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About Ummthingy

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  1. I still peak in when I have time. I'm sorry about the models. I model like I'm doing a technical drawing not as a game modder basicaly because that's all I know. I'm glad they are of use to people though. That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
  2. Keep in mind a standard bolt is .75 caliber. That is just shy of 20mm, and a bit bigger than a 12 gauge shotgun shell. I can't remember where I read it (i'll have to go through my fluff) but a standard bolter fires in three modes, single, 4 round burst, and full auto. They never do give the size of a heavy bolt shell though. I have some free time coming soon. I'm going to model a Stalker Pattern Bolter, and the Vindicare Assassin weapons.
  3. as soon as i get my Tau models out of storage I'm going to model up their weapons. I'm not ready to tackle an armor project right yet. I still need to finish the Imperial Heavy weapons backpacks. Those so far are a little more work than I anticipated. Keep in mind I only have the know-how to make models and that's only in CAD, which makes it difficult for the rest of the community to deal with. Its up to any brave soul to take my models and finish them.
  4. Oh, I gotcha, ammo type. I new that I just didn't make the connection. BTW does anyone have good pics of the Vindicare Assassin? I wanted to model an Executioner Rifle and Pistol but I can't find any detail pics.
  5. Which one is the stalker pattern? New style or old. If old I can probably whip one up in a few hours. Nice job on the textures. I'm glad someone is putting these to use. I wish I could do more but I lack the time, software, know how, and skill.
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