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About TheSephirion

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  1. Ah you must be the one who started the dragon order thing haha well hey there.
  2. (Updates) ok the floating tower mod -- I have completed the exterior shape of the two towers the position is very scenic if you ask me wont make much of a difference of youvé disabled LOD but moving on the interior is not quite complete or should i say i haven't realy developed the interior yet but i'm working on the dragon landing pad. The Onimusha overhaul --- So far i have developed the plane the temple is situated but... no temple yet what i have done is created some of the weapons i am looking for someone who can do the anims for 3 of the swords the tornado one the fire one and that electric one I know he is a member of the forums but right now i can't seem to find him so that will be on a pending order. But i have completed those two swords for samonauske the one is an off hand weapon which takes the place of the shield i'll try add a damage multiplyer to it but no guarantees. The illuminating staff i'll write up a script to toggle between light and on just need a bit of time. The Ridable camel --- i have completed the meshes for the xamel it uses horse anims but i just need to get some nice camel fur textures created for it should be uploaded soon.
  3. ok i can't do anymore mods for people i will develop the camel mod the onimusha overhaul the samurai dojo and the floating tower mod for drkmaster666 and the recolouring of the robes my schedule is also a bit busy so i will do these mods but they will be released in time so if you don't have patience then tell me thats all. SO PEOPLE NO MORE MODS for now that is, let me finish off the ones i'm busy with when i'm done with the mod i'll update you people
  4. I'm not sure if i could do those anims but there is someone called OWASephiroth he is the one who did sephs hand to hand combat and those mocap anims but i heard he is taking a break from modding but! he has a brother taking his place if you want anims i think you can ask him the thing is i am not sure what his user name on the forums is but the probability of him using the prefix OWA is a high possibilty i am not sure he will do requests but its worth a try asking right.
  5. Final Fantasy wow! um where to begin? well many of them have great storylines but some of them just didn't cut it. My personal favourites were FF9 - fantastic story FF8 - Great but lacked a couple of things. FFX - enjoyed it alot one of my fav. FFX-2 Not the best was ok but i didn't like it.
  6. I would like to join. haha first time hearing about this dragon order but i have 3 eggs :mellow: Name: Tyler Connors Age: 19 Reason: Thought might be fun Location:New York And i would like to be known as Grand Dragon Soul :ermm: :D
  7. Hey tyler you know that bunny mod you made me? well can you mae something similar except make them gigantic evil bunnies taking over the world and killing allthe humans and other races except those cat people they so cute! Love You!!! haha ok? i'll give it a go strange idea though.
  8. haha ok?

    thanks megan.

  9. OMG! You are so legend at what you do honey. Call me:) you know my number.

    Keep up th good work!

  10. My worst part of the dark brotherhood was that there was only on sanctuary! come on isn't the dark brotherhood supposed to be some big organisation? well i guess not in cyrodiil but i also didn't like it when lucian died he was like the best and the only one with a unique voice! :whistling:
  11. ok multiplayer OB has been a dream for many players of OB but many modders can't get it right there is MULTITESIV that allows 2 people to play but the weather condition are out of sync and time and date basically everything it only add another player but that is still the beta i have tested this mod it works to a point where you think there is no point. I looked at OO thought it was not that great still many bugs and so on. Oblivion Reborn crashed on my computer in many ways not sure what the problem was so I can't say much and if i could i would try to create a Multiplayer mod but i have no idea how to i'll probably have to look into it but right now i wouldn't recomend any of the multiplayer mods as there are many conflicts bugs and glitches of the sort if you must have one multiTESIVseemed to be the best but as i say it's quite an achievement to add a network code to a game that never had one.
  12. Very interesting mod ok i'll work on it but this may take a while ok first do you want the castle in its own world lanscape or in cyroiil? next the thing about the key and akechi do you want akechi to pop out and become an ally or do you want it to open up the character creation menu making him playable? the castle design do you want it to be like Honouji Temple in Onimusha 3?
  13. ok how much money has my character had well judging that i mod Ob more than i play it, and the fact thAt i use a new savegame each time to test my mods, although i have had one character at one stage that i played with for a while and he had hmm about 365 septims not much? well like i said my joy come out of modding not realy playing the game. :closedeyes:
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