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Status Replies posted by CamonnaTong

  1. Hey Camonna! Now it's my turn to apologize for not responding sooner. I got caught up in D3, but my recommendation now is Path of Exile. It's free to play & is everything D3 wasn't. You ever get that RAM fixed? I hope you've been good, not working too hard in school :o)
    1. CamonnaTong


      Yeah, all has been working out. As for the RAM problem, got that fixed. Anyways, thanks for dropping in!
  2. I wish Morrowind Graphics Overhaul 3.0 was out already, as I have been delaying from installing mods so I can play Morrowind. Also Open MW looks awesome.
    1. CamonnaTong


      Yes! It's out!. Once downloaded it's time to boot up Morrowind again.
  3. Skyrim has made me lose my interest in modding Oblivion! :o
    1. CamonnaTong


      It took forever for me to get the Skyrim GI, so I'm just going to do my everyday activities and it will come out faster. But got to ienjoy life as it is.
    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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