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Posts posted by knivesomara

  1. Hello nexus moding community!

    I was woundering if it is possible rather than permanent replacement of jump animation to be able to make powers / items / abilities that allow you to jump higher (with less absurd yet stylish animation's),Roll left ,right , or back in combat, take less fall damage (possibly leg enchantment), and perhapes to be able run up,along or scale walls maybe even jump off one wall to another.

    By default you will still have the normal vanilla animations/movement but with a power equiped it would change the players Animations + Maneuverability while each enhanced movment would cost stamina and possibly wind a user for several seconds if stamina is fully drained, I know this kinda thing would be crazy complex to pull off but would be awesome to see.

  2. Im not sure what addon it was in fo3 but it had a vault with a prison and out in the wastland when you fight some times the enemy would give up and you could arrest ,kill,release,and loot the targets.

    the ones you arrested they would go to jail in your vault and you have the option to let them go,sentence them to death, work for you or become your companion. i would love to see this agian.

  3. It would be awesome to see a gun (more like a shoulder cannon) that punches npcs off there feet using a blast wave of air or shooting a solid projectile from either e explosive round or maybe even a charging ammo that builds pressure [steam valve] if you wanted to you can make it a weapon you could build on the bench maybe it will use water pressure and its ammo is made with any kinda water you have in aid and maybe a empty bottle made on the bench. below is a few images as to get a idea of what i mean.



  4. looks like a cheap airsoft gun to me

    Well then you havent held or fired a real one before perhapes its the polymer throws you off but let me start by saying its fairly impressive all around, it puts out .45 rounds with the kick of a 9mm because of its low bore axis which reduces felt recoil and enhanced operator control, illuminated raised combat sights , pre-threaded barrel for a suppressor, interchangable rear handle grips for comfort,rear slide cover for optical sights,and the weapon is completely ambidextrous. To be honest i didnt think much of it when i first saw it and a turn off was there was only 500 copys made in black and the rest are Od Green polymer with a few slide options but after Fireing this gun i fell in love with it. This is my alternative to the Mk 23. which i love and wish i could own but is now near next to impossible to find and comes with a price tag double the size of the FNP of around $2,000.

    If i could see either weapon in new vegas it would be amazing and if any one is willing to model either gun let me know if you need help with the sound effects.

  5. When i picked up the riot shotgun i loved it but i always tought it was way to fast to reload then i rememeber my classic battle field days the striker (Dao 12g) would be a awesome weapon perhapes more power then the riot but moderate reload to make it more of a challange maybe a upgrade for removable drums,Flash suppressor,shotgun porting.


  6. Love this weapon if some one could make this it would defently make up for the weight of the oversized 20mm not to mention plenty of room for mods like a broom handle,red dot,barrel extention and so on.


  7. I was thinking if you went old school to give it that fallout feel use the Panzerfaust 3 instead then theres many others like the AT4 ,Rpg-7,M72 LAW,Javillin (heat seaking xD) the classic Carl Gustav recoilless rifle , and if you want to get nutty the M-388 Davy Crockett Recoilless nuke launcher.
  8. Is there some way to design a simple menu when traveling with more then one companion to make them

    wait/Follow/ change distance /change weapons/Agressive/Passive it would greatly help combat when you need to change things in a hurry.

  9. Was woundering if anyone could possible make a outfit similar to this one from ghost in the shell or even the one with the jacket corset and long boots (didnt post that image for obvious reasons)


  10. Looks nice, love SIG P266 (or alt. versions of it). Tho there should be just upgrades, cuz I hate reddot on pistols. And many people. :)

    The Red dot mainly for competition shooting but i agree i do without it when i carry, Got to love the mod system they added in NV this gives the player options still i wish there was a way to remove mods to guess we will have to wait for that.

  11. I own this weapon and i love it, if i could see it in this game with the ability to put a trijicon red dot, silencer , extended mags, and if possible a tactical light for people who use Pipboy Readius this would be very nice .


  12. If possible with the shovel if you can dig up graves why not be able to make them as well perhapes gaining good karma for doing this but this is the simple idea what would be awesome is a caravan you can call (like the ncr phone) that would collect limbs ,bodies "unconscious or dead ;D " while shouting Bring out your dead!


  13. now that i think about it maybe around the data screen it will animate binary code or circuit board with pulses running along the its surface im not sure if its even possible but a hardcore vr. of this or a regular pipboy with no pause while in the menu would make the game extra hard.
  14. I always tought it would be cool to alpha the interface right into the FPV make it appear to be a retinal implant seeing that theres a medic who provides bio mods in NV would be awesome to have this as a option to replace the old pipboy.


  15. It would be awesome to see a Tranqulizer Gun that gives KO status like the boxing/tape gloves but for a longer duration but this is the tip of all the possibilitys theres tazer shotgun rounds (alternative to bean bag rounds with arcs shooting off the body) black jacks, tazers/stun guns,blow guns,posion laced throwing knives/spears,sleep gas grenades,maybe even sedative syringe you can use by sneaking up on a enemy and just for laughs put in some sleeping pills that would knock you out (rag doll) but remove sleep deprevation.


  16. So lets say you cant find a bathroom perhapes you go in your pants and recive a penalty like -3 char make flys swarm around you and the only way to get clean would be a combination of a 1x bucket, 3x purified water,1x detergent but lets say you got to go outside maybe put all them pre war books to good use as tp lol.
  17. What would be great is a usable item that makes your aim steady and decrease sleep but makes you loss 1 hp (if possible 0.5 ) for 5 to 10 secs but if you get addicted you aim is all over the place and some negative penalties when you have withdrawals.
  18. Im not sure if it can be done to the legs unless some one made a crawling animation but lets say you can blow off a arm of a bad guy they get ristrictions to 1 handed weapon or a melee weapon after it happens and make it so they bleed out over time. What would be even more intresting is this effect on your own character aside from being restricted maybe you would have to use a tourniquet to stop a bleed out and maybe your arm becomes a item you can pick up and reattached via medical tool (perhapes alien) would give a whole new meaning to hardcore lol.
  19. They already sort of do this- kinda. When you sit down, for some reason that's when their expression sometimes changes.


    I've been wanting stuff like this too but I think it might be outside of the game engine's capabilities.

    i understand what your saying but its nothing to fantastic maybe a head tilt here or there make me feel like a terminator :mellow: perhapes theres a way to script poseing like in fo3 but instead of choosing a menu a event would trigger the pose/animation/sound. As far as the limitations of the engine i would say this would be pushing it but isnt that the funnest part of moding :smile: if anyone thinks it possible please let me know.

  20. Was woundering if it was possible to make a mod that would randomly generate a emotion both visual and with sound effects based on your status to give the character more life when idle (paning camara 3rd person) or roaming for example

    1 (normal full health) a smile once in a while to replace the stone cold stare or maybe the character will dust them selves off or check there weapon maybe perhapes even looking around or over there shoulder or up in the air crack knuckles if weapon is unequiped.

    2 (dehydration) maybe a random pant or sigh not to often or i can see it geting annoying wipeing sweat from forhead

    3 (sleep) yawning once every 5 to 10 mins perhapes half opened eyes or even a quick head bob when idle even streaching

    4 (hungry) classic stomach growl once in a while maybe holding or rubing stomach looking down at it when idle

    5 (crippled limb /hurt) when nothings equiped maybe hold a arm in pain perhapes the sound of pain while walking onces in a while checking the wound when idle maybe even griting teeth close to death half closed eyes

    6 (using aids or drugs) silly eyes goofy smile if drunk possible hicups maybe for physcho/slasher a war cry once in a while (recycle some sounds from within the game to match)

    or heart pounding very fast in the ear

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