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  1. I've tried a few different grass mods now and I run into problems with each one. Vurt's doesn't cover TR or Azura Coast, Ozzy's is alright and so is Aesthesia Groundcover Reworked but Aesthesia Reworked had odd grass placement in cities and on roads. Remiros gives me the most trouble, I get little or no grass at all with it. Am I doing something wrong? I download the mod and tick the TR and vanilla options and generate via distant lands but like I said, little or no grass at all. What am I doing wrong?
  2. I've been playing FNV fine for the past week or so, but today I've suddenly get random black textures or black boxes and then crash or get a runtime error. I was testing a lot of different ENBs yesterday. I use ENB remover but maybe something was left behind? This isn't the black screen of death people get at the start of the game. It happens randomly when walking down the road or entering a interior. Please help me. Edit: Seems that Nash house in Primm always causes this issue, as seen here: https://i.imgur.com/te8jE4h.jpg
  3. It has to be a memory leak cause once I exit, or crash, from SE the memory usage drops down to 20-30%. I've done the computer rebooting and memory usage sits at 20-30%, depending on what I have running in the background. Once I start up SE it slowly creeps up to 94% or higher.
  4. Recently I've noticed my memory slowly creeping up to 94%, sometimes higher. This usually causes longer, or infinite, loading screens or even a CTD. I'm not sure what mod is, but something is clearly causing a memory leak. I was hoping someone here might spot the mod causing it: https://pastebin.com/ewA86rS3 Here is my specs:
  5. Thanks, i'll take a look into that.
  6. Hello, I'm working on a mod using the resources given by: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/60370 I've got one small nest done, and the layout for a larger one almost finished but I've hit a wall. No matter how I place things i'm getting seams. 21 hours and I just can't take it. I don't have the will to make these large spider nests. I enjoy placing spiders and random objects (I usually edit house mods to my personal taste) and can do those easily. But it's making the caves that I can't seem to get right. So i'm asking if anyone would be interested in helping me make cave interiors. You would be credited when the mod is uploaded to the nexus. Please, if you're interested in helping me out, or taking over the mod totally, just let me know. I really want to get some spiders into NV but I lack the power/skill to properly pull it off.
  7. Anyone have an issue with SE crashing right at the main menu? I don't have any missing masters, but for some reason it crashes. I can launch it through steam, without SKSE, and get to the main menu. Launching SKSE through MO2 causes a CTD. LOOT gives me nothing. No errors nor incompatibilities. I can load the game normally, and SKSE via the SKSE launcher, but when I launch through MO2 I get the CTD. Here's my SE load order if that helps: https://pastebin.com/ewA86rS3 (embed)
  8. While this looks like a great mod I am still running into the same issue. The TVs I place won't power on.
  9. Hello, I recently started working on a personal house mod and ran into an odd issue. I want to have a powered post-war TV in the house mod, now I know this sounds simple, just use the TEMP_TelevisionTrailer_TEMP TV, but I use the color TV mod and that TV only comes in black and white. The prewar variant comes in color, so the texture mod effects that TV but not the post-war one. I looked up the nif (SetDressing\PlayerHouse_Ruin\Television_Trailer.nif) and found the dds texture file it uses (textures\Effects\TVAnim\RasterScanAnim_d.dds). I took the texture file from Color TVs and renamed it to RasterScanAnim_d.dds and replaced the old black and white one, but that didn't work, the tv was still black and white but it would flash colors in the corner and have this weird shadowy bars flickering all over the tv. So now i'm stumped, how can I get the Temp_TelevisionTrailer_Temp to use color tvs textures? If I can't is it possible to get the workshop tvs to be powered in my house mod, if so how would I go about getting power into my house mod so the tv can turn on? Ontop of that, I can't seem to get lights to work either. They're not powered on.
  10. Well, I added that and my game still says the save is missing files/mods.
  11. Today at about 6am I was laying Fallout 4 no problem, but when I went to relaunch it an hour later it says all my mods are missing. This isn't the case, all my mods are installed and enabled but my game has no mods installed. I uninstalled the game and all my mods and reinstalled everything, re-did my inis and still the issue is happening. Someone please help me. My inis Fallout4Prefs: https://pastebin.com/RDPhgyfr Fallout4: https://pastebin.com/k8Hs4RrM Fallout4Custom: https://pastebin.com/ZA2AnmS1 My plugin.txt: https://pastebin.com/y87mwk2F My dlclist.txt: https://pastebin.com/LR9d3JZm My plugin.txt is set to read only too, and the issue still happens. Even tried putting a * infront of all the plugins in it and still happens. Please help me get back into Fallout 4, I only got to replay it for 7 hours so far.
  12. Dont worry about checking the file Perraine, someone else figured out my mistake. Was using a wrong cubemap, but I still appreciate you trying to help me.
  13. Thats fine, I appreciate it.
  14. Do you mind if I PM you the files of this mod. Iv check everything and it all seems to be normal. Im kinda at a loss here.
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