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  1. This line in the Exe changes all soldiers HP even the different diffuculty´s numbers, its the base the difficulty numbers change later. Characters=(iType=eChar_Soldier,HP=5,Offense=70,Defense=10,Mobility=12,SightRadius=27,Will=40,Psionics=30,CritHitChance=0,CritWoundChance=0,FlightFuel=0, Reaction=0,ABILITIES[0]=eAbility_TakeCover,ABILITIES[1]=eAbility_NONE,ABILITIES[2]=eAbility_NONE,ABILITIES[3]=eAbility_NONE,ABILITIES[4]=eAbility_NONE,ABILITIES [5]=eAbility_NONE,ABILITIES[6]=eAbility_NONE,ABILITIES[7]=eAbility_NONE,Properties[0]=eCP_CanGainXP,Properties[1]=eCP_None,Properties[2]=eCP_None,Properties [3]=eCP_None,Properties[4]=eCP_None,Properties[5]=eCP_None,bCanUse_eTraversal_Normal=True,bCanUse_eTraversal_ClimbOver=True, bCanUse_eTraversal_ClimbOnto=True,bCanUse_eTraversal_ClimbLadder=True,bCanUse_eTraversal_DropDown=True, bCanUse_eTraversal_Grapple=True,bCanUse_eTraversal_Landing=True,bCanUse_eTraversal_BreakWindow=True,bCanUse_eTraversal_KickDoor=True, bCanUse_eTraversal_JumpUp=False,bCanUse_eTraversal_WallClimb=False,bCanUse_eTraversal_BreakWall=False,eClass=eSC_None,bHasPsiGift=False) Ohh and there is a different version for the starting troops and the recruit troops as well, but both use this one as a base.
  2. Ok new problem :sweat: I changed GetPerkInTreeHeavyWeapons.Function to what I wanted all worked perfectly. Tried to change GetPerkInTreeSniper.Function to what I wanted but got something else entirely. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,28,27,29,36,35,23,33,10,48,30,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48 Is what I wanted but got in game this: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,35,23,33,10,48,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48 Same thing happened in assault tree as well didnt really get all I wanted but some of it. Will update this when I have the exact change and what I got in game later.
  3. Finally!! Found out what messed everything up for me. XSHAPE didnt work as it should have, had to read through and check everything in that thread and finally found a way to make it work properly ^^ So all my hex edits on my classes worked like a charm. :P
  4. Ok next question then: Any way to mod so Sectoids can give you the option to build the psionic lab?
  5. Oh yeah the XComGame.uncompressed_size is deleted in all my tests.
  6. ok been playing around trying to figure out what I do wrong. I did uncompress XComGame.upk Then I unpacked that new uncompressed version. Then I packed that unpacked version without doing any changes what so ever. Then I used XSHAPE.bat and tried to start the game, it started up no problems. Ok so I know I can make the game work with a uncompressed, unpacked and then repacked version of the XComGame.upk file. Now for the big test trying to change something in the unpacked version so I went to the folder called XComPerkManager and found the function file called GetPerkInTreeHeavyWeapons.Function If I understood correctly it should contain the ability tree for the heavy class. So on to make a small change in that tree. Using your Visual Perk editor to get the new hex values I switched the sides of 2 and 3 and saved. This made a new file called GetPerkInTreeHeavyWeapons.Function.bak appear in the folder structur so I deleted it and then repacked the XComGame.upk used XSHAPE.bat to start up the game and it failed to start. Any time I try and modify any hex values it crashes my game.
  7. Hmm ok I could find almost all the value changes. I tried only to modify the heavy to begin with so I used: 1,2,3,6,5,11,7,23,9,10,48,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48 and got these hex values: OLD HEX 04 2C 16 06 4A 04 2C 5B 06 4A 04 2C 18 06 4A 04 2C 5D 06 4A <= this line I couldnt find but all the rest so I tried to only use the above lines. NEW HEX 04 2C 5B 06 4A 04 2C 5D 06 4A 04 2C 2B 06 4A 04 2C 36 06 4A Game didnt start. So I tried from scratch with the uncompressed XComGame.upk. I used XHAPE.bat before I copied in the uncompressed XComGame.upk file, didnt change any values just too see if I could make it work with this uncompressed version, so I used XSHAPE.bat again then started the game and it worked. And Im in offline mode on steam the entire time. So Im kinda stuck here atm...... Either Im using XSHAPE wrongly since in the #8 post number 7 states to use the patcher, I went into the XSHAPE dir and there is indeed a patcher.bat but it requires you to use the modpatcher that I dont have. here is what it does: @echo off start /b /wait modpatcher DefaultGameCore.mod start /b /wait java -jar XSHAPE.jar 26444500 pause The file I used called XSHAPE.bat has this in it: @echo off java -jar XSHAPE.jar 26444500 pause So any thoughts too what Im doing wrong? Edit: repack? thought they made it so that didnt work anymore? hence the unpack and modify the exe so it can use the uncompressed upk's.
  8. The option from Second wave: The Greater Good: The secret of psionics can only be learned by interrogating a psionic alien Does it work? and what alien can you learn psionics from? Sectoids? meaning if so I could learn it from almost the start of the game?
  9. Hello there Ive had the exact same problems as Zerothenumber had. Meaning I tried too change the values but couldnt find them. So here are my Fast Set Values: 1,2,3,6,5,6,7,23,9,10,48,12,13,15,14,17,16,19,20,23,21,10,48,24,25,26,27,27,29,36,31,23,33,10,48,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48 If you could change the file for me and upload it I would appriciate it. Btw: could it be because we have different versions of the game in the sense of different regions? Im from EU myself. Edit: You where right here is the new values 1,2,3,6,5,11,7,23,9,10,48,12,13,15,14,17,16,19,20,23,21,10,48,24,25,26,27,27,29,36,31,23,33,10,48,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48 After this all I need is to find a way to get psi lab close to the start of the game and Im good ^^. Been editing the exe file so my armors give more hp and my soldiers start with less hp = lower downtime. And made so each armor type is and upgrade, so PSI armor is the end game armor instead of ghost armor, never understood the thinking behind that one.
  10. Agreed I messed up should be FOMM of course but I seem not to be able to change the topic.
  11. As the title says. Any word on a Fallout mod manager for New vegas? Really really starting to need it.
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