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About muskrat50

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  1. Was wondering if anyone could quickly throw together a mod to make eldritch knight's weapon bond add throw tag to the currently equipped weapon? Seems odd to me the weapon comes back to me when thrown, but I can't add throw to the weapon and would have to use a sub-par weapon for the class to make full use of the weapon bond. Would also open up some really cool opportunities.
  2. I can't find any mods that add or change Half orc faces, and I would really appreciate if someone could even just copy over some of the other races faces cause good lord half orc faces are bad.
  3. Wondering if anybody would be willing to fix the bonus radiant damage from the quest altars that consistently turns itself off for no reason.
  4. Was wondering if any could go through the spell list and make minor buff spells last until long rest like ritual spells, mage armor etc? Examples being guidance, thaumaturgy, blade ward. These spells don't have a cost, don't have a limit, yet have a rather pointless up time limit.
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