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Everything posted by Slaughters
This sounds simple enough, but I was wondering if somebody could make some spray paint tags with options for different colors. Maybe so we can easily replace the tags by swapping out an image file. Perhaps, find a way that we can also leave tags anywhere in the wasteland too. So, after we kick some raider arse, we can tag their building!
terminals --> Linux vm mod... possible?
Slaughters replied to SlimeQ's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
You can install GNU/Linux on anything. -
I'm going to strongly recommend noscript and noredirect browser addons for firefox and Chrome. Noscript will allow you to configure what scripts can and cannot be executed in your browser, which is very important for ones security. Just my two cents on this matter.
Have you done a speed test? Perhaps something else is affecting your connection (such as malware or a firewall) as I have no problem downloading anything. I even get fast speeds from Euro-servers. I easily get well over 50kbps on the free servers too. Generally upwards of a total of 800kbps with multiple mods downloading in nmm.
I keep getting this message when I try to join the chat: The IP.Chat room limit has been reached. You will not be able to join the chat room until some users first leave. However, the chat link shows there are only 14 people in there. Perhaps I'm not the only person with this problem? Also, I do sincerely apologize if this has already been brought to the site staff's attention, if I posted it in the wrong section, or if it's completely unnecessary, just trying to help! Edit: It would seem as though I am now able to join the chat room. Not sure if there is no problem or not though.
Ah, works fine now. And again, I'd like to apologize for this thread. Especially because "I felt I had no other choice." Whereas I should have been more patient and perhaps a bit more persistent with PM's.
I sent the first PM on 8 Dec. I think I was banned around Midnight EST (GMT -5) the morning before (the 7th). Thank you very much for taking your time to respond to me too.
I can't say I know about the craziness that has been happening around here. I generally mostly lurk and occassionally pop in the chat. I'd PM the mod that actually banned me from the chat if I had any idea who it was. I don't even know what it was for or even how long. I figured, even though I didn't know who it was, one of the staff members I had PM'ed would have been kind enough to have told me who to PM about it. I've been pro-lurking here for over 5 years and never caused any other problems. I don't want to cause problems now, but I'm just a bit annoyed that nobody other than you and Micalov have replied to me. I'm not trying to say the staff here are lazy, or insult them in any way. And I'm probably coming off as sounding a bit annoyed or maybe even condescending and if I am, I apologize for that. All I was looking for was a response of some sort. Though, you mostly answered my question with 'holidays' though not really. I understand it was the holidays, but I sent my initial PM a couple weeks before even Christmas and opened up my ticket about a week before Christmas. I know that people can be quite busy during the holidays, but I don't believe it should take so long for a single response. Again, I apologize if I offended anybody with this thread. It wasn't my intention to offend (maybe annoy some people so they respond) but not offend. Anyway, hope everybody had a happy holiday. Perhaps, the staff member that banned me from the chat would be willing to PM me?
Just curious. As I've PM'ed several staff members about my problem over the course of several weeks and only received one response. I even opened a ticket and got no response to it. I don't even care that I was banned from the chat. The thing that bothers me is the staff just completely and outright ignored me. I understand that people have lives and can be busy. But it's been about a month since my problem. I've seen the staff respond to countless threads and such and post reasons for banning people. Yet, I remain ignored. Not even so much as a "Go **** yourself, Slaughters." Generally I find creating a thread for personal problems such as my own to be no more than a nuisance. However, at this point I also feel I have no choice since the logical approach of PMing staff members doesn't seem to work at all. So hopefully creating a thread about this might garner some form of response. I'll post screenshots showing the lack of response if necessary. Edit: Hopefully I'm not on global ignore or anything? I really don't know what I could have done that would have spurned such a negative attitude of me.
So, as a long time user of irssi, I'm looking to make a 'secondary' or rather new console inside of the game that would pull up a putty based bash environment where it would be possible to run irssi inside of F:NV (and obviously be ported). Though, I don't really know where to start. I've some experienced in c, python, perl, and quite good with bash. If I could figure a way to load a bash environment inside of a 'console' type environment triggered by a hotkey (say shift + ~ or ctrl + ~) then I'd be good to go from there. So ideas and suggestions to get this show on the road would be appreciated. On another note, just being able to get putty (bash) to load would be nice, be able to run something like htop and have system performance monitoring while playing would be nice. Maybe eventually get a terminal multiplexer functioning. Ooh, I could ssh into my server while gaming? Would be nifty! The possibilities!
So, I really enjoy playing in 3rd person, but hate when I'm forced into first person after using VATS. I imagine it wouldn't be too difficult to stop the switch to first person when VATS is activated and left. In intense combat, when I'm suddenly switched to first person, I can become rather confused. Also, if it's possible to remain in 3rd person during conversations with NPCs, that would be nice too. I at least hope this request is simple.
How do I edit Player Character Textures
Slaughters replied to Slaughters's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
Ah, what a pain in the ass, but I guess I have to. -
Well, after strenuous searching on the nexus and through google, I have come to a conclusion that no such mod exists. Before making this request, I also searched the request forums, and found one thread that was last updated in 2011 that never had any replies requesting a kimono inside. I don't think It would be a good idea to bump a year old thread, and so I've come to the conclusion to make a new thread. I am looking for somebody who can make a decent-good kimono mod that I can use custom companion that I am building. One that only uses a Katana (I know there are several Katana mods already, I'm sure if I ask one of the owners for permission to use it, it will be granted). I plan on making both a male and female version (preferably for Breeze, and Type3 bodies), both of which will be the stoic silent type. As in they wont talk. Colors/patterns don't really matter to me, though a high def semi-tattery appearance would be nice. Of course, clean versions for those that aren't looking for lore friendly mods can enjoy as well would be appreciated. Well, I guess anything would be appreciated. If you need a point of reference, I can google some images for you. Of course, I'll obviously give full credit to the maker of said mod. Edit: Adding information
The Holoboy, Holographic Pipboy.
Slaughters replied to Slaughters's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Can't be done? Really? Despite the many mods that already removed the pipboy? There might be some kind of issue of removing everything but the pipboy screen, however removing the pipboy isn't the issue. It's figuring out how to keep the display screen up without the pipboy, or just create a new screen. Obviously the screen can be recreated, like in the readius mod, and all the readius retexs. To even call this idea impossible is very shortsighted. -
Okay, I'm working on my first mod for FNV and the nexus, which will remove the default pipboy, but leave the pipboy screen with no background floating above a wristwatch. Right now, I was just looking for resources on removing the actual pipboy. Hopefully somebody can give me some pointers as I'm not having much luck at this time.
Minus the hideous iron sights, octagonal cast iron barrel, brass receiver instead of steel or aluminum. Not to mention It fires a huge version of the .44, a rimfire version though but still.
Holoboy, pipboy projector!
Slaughters replied to Slaughters's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
Well, the pipboy has already been removed, made invisible, made transparent. So that part is taken care of. All we need to do then is put a watch on the wrist, and when tab is pressed the regular animation plays and all that shows is the pipboy menu without a pipboy. Alternatively, somebody can add rays of light projecting from the watch. Seems simple enough for me. I'm just hoping somebody can point me to some resources, give me some advice, answer my questions when I have them, and I might be able to do it myself. -
I really really really hate how the pipboy looks, which is why I use the readius. I don't really like the readius too much though, so here comes option 3. I'm looking to make a Holographic pipboy, projected from a small wristwatch. It'd be fairly easy too, it could use the same animation and everything. Really, all that would be needed is the interface, with maybe some rays of light. F1, F2, F3 navigation and bam. At least it sounds simple to me, just no idea where to start. If anybody is interested in helping me, or taking this over completely then by all means do so.
If somebody could make a bunch of meshes/textures, I'd finish them.
Okay, as a huge fan of Stephen King, and the wild west, I am hopefully making a reasonable mesh/texture request here. I'm hoping somebody will kindly make a mesh/texture of The Gunslinger based on the cover art of same titled Dark Tower series novel, http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1248798072l/43615.jpg http://www.figurerealm.com/Customs/7000/6844-1.jpg Part two of this request, which will probably prove to be really tedious, I would like two holsters on the hips, one purely aesthetic, the other to make a holstered revolver not look stupid. The one for the wielded revolver would have to be empty, but the other one could always have another revolver that will never be used in it. Anyway, if you're interested, please make the mesh/texture for Geonox's heroes race, http://newvegasnexus.com/down!loads/file.php?id=3822 Also, I don't really want to be a burden, but if you could do it hi res too, I'd try and give kudos everyday for a month!
Not sure if there is a custom caliber resource yet, but would anybody be willing to make some Colt SAA Peacemaker mesh/texture http://crimsonsguns.tripod.com/SAA_P1870.jpg , and a Henry repeater, http://www.shootingtimes.com/longgun_reviews/STbigboy_111706inset.jpg Not sure if there is a dual wield mod, but I'd love to dual wield some Peacemakers on my cowboy character. All I'm looking for is the mesh/texture, I can do the rest. If you want to complete it, by all means go ahead, keep my uploads at 0 (kidding)! Anyway, if anybody makes the mesh/textures it would be much obliged and kudos would be required.
Night/Thermal Ocular Implant
Slaughters replied to Slaughters's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
Works really great! Might make a new mod request though for some eye textures, like a digital eyes or something. -
Night/Thermal Ocular Implant
Slaughters replied to Slaughters's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
I'll give that a try. Just might do the trick. -
Anybody out there think they can add another Ocular implant for night vision, infrared/thermal vision? (With or without NVSE, I would prefer it to require NVSE if it would give better results). Probably price it around 10k caps maybe. If using NVSE, it could be activated with a hotkey maybe. If without NVSE, maybe have the choice of nightvision or thermal, and have it automatically activate at night/dark places. I hope this request isn't too complicated. I'd be extremely grateful to anybody willing to accomplish this. I'd give kudos for sure! Edit: I found a mod very similar to what I was looking for (http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37228) , but I was hoping it would utilize both eyes. Maybe just an eye retex too rather than a big hunk of lenses protruding from the eyes.