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Everything posted by G4Tanas

  1. I actually managed to get Enhanced Camera working too
  2. I created a backup so I screw around with some stuff.
  3. on If your wise, I suggest you use the FOMM version I linked for you to run and test all mods and use it's built in BOSS sorter. How ever, I warn you. This application used on windows 10 will load a ton of hard-drive space up pretty fast. it is the ONLY draw back Fomm has. it eats up space. it makes clean FOMOD's you will find located in the games Mod folder. it was Originally designed for this game and later for FNV game. so it has the same active actions for both games. It also contains self contained load order templates that do not require network connectivity. there is no support for this version on the network. So the template will not get destroyed. Do not try to connect it to the nexus or any other web site. Do not try to download files with it. you download files manually. Fomm, has built in tools too but those are for educated individuals that know what they do. Still, you have them at your disposal. one more thing, can I use FOSE
  4. It works! I got out of the Vault and its perfect. Now, is installing mods the same.
  5. wait oops didnt read the entire thing oops Outstanding ,no refusals means things are correct and on the money. Perfect, now download and extract these files next to the engine. https://mega.nz/file/JHBRTQ5L#EgxdbgtXBkLeMbtQrDg7Gjqtt_qU31-ePVYej1_8XIA then listen "run the game from steams launch button directly after install these files, follow through as far as you can go. If the game reaches " " out of vault 101 ? " your all done. Due to that machine's specs, DO NOT install the Unofficial Fo3 patch on that piece of equipment. If you do, you will be sorry and wasted a ton of time here. I'm your patched. source.
  6. am i supposed to move the files to the fallout folder Outstanding ,no refusals means things are correct and on the money. Perfect, now download and extract these files next to the engine. https://mega.nz/file/JHBRTQ5L#EgxdbgtXBkLeMbtQrDg7Gjqtt_qU31-ePVYej1_8XIA then listen "run the game from steams launch button directly after install these files, follow through as far as you can go. If the game reaches " " out of vault 101 ? " your all done. Due to that machine's specs, DO NOT install the Unofficial Fo3 patch on that piece of equipment. If you do, you will be sorry and wasted a ton of time here. I'm your patched. source.
  7. No Ok then when we are finished here, you will run the game fine but can never update the garden of creation kit from this point on. Your sure about this? I am making sure you understand this. there's no going back from this point. yes
  8. Steam. Files: https://imgur.com/a/dFdn87T Excellent ! that's almost perfect. Now, install this : https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=2ahUKEwjS6Ju4r6fkAhWZJzQIHawLDKQQFjAAegQIBBAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fgo.microsoft.com%2Ffwlink%2F%3FLinkID%3D201134&usg=AOvVaw2Gs7Bw0U7UARgrueQGwBwF Done
  9. Fresh install, deleted everything. It gets to the main menu but when I try to make a new character, it crashes.
  10. Thanks for the info, its a bit confusing to me but ill work with it, if you can, simplify this, im not exactly the smartest to modding games like these.
  11. I have an Intel Integrated GPU so I have to use the fix listed here in order to be able to start a new game on Fallout 3: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/17209/. When I add the files, the ini works fine, but when I add the d3d9.dll to the main folder, the game doesn't open. All it does is it opens a cmd and closes infinitely and the only way to stop it is by opening it again and waiting for it to give an error message. When I remove the d3d9.dll from the folder, the game opens, but I can't start a new game or it crashes. Also the default launcher only detects my actual GPU. Help? The only mods I have are: Fallout Script Extender Updated Unofficial Patch for Fallout 3 OpenTweak ArchiveInvalidater Invalidated! 4GB Patch for Fallout 3 xlive.dll in the folder In the Fallout.ini, I have bUseThreadedAI=1 and iNumHWThreads=2. VSync is turned off, windowed is on. Xlive.dll, d3d9.dll, FOSE, and all of the mods in the image below. Specs: Intel I5-7200U Intel HD Graphics 620 8GB RAM 1 TB of storage
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