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Everything posted by thewolffshaman

  1. I am also in support of releasing the models to the public. Please do it! Someone will finish it. :thanks: :thumbsup:
  2. Seems I have a bit of an issue with the GECK suddenly. It was working fine for a long while, but now when I go to save a plug-in the dialog box "you must close all dialog boxes before saving" pops up even though there are no dialog boxes open, just the three windows that are suppose to be open. This seems to have started after patching to the latest Fallout version. I found on the Bethesda forums others were have the same issue but have received no solutions, and Im hoping someone here knows how to fix this.
  3. Agreed. This would be great. Maybe we should send a pm to the guy who made that karate mod, see if he'll let the fallout 3 mod community utilize it.
  4. Vagrant wonders to himself, "It's awfully quiet for a tavern." His boots make a loud dusty clonk as he sits down alone near the front. "Ehem...a shot of whiskey." The deformed mans sits alone, hardly approachable, mumbling in a low harsh voice to himself "how the hell did I end up here in the first place". There is a time for all that he supposes, first he needs his whiskey.
  5. Introducing Vagrant http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a87/Wulffe_Mortez/VagrantCharacter.jpg Name: Vagrant Pronounced: The way it looks Age: Unknown Sex: Male Race: Ghoul Weapon of Preference: An old rifle http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a87/Wulffe_Mortez/Mosin-3.jpg Inventory: Small amount of 7.62 ammunition, an rather odd looking knife, and a Dwemer engineered pistol. Fighting Tactics: Ranged Attitude: Distant, very cold. Seems emotionless and cruel. Appearance: Leather coat with old rusty bullets slung across his chest. Carries an unusual old rifle slung on his back. Has a distinct tattoo under his left eye. His eyes seem empty, soulless. Some Backstory: Soul Searching, http://shamanphoto.blogspot.com/
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