Well, after strenuous searching on the nexus and through google, I have come to a conclusion that no such mod exists. Before making this request, I also searched the request forums, and found one thread that was last updated in 2011 that never had any replies requesting a kimono inside. I don't think It would be a good idea to bump a year old thread, and so I've come to the conclusion to make a new thread. I am looking for somebody who can make a decent-good kimono mod that I can use custom companion that I am building. One that only uses a Katana (I know there are several Katana mods already, I'm sure if I ask one of the owners for permission to use it, it will be granted). I plan on making both a male and female version (preferably for Breeze, and Type3 bodies), both of which will be the stoic silent type. As in they wont talk. Colors/patterns don't really matter to me, though a high def semi-tattery appearance would be nice. Of course, clean versions for those that aren't looking for lore friendly mods can enjoy as well would be appreciated. Well, I guess anything would be appreciated. If you need a point of reference, I can google some images for you. Of course, I'll obviously give full credit to the maker of said mod. Edit: Adding information