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  1. I'd forgotten about FlashBlock - thanks, this seems to solve the problem gracefully.
  2. With the ads disabled with Adblock I can browse nexus mods with no problems. But with the ads on it's causing major performance issues. Before I updated Firefox it would just crash my browser outright every time. Currently running Firefox version 41.0.1 on Windows 10.
  3. My idea is reading skillbooks grants you a permanent, stacking buff that increases the rate at which you level the corresponding skill. The skill book system is dumb in Skyrim. It makes perfect sense in Fallout's leveling system, since the cost of leveling is the same i.e. leveling a skill from 10 to 11 and leveling from 99 to 100 both only cost 1 skillpoint. In Skyrim the worst thing you can do is to use a skill book early on because it takes literally 20 seconds to level a skill from 15 to 16 and so on. My idea makes skillbooks benefit you throughout the entire game. In vanilla Skyrim there are 5 skillbooks for each skill, so perhaps finding all the skillbooks for one skill can grant +4~5% leveling speed up to +~20% leveling speed, on par with the Standing Stones.
  4. Sorry that I didn't post the solution sooner guys, edited the original post. Enjoy.
  5. I've got a problem with getting the right eye color for one of my custom NPC's. I'm using the NifMerge tool. If I directly Ctrl+F4 export from the creation kit, then I get the right eye color for my character but without the morphs from the Chargen sliders. If I merge a racemenu exported head nif with the CK exported head nif, I'll get the right morphs but for some reason the eye color is wrong. And if I merge the two nifs after unchecking the eyes in NifMerge, I'll get the right colour but not the morphs for the eyes so the eyelashes end up misaligned with the rest of the face. Any ideas on how to solve this, anyone? Update: SOLUTION FOUND So sorry that I didn't post this sooner, I wasn't really bothered typing out all the instructions at the time and I didn't realize so many people had the same problem, but that was selfish. The only way to make this right is to share my solution with you all! But beware that this solution was tested on an older version of Chargen Extended. I haven't made custom NPCs since expired6978 updated RaceMenu to include CharGen Extension so I don't know if these problems still occur or if this fix still works. I don't know what problems could potentially occur with the new RaceMenu. You'll have to try it out yourself. So the problem is caused by the fact that Chargen Export does NOT correctly export the path to the correct eye textures to your exported Nif file, therefore you need to copy and paste the path to the correct texture from Creation Kit to your exported nif. What you'll need: Nifskope and NifMerge. 1. Follow the instructions on Chargen Extension on configuring NifSkope to open up your Skyrim .nif files. 2. Go into Creation Kit, make sure your NPC has the face parts you want, and Ctrl+F4 export. 3. In game, unequip everything from your character, design your face, then export your head. 4. Go to Skyrim\Data\meshes\actors\character\facegendata\facegeom\ and find the exported .nif file for your NPC (identified by their editor ID) 5. Open up the Creation Kit exported .nif and your CharGen exported .nif in NifSkope 6. In your CK nif file, click on your NPC's eyes. If you did this correctly, then in the Block List in NifSkope a "NiTriShape" node should be selected with a value saying "FemaleEyesHumanBlue", or something along those lines. 7. Click on NiTriShape -> BSLightingShaderProperty -> BSShaderTextureSet. Next look at the Block Details, expand the Textures branch and on the first line is a path that points to the correct eye textures. Double click the path and copy it. Then, find the same place in your CharGen .nif in NifSkope and paste it into the same line. It should replace the incorrect/missing texture path. 8. (Optional) If your NPC has makeup or warpaint of any kind, then go to NiTriShapeData (FemaleHeadNord) (or whichever race you're using) -> BSLightingShaderProperty -> BSShaderTextureSet, find the line that points to data\textures\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\[NpcEditorID].dds, copy and paste it into the same place in your CharGen .nif. 9. Merge your nifs with NifMerge. 10. Copy the .dds file generated by CharGen and replace the one in Skyrim\Data\textures\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceTint to give your character makeup. Happy NPC making!
  6. In order to use eyes from another mod in your own npcs, you first need to set that Runic eyes mod and apachii hair as master files for your esp file. Download Wrye Bash, from Wrye Bash you can convert any esps into an esm from the right click menu. Then after right click your own esp, click "Add Masters" and add whichever esm's contain your hair and eye colors. Then you can load up your esp in Creation Kit and set your eyes and hair again. It should work then.
  7. Hi I'm new to modding and I'm trying to create an armor enchantment (or possibly even create a new spell, though I'm not sure how to do that) that applies a buff to all allied characters around you if they're standing close enough. Is this possible?
  8. This. If you don't want to mess up your game horribly then you need to learn the bare essentials of using Creation Kit. Once you know how to navigate around the Creation Kit, the easiest way to create your own NPC is to find an in-game NPC that most closely resembles what you want, duplicate that NPC in the CK, and make changes to that duplicate as you see fit.
  9. I'm trying to create an enchantment for a piece of armor that will, when worn by someone (I intend to put it on a follower), increase the amount of damage done by allied characters within a certain distance of the wearer. I find the most direct way of amplifying damage is using a damage multiplier applied through a special perk that's only added when the piece of armor is worn since it saves on having to add a bunch of Fortify <Skill> effects. The damage increase part seems to work fine, but I'm having trouble getting the effect to apply to other characters. Does anyone know how I can do this?
  10. Is there a mod like this? In Dark Souls your shield is able to absorb most or all of the damage from an attack depending on the shield but drains a crap load of your stamina, but on the other hand stamina also regens very quickly so you can take a couple of hits here and there, you just can't hide behind a shield all day otherwise your stamina runs out and you are staggered leaving you very vulnerable to attack. I know there are several mods which change up the combat system with regard to stamina usage but I don't know how similar they are to Dark Souls.
  11. You've seen this, whenever you are talking to one of the Daedric Princes (or that big ball of light under the College of Winterhold) you can't skip the conversation, you just have to sit there and wait for them to finish. The problem is even worse because so many of them have a tendency to speak veeeeery sloooooowly. Is there a reason why this is? Is it a technical restriction on Skyrim's part or is it by design?
  12. Hi, I'm new to modding! How do I make a trigger for either NPC dialogue or a quest from shouting in town? Like in the game if you shout in town, either a guard will talk to you or a courier will deliver a letter to you about the location of a word of power.
  13. There's no such thing as Mithril in vanilla Skyrim, it must come from a mod you have installed.
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