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About DetCord12B

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    United States

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  1. Any guidance here would be greatly appreciated. I'm looking to replace a series of UC uniforms and armors (and retexture) with a series of others. For example and as a starting point, I want to replace the UC Navy Officer uniform (outfit_uc_navy_officer) with the service uniform (outfit_service_uniform_ecs_officer). I'm assuming that I need to replace the meshes as well and if so, do they need to be renamed? Again, any help would be greatly appreciated. This also isn't my first Starfield or F4 mod. I've just never done a complete clothing overhaul/replacement.
  2. Release - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/54684
  3. A more realistic/real-world texture while still maintaining the Fallout vibe.
  4. I might be willing to help out if you figure out what you intend on actually doing. I do texture work and Graphical Design (advertising) professionally and as a hobby. Past and current projects. Ongoing A3 Project. Livery Design for KLM-Royal Dutch Airlines. Just a few of the textures I've done for FS. And many more.
  5. No Workshop content at all. It's all going through Bethesda.net via their own distro service. Hines stated that back in Oct.
  6. A quick question to those of you out there that are content creators. Since mods are now confrimed to be cross-platform to a extent, I wonder how you, the mod creators feel about your modifications appearing on the XB1 or PS4, and will you forbid them from being allowed on said platforms? I'm of the opinion that I picked my platform (PC) and they picked thiers (Console), so they should suck it up and pound sand, but that might not be everyones opinion. It is their/your IP after all. Of course that depends upon what the EULA for the SDK says.
  7. Anyone have any idea as to where the various X-01 Power Armor exterior paint DDS files are located? I've gone through the ba2 texture files and I just can't seem to find it. Maybe it's under a different catagory other than Armor, but I have no idea. Any help would be appreciated.
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