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  1. Just saw this on gopher's channel... glad to finally see a huge new-world mod with English as it's primary language and not German (*cough* nerhim/enderal *cough*). I will definitely be watching out for this one. Good luck guys! EDIT: Hmmm, the name Ethas rings a bell, but I can't remember why or what I'm thinking of...
  2. Nehirm is a huge overhaul (its effectively like a new game, with a completely different story). Look it up in google.
  3. Sorry for the double post, but could I please add to his request? If someone is making Deadly Reflexes compatible to Nehirm, would you please be so kind as to make Duke Patric's SCA Melee Combat Mod with No Recoil and the mod STAGGER REPLACER (it works quite well with Duke Patrick's mod) compatible as well? I really like how they enhances oblivion combat. I wish I could do it myself, but I really suck at programming/scripting. Here is the Link to the mods: http://www.oblivionportal.com/files/details.php?file=163 ------> For Duke Patrik's mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25813 ------> For Stagger Replacer Please help. Thanks
  4. Ok, I'll give a deeper explanation because frankly, I would like to see it happen as well. So What is NEHIRM? Nehirm is a complete oblivion overhaul, meaning that it changes pretty much EVERYTHING. You will play in a COMPLETELY NEW WORLD through a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STORY LINE. So basically, its a new game that uses the oblivion engine and graphics. Personally, I think it takes much greater advantage of the Oblivion engine and when you play the game, you will realize how much the oblivion developers actually left out, and what the potential of oblivion could have been. As Revan said, it puts the devs to shame. I pretty sure the world is significantly larger, it has most of the vanilla armor/creatures and etc. plus a whole lot of new stuff and is much more immersive. I mean, when you travel around the Nehirm world, you actually feel that the world varies and unlike oblivion, each root or path seems unique and different (the oblivion world feels like a lot of copy and paste becuase alot of it feels and looks the same). Check it out for yourself: http://www.moddb.com/mods/nehrim-at-fates-edge So what's the problem? Well, despite the fact that nehirm is very fun, there are some feutures of it that are very similar to the vanilla (like the combat system), and people like me cannot play Oblivion without mods like Deadly Reflexes or Duke Patric's SCA Melee combat mod with NO RECOIL (removes block recoil and makes AI mcuh MUCH smarter in a fight) and you can't run most Oblivion mods for Nehirm, because from what I believe (and correct me if I'm wrong), the Nehirm mod comes with its own master file AND DOES NOT USE THE OBLIVION.ESM FILE. This means that it has different scripts and etc. making it incompatible to most popular oblivion mods. So Revan is just asking if someone could make these mods compatible with Nehrim. Nehrim has only been released recently and it's a fentastic mod which I believe may soon become popular. I recomend you check it out. I hope this explains everything in more detail, leaving no question :smile:.
  5. Hey alonso. How's the mod going? (not that I'm demanding a release date or anything of course, just want to know how the mod progress is going)
  6. Nah, I've got them both working fine. That wasn't my question. If you read my first post carefully, I was asking how to overwrite some of the MMM feutures with Francesco ones (more specifically how to make Fran's leveled bandits appear instead of the MMM ones). You may say simply load Fran's mod after MMM, but for them to work correctly, MMM MUST be loaded after Fran's, so that's not an option. Surely my English isn't that incomprehencible? (Or is it?)
  7. For sure mate. Its your mod and you can do whatever you want with it. Anyway, anyone think that this mod would work well with the following mod? (given that they turn out to be compatible of course) I think its a good combination. LINK Just a suggestion.
  8. Ok, after looking at both mods in the construction set for a while, I realized that there is no need to actually modify the files. You see, Fran's leveled bandits or leveled chests DO NOT APPEAR IN THE GAME AT ALL because they are overwritten by MMM which has to be loaded after Fran's. So what I'm getting from leveled chests and bandits are all from MMM, not Fran's, and Fran's mod is the one that makes good loot rare. So what I need to do is to somehow overwrite MMM's leveled bandits and chests with Francesco's ones, but the problem is I cannot load Fran's after MMM, or they will be incompatible. How can I do this???? (maybe it could be doen using Wrye Bash? At the moment I'm having trouble with running Wrye Bash though...) Anyway I'm going to ask this question at the general mod talk section. Any ideas?
  9. I'm running both MMM and Francesco's mod. I want the Fran's mod's leveld bandits to spawn, not MMM's (currently, MMM's leveled bandits are spawning instead of Francesco's, probably because MMM must be loaded AFTER Fran's mod for the mods to work together). How do I do this??? The reason why I want to do this is that Fran's bandits are set to carry less valuable loot (so common thugs can no longer have daedric armor) and good loot becomes harder to get (I like to add to the economic challenge of the game). Simmilar thing for chests. I want chest to spawn Fran's leveled lists, not MMM's (again, so that they give you less money and stuff). How do I do this? (Can it be done usign Wrye Bash maybe?) Please help.
  10. Hmmmm... Ok. I just thought having to face other enemies with their minions would be a cool idea. Anyway, I like the idea of not being able to creat an army overnight and actually having to work for each minion. That's why I don't like the mods that give you a spell that once you cats it, you get a skeleton army.
  11. Deffinately NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO........ Maybe release armor in a later version. Release it without armor, so we can start testing earlier! Just my opinion.
  12. Yeah I like the idea, but I think you need to expand the game in some areas if this idea is going to work well. I mean, in vanilla oblivion, the player character at level 25+ can pretty much go anywhere or kill the strongest "armies" Oblivion has to offer. What are you going to do with minions??? I put the word "armies" in quotation because the largest army you'll face in the vanilla game will be around 6. Now with mods like MMM, Francesco's, OOO and combat overhauls, the dificulty of the game can be significantly increased, but even then the player at level 25+ (which is really the acceptable level from which the player can have minions; I mean a level 5 shouldn't have minions anyway) can take on most of the games opposition. So really, minions will spoil the game because they will just remove the game's challenges and make everything too easy. Oblivion is designed to challenge an individual player, not an army. Now, enough with the naggs: For this idea to work, I think that you will need to have an oranized opposition, not just common thugs on the road. i.e. You will need certain "clans" or "guilds" or "organizations" (or whatever) to hate your guts for whatever reason (I'll leave you to creat the backstory!) and once you've gained a personal army, have settled in you castle/tower and have begun claiming teritory, the opposition would send their armies to take over your territory. For example, the opposition could be daedra, scripted to work as a united force. You could try and shut their gates with your army, they would respond by sending a daedra army for defence. Simillarly, they could send armies to capture caves/villages/your castle or whatever and you or the legion has to defend. The more teritories a faction has, the more power. That way the challenge of the game will be kept. OR SOMETHING DIFFERENT: The goblins are trying to take over Cyrodill! You must use your army to save the land!!!!!!!!
  13. It should... It scares everybody. As they say, "doesn't matter how good you are, there is always someone better than you." Let that be a lesson to you :tongue: .
  14. Ummmm, just to prevent unecessary work, for the Dark Brothehood, a mod like this already exists. Its called A Brothehood Renewed and you can find it via the link below: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31773 (it has 164 endorsements). The basic idea with this mod is to bring the DB questline to a better end, because it annoyed the author how by the end of the questline, all that is left of the once powerful organization are, "you, Arquen, and some lowly random murderer the two of you found." And I futher quote the author, "After all this you're satisfied with visiting Bravil once a week to collect a pittance of cash? Is there nothing more to be done? The story just ends here, like a bad movie?" Plus, the game gives the player hint of more DB safehavens all across cyrodill, but even when you become the listner, you only know the location of one. So I think this mod also adds more guild halls. But according to the author, "This mod adds a short series of quests", so I guess you could make your mod as an expansion for this mod, that adds more interesting quests. My advice is: don't start from scratch. You may just waste your hard work. Just ask for permission from the author and continue from the end.
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