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Posts posted by Paxan_1

  1. Well, you are right. You are getting a lot of experience by doing the PVE events, i prefer the Klingon scenarios, also the gorn minefield. What i like in this is jumping right into them, firing up all my "science" stuff and see them explode. One of my favourite is the photonic fleet ;). Nice to see some ship appearing for your help and you stay in the middle :biggrin: . In the first place i tried these missions to earn dilithium, i was curious whats inside of these boxes you get. Well, not really worth it, only got duty officer packs. Okay they are useful too.

    But you can also level quick with the standard missions. My next step is the Sovereign, i think i will stay with that ship for a while. I use tetryon banks with a nice 30%+, i can destroy anything. Another thing i discovered, the smaller vessels are trying to be around me, i always try to help them with their shilds and my technic team. I have one of these really powerful shild, it has up to 6000. Hard to get it down ;), with my other stuff getting them up immediately my ship is nearly invulnerable :biggrin: .


    Btw Vagrant, if you are there, watch out for a blond female in a pink free time dress called Faye (Sarah), its me :laugh:

  2. Hi all,


    thanks for the answers, had helped me a lot :)

    I like the game, flying around, killing some guys, doing missions and following the story. At the moment i try i get lvl 40, so i can have a Sovereign Class. I prefer the big ships even i'm a science officer, these ships a real tanks so you can fly right into enemy ships. Havent died since i have my Galaxy for more than 5 times :biggrin:, not like at the beginning, 5 times in one battle ;).

    Btw, for me the advantage is you dont need to play it MMO like, you can play it as a single player, but i like the PVE events. Kicking some Klingon asses is fun :devil:

    A pity you cant colour your ship pink :unsure: , black is okay.




    I needed around 3 weeks to a lvl 38 Captain and i dont play that much. Play the story and some PVE events and you can lvl in a healthy way. You are also getting used to the way the equipment works. I'm playing only by myself, so no fleet, no powerleveling aso.




  3. Hi all,

    well, i thought i should have a look into Star Trek Online, i'm a trekkie :rolleyes: , and so i thought it doesnt hurt me to try a free to play game. Well, after 9h playing (not at once..) i have some questions, maybe someone here can help me :)

    I'm a noob there, i have my Miranda Class Ship with some equipment (dont ask me what i have...), flying around, doing some missions, shooting down Klingons (sorry, youve attacked me first ;) ) and earn..., i dont know...

    What i've figured out is you have to pay something for everything. Well, i have sold some stuff i thought i dont need in the Space Dock and got 11000 (something ) for it.

    I've heard something about dilithium.., where can i find it? I've seen i have 840 of it (dont ask me how i got it...). I got a free torpedo launcher, but to be honest the one i still have equipped is better. Is there a statistic screen for me ship value? I have no idea. I'm just flying around and kill Klingons. In my last mission (training) i destroyed several 3 Bird of Pray wings and some bigger star ships (they were lazy i could outmanoeuvre them easily).

    I also tried some of these strange two cannon weapons, they ware worthless, my mkii phaser is better.


    If someone of you would have some nice starting tips would be great :yes:



  4. Hi All,


    and another problem. After starting Steam i've seen the "Caliente's Vanilla Armor -- Bandit Pack (for CBBE Curvy)" Mod and i installed it via Steam. Well, that was a mistake, the mod overwrites one of my modifications. Now i want to uninstall it, the pity is that the mod isnt marked installed...., but you can see it loading at the start.

    How can i uninstall it?



  5. Hi all,


    i've started my Skyrim today after some time and Steam told me it has to "repack" the game. Well i have let Steam do it and after it i wanted to play. Now after loading my last save i've seen some grahic issues i havent had before. It looks like that Antialiasing & Co isnt working right. My settings are at maximum (GF 470 GTX). I have never had Problems before. Does someone has an Idea what i could try to get my nice looking graphic back?




  6. Hi all,


    because i'm using two computers, my powerful non transportable one and my laptop, i try to find a way to keep my installed mods up to date on both computers. At the moment i store the "installlog.xml" in my dropbox folder, so that i have both computers using the same. To prevent trouble i copy paste my whole "download" directory from one computer to the other, so i can use both.


    If i start the NMM on my laptop where mods are missing NMM is telling me that mods A,B, aso are missing. The only choice i have now is to "uninstall" the mods to enter NMM. Now i have to remember which mods i have "uninstalled" and install them again. By doing it that way i can keep both computers up to date.


    My question is is there another better way to do it. Maybe by putting all my installed mods into the cloud? I havent tried that because my "installed" mod folder is 1.7GB and it would need ages to upload all that stuff. If someone has a good idea it would be great :)





    Btw, NMM is producing an Error if i click No as an answer for the uninstalling question. I have stored it on my laptop (but i have forgotten it in my office :facepalm: )

  7. Hi Werne,


    this is only a suggestion :whistling: , i have set the max temperature for an optional thermal sensor to 90 degrees. I have three of this on my mainboard, if this is over 90°C my computer will shut down itself. I'm not sure if your MB has this option, but for me this is very helpful. To prevent this shutdown during playing i have to turn on one optional fan. This is my secure net if i forget this :rolleyes: .

    Btw, my graphic card is at 45°C in idle and ~ 70 when playing Skyrim. Its a GTX 470 atm.



  8. Hi Kim,


    well, these missing files would frighten me. If this happen right after you have finished your installation something is really wrong. Do you have had some issues installing windows? Maybe something like read errors during the installation? If you ask me i would suggest to do a new installation (unplug all other harddrives and things you dont need to install windows, so you can perform a "clean" basic installation) and use hijack this for a new check, if something is missing again you know there isn't a problem with another program.


    If there are files missing right after a clean new installation my suggestion would be a hardware failure, but this is only guessing and asking my magic glass ball ;)


    Hope you can figure it out.



  9. Hi,

    i tried to have a look at this right now. I was playing Skyrim since 5am (central European time) :facepalm: . I closed it and had 1.8GB free, i closed NMM after that and my free Ram decreased to 1.4GB...., no idea why i have this issue. I rebooted my computer and i have 4.3GB free...

    The only thing i have done was playing Skyrim. I think i have some issues with that steam mod crap, to be honest i'm using 3 steam workshop mods, these are causing me a lot of trouble :armscrossed: . But i think that is not the answer why my memory is getting filled up after some time..., and i have no idea... :sad:



  10. Hi Nephenee13,

    thank you for your respond. I was a little surprised that a tool like the NMM is using such an amount of memory. To be honest i havent found it in the statistics of RamMap (a tool of sysinternals). The only thing i can see there is that "Process Private" is using up to 4.5GB of Ram. Seeing that NMM will free 250MB was surprising, my Firefox is using 300MB as well, and to be honest i think Firefox should use more than NMM...

    Well, i will have a look who is consuming all my Ram, good to know NMM is fine.


    Thank you,


  11. Hi,


    by looking at your screenshots i think you are using the SkyUI. My suggestion to solve your problem would be to uninstall the the SkyUI and install it again. I think one of your mods is conflicting with it. For me it is working great :)



  12. Hi all,


    do to some trouble with the system resource i have had during the last month, i have tried to have a look which program is consuming how much of it. I play Skyrim by using the NMM, after i close Skyrim i've seen that lots of my resources aren't free. I have set NMM to stay open, the curious thing is, if i start NMM it occupies around 100MB of Ram, if i close it, after i played Skyrim, i have over 250MB more free memory. Is this okay?, i mean its not that big deal, i have 6GB memory.

    I've had a look at this because i've seen that only 250MB were free, that means 5.75GB of memory were occupied by programs. At the moment i have no idea which were the one who got that much, the only thing i know is it was after i played Skyrim, that means NMM was on, Steam was on and oc, Skyrim (closed). But still after closing Skyrim 5.7GB were occupied. Its strange, so i started with the NMM and figured out it was using 250MB. Does someone has seen the same issue? Btw, rebooting helps, but if you ask me rebooting cant be the solution...




  13. You can change the paths in the settings inside the NMM, click on the button (the right one of the three on the left side), change the tab to the third (should be name Fallout: New Vegas and change the paths to the correct ones.
  14. Hi,


    well, i think you have two options.


    1st: upgrade your E5400 with a C2Quad. Im not sure if you can buy one new. A good Core 2 Quad would be a Q9550. Your best place to find one is ebay i think. Sometime you can buy a used one for a bargain (~200$ i think). The rest would be fine with it.


    2nd: Buy a new motherboard, a new CPU and new Ram. If go with this you have to decide between Intel and AMD, of course AMD is cheaper, but Intel has some more powerful CPUs. A good AMD would be a X6 (six core processor), with a mainboard and ram i think you have to spend around 400$ (havent checked it, its only a guess).



  15. Hi Kimberlee,


    i have had such issues some time ago too. Not that worse like yours, but worse enough for me. My problem was my 5 year old Western Digital Raptor (10000rpm HDD). I've had a look into the smart values and there were some errors inside, i've bought a new SSD and now i'm fine again.

    The thing is your WD EARS (it's the 2TB Cavier Green with Intellidrive, right?) is new, to be honest i have it inside my computer too, its a nice storage drive. I have read that this HDD can cause trouble with Windows XP or a 32bit Windows (can't remember where it was, sorry :( ). What i would suggest is to clone your c drive to another separate hdd. You can use HDD-Clone for it, its free. If your computer is running fine after that you know it has a problem with the 2TB HDD, if not you know at least it is not the disk. Another thing that could cause such trouble are damaged RAM modules. Maybe you can test this with taking one out and having a look what will happen?


    Okay, these are my ideas for it, hope it helps a little,




    Edit: Have seen you have written EARX, but my suggestion using a different one for a test would be the same.

  16. Hi,


    i wouldn't buy this part of electric engineer "art". Well, please have a look into the specifications yourself, the output values are the important ones. They write: +3.3V@38A, +5V@40A, +12V@25A, [email protected], [email protected]. For a modern computer the 12V rail is the important one, for this psu it means 12V with 25A, Adam Riese would tell is that these are 300W. Because i'm not sure how much a radeon 6870 needs i can't say 300W is to less for it. What i know is you cant run a 6790 with it. To run a radeon 6790 i would go for at least 500W.


    If you go searching for a psu i would suggest to mind the following points:

    1. check the wattage of the psu by calculating it yourself, the 12V rail is the important one. Wattage is amount of voltage multiplied with the amount of ampere of the rail.

    2. a modern psu should have at least two different 12V rails, this is because it is better for power consuming graphic cards to have their own rail


    And a little advice, the psu is the part that is providing the energy for your whole rig, do yourself a favour and dont buy the cheapest one ;)


    Hope i could help you,



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