I have an idea for a mod I'd like to create and, I'd like to know if it's possible and if anyone could direct me to some resources to get started. I have some experience with databases and programming, but I've never created a mod before.
Having been a fan of the turn-based combat in the original games, I've enjoyed V.A.T.S. since Fallout 3, but I'm not a fan of how Fallout 4 handles Critical Hits. I'd like to know if it would be possible that every time you fire in V.A.T.S., it checks your Critical Meter and if it's full, it uses the Critical Hit. Additionally, if you have one or more ranks in Critical Banker and you have at least one banked critical, it looks at the amount that will be added to the Critical Meter this shot, and if it will fill the meter and all banks, it uses one. This is so that no Critical Meter build-up is wasted because there's no place to put it.
All feedback is welcome.