even Enclave could do. While their supply of power armor wouldn't be very big (too bulky on a sub, pretty much no use for it), they'd have so much technology and the knowledge to use, repair and replicate it, that they could create their own weapons and armor relatively easily, and they'd have 200 years to do it. Unlike the West Coast GECKs, which just contain seeds, fertilizer, a power generator and knowledge, the East Coast GECKs seem more similar to the Genesis device from Star Trek, it literally transforms the surrounding area into fertile land. That means they could start immediately on developing and rebuilding rather than waiting for the radioactive topsoil and such to wash away or decay. As it's a really far overland trip, I'm guessing something like the Point Lookout Ferry would be used to get to Norfolk, or maybe a vertibird ride after broken steel (and the player doesn't wipe out the brotherhood). Since they will have been active for a while, I'm thinking they know a lot of what's happening in the DC area and were planning to do something about the BoS and/or Enclave, but the destruction of one (or both) by the Lone Wanderer beats them to the punch. I'd imagine that after a long quest chain, you can gain access to some of their weapons/armor and a player house there. The story could revolve around getting them to "come out of their shell" so to speak, or to stop being isolationists and turning everyone away and spread forth to become a positive influence on the East Coast. I don't know, I haven't thought of a main storyline yet, just a lot of background. Any ideas? Anyone want to work on this?
  7. Type V - Luchaire http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5326 Type 3 - Dimon99 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4280 BABE - Brurpo http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1185 Or any others I missed?
  8. Fallout tactics had a special encounter based on pitch black, where you're in the middle of a dark map with a guy named riddick in the middle, and you have to follow him because only he can see at night. Oh, and there's a billion deathclaws ready to charge you.
  9. Hm... going for realism, if you're a female character, could someone make a mod that gets you pregnant, then lets you have a kid?
  10. Like I said in another post, it really made me angry to pay for Nova, then have her just go to sleep in my bed! I don't think the Post-Apocalyptic Hookers Union would consider that the way to generate "satisfied customers"! I'd have been perfectly happy with a fade to black and a "wow, you were great" or "gee, that was quick" dialog depending on Charisma/Endurance. And what if my female PC wants to earn some extra cash working for Morriarty? Also, what the heck is the point of Black Widow/Lady Killer (besides the damage bonuses) if you can't actually seduce someone?! Black Isle managed that in 1998... :confused: Actually you can seduce Mr. Burke with Black Widow, and if you go to Moriarty's throughout the game, Moriarty will give you love letters that Burke dropped off when you weren't there.
  11. well if we're talking about mainstream zombies (and not the zombie-vampire hybrids of I Am Legend), they generally "see" you just as well in day or night. Thus, because as humans we're disadvantaged in night, it would be smarter for a survivor to just hole up somewhere safe and hidden at night and try to get some rest. Then you travel in the daylight so you can see the zombies just as well as they can see you. I think that concept was also mentioned in the Terminator series, where humans would move at night to hide their movements even though they KNEW that all the robots used both visual light and infrared to see, thus day or light didn't matter to them. I mean, there's a reason the night time is scary in a zombie movie. They can see you, but you can't see them. I'd say increasing zombies at night is just giving the player even more incentive to stay quiet at not move at night... if anything, you'd want to increase the zombies in the day time to force the player to consider if they want to fight hordes of zombies in a stand up fight or dodge the fewer zombies that have a much better chance of spotting you than you spotting them. The reasons there are more zombies out in the daytime is simple - there are more humans out in the day time, which makes sense.
  12. You'd need quests, or the game would get very boring very fast. Quests would be like... "We're running out of food. Go to the grocery store and get some." or... "We heard a group of survivors on the radio claiming they're holed up in an abandoned aircraft carrier, but they need resupplying. Every zombie laying siege to their aircraft carrier is one less zombie around us, so their survival is very important." or... "Another survivor has arrived and has told of a group of humans with powerful weapons and armor who are going around and luring the zombies into bottle necks, then killing them off with expertly aimed headshots in a very methodical and effective manner, but they were ambushed by hundreds of zombies and are now occupying the second floor of an office building in downtown DC, surrounded on all sides with dwindling ammunition, food, water and medicine. Find a way to distract the zombies and get them away so these power armored soldiers can escape and continue their mission." etc etc etc.
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