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About MistaSlaya

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    United States
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    Oblivion and Minecraft

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  1. NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT GIVE SPOILERS FOR ANY QUESTS IN OBLIVION, THERE MIGHT BE THE ONE PERSON THAT HASN'T DONE THAT QUEST YET AND THEY WANT TO GET TO IT ON THEIR OWN. BE VAGUE, BUT NO DETAILS. Example: My favorite part of the game is the part where the Emperor is murdered by the guy coming through the wall because sometimes he swings too early and misses, stands there a few seconds looking at him, then kills him. (Used because we all know what happens in the tutorial :P) I know there are probably about 50 of these floating around somewhere, so let me make 51. I'm just wondering what are some favorite characters that people play and share one that I've been using lately, even though it isn't that unique to tell the truth. I'm also looking for some unique ideas for characters to use instead of just making a Nord that uses two handed swords and warhammers and wears heavy armor or a Wood Elf that sneaks around and shoots everything. There are probably(not probably, there are) people that have a unique twist to their characters, and I'm interested in seeing how creative all you guys can get. My character I've been using (level 22, take it as you will) is an Imperial that wears light armor, sneaks, and uses a longsword. I've just started the actual main quests and the first gate instead of having Stunted Scamps had Storm Atronachs, Daedroths, and Spider Daedra pouring out of it. I honestly got scared for a few seconds before I took them down. Completed both the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild(Only second time doing so) questlines. Had no trouble for the last mission of the Thieves Guild, was like a walk in the park. Since my character doesn't use shields, blunt weapons, or any magic at all(including alchemy), I had some options with my custom class. I think all together the focus was stealth, the two main attributes were speed and agility(might've been strength instead of speed), and had Athletics, Armorer, Blade, Sneak, Lockpicking, Speechcraft, and Mercantile. I get money from selling all my stuff to Thoronir at the Copious Coinpurse in the Market District of the Imperial City and I'm selling stuff to him at 70% of it's worth instead of the general 40% you normally have. I just explore ruins, get my weight limit of loots, and haul back to the good ol' IC. Well, that was long winded/typed. But we're all nerds here. And I'll say it again, PLEASE PLEASE NO SPOILERS OF QUESTS I tried not to give out anything at all, and I'm pretty sure I didn't give anything away in case there is the one person that hasn't gone through that quest that defines your character yet. If we've done that quest, give vague hints and we should get the one you're talking about. Please be courteous to that one person, thank you! :D
  2. I'm having a problem no one else seems to be having and I feel completely stupid because of it, but I'm at wits end. I've got two mods that are .7z files, but both 7zip and winRAR say that they can't be opened as archives. I did this with a previous mod to re-compress it in a zipped folder which let me install it, and it works fine. One of the two is even a mod I had previously installed, Animated Window Lighting System with chimneys. But I had gotten rid of it, thinking it was somehow the reason my game was crashing (realized it wasn't :P) and tried uninstalling it with Nexus, which I used to install it to begin with. I think either I deleted it from Nexus before it fully uninstalled or it completely messed up my Oblivion, because all windows in-game are now holes to the void of Sithis and all chimneys are billowing purple squares into the air, polluting Cyrodiil with their presence. If anyone knows how to fix my problems, please help. These are the only files I've ever had trouble with. I've even had some 7z files work without having to do anything to them, it's just these are coming out weird. I've even tried downloading them different times to see if the result was different. I feel like I'm slowly turning into Sheogorath. :s
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