I've got a problem with getting the right eye color for one of my custom NPC's. I'm using the NifMerge tool. If I directly Ctrl+F4 export from the creation kit, then I get the right eye color for my character but without the morphs from the Chargen sliders. If I merge a racemenu exported head nif with the CK exported head nif, I'll get the right morphs but for some reason the eye color is wrong. And if I merge the two nifs after unchecking the eyes in NifMerge, I'll get the right colour but not the morphs for the eyes so the eyelashes end up misaligned with the rest of the face. Any ideas on how to solve this, anyone? Update: SOLUTION FOUND So sorry that I didn't post this sooner, I wasn't really bothered typing out all the instructions at the time and I didn't realize so many people had the same problem, but that was selfish. The only way to make this right is to share my solution with you all! But beware that this solution was tested on an older version of Chargen Extended. I haven't made custom NPCs since expired6978 updated RaceMenu to include CharGen Extension so I don't know if these problems still occur or if this fix still works. I don't know what problems could potentially occur with the new RaceMenu. You'll have to try it out yourself. So the problem is caused by the fact that Chargen Export does NOT correctly export the path to the correct eye textures to your exported Nif file, therefore you need to copy and paste the path to the correct texture from Creation Kit to your exported nif. What you'll need: Nifskope and NifMerge. 1. Follow the instructions on Chargen Extension on configuring NifSkope to open up your Skyrim .nif files. 2. Go into Creation Kit, make sure your NPC has the face parts you want, and Ctrl+F4 export. 3. In game, unequip everything from your character, design your face, then export your head. 4. Go to Skyrim\Data\meshes\actors\character\facegendata\facegeom\ and find the exported .nif file for your NPC (identified by their editor ID) 5. Open up the Creation Kit exported .nif and your CharGen exported .nif in NifSkope 6. In your CK nif file, click on your NPC's eyes. If you did this correctly, then in the Block List in NifSkope a "NiTriShape" node should be selected with a value saying "FemaleEyesHumanBlue", or something along those lines. 7. Click on NiTriShape -> BSLightingShaderProperty -> BSShaderTextureSet. Next look at the Block Details, expand the Textures branch and on the first line is a path that points to the correct eye textures. Double click the path and copy it. Then, find the same place in your CharGen .nif in NifSkope and paste it into the same line. It should replace the incorrect/missing texture path. 8. (Optional) If your NPC has makeup or warpaint of any kind, then go to NiTriShapeData (FemaleHeadNord) (or whichever race you're using) -> BSLightingShaderProperty -> BSShaderTextureSet, find the line that points to data\textures\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\[NpcEditorID].dds, copy and paste it into the same place in your CharGen .nif. 9. Merge your nifs with NifMerge. 10. Copy the .dds file generated by CharGen and replace the one in Skyrim\Data\textures\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceTint to give your character makeup. Happy NPC making!