Is there anyone willing to teach me the basics I've tried video tutorials but I don't really learn that way. Edit: I know how to use blender to a basic extent and that's it really.
Hello my name is Zim, if you are interested in assisting Dragon and I in an ambitious project say the word. I'm looking for people who generally know how to use the creation kit and equally useful programs. If you are reading this you may ask what are you making anyway well this at the moment is going to be a remake of the game. Other questions may include what is the mod about? well as of right now we have somewhat of a frame, this project will be very story oriented and will take place many years after the events of Fallout 4. This may seem vague which it is that's why i'm looking for help brainstorming ideas. if you can message me through Nexus, steam, and Gmail. If you message me I will give you more information sorry if I seem a little paranoid but you never know. Gmail: [email protected]
Hello my name is Zim and if you are interested in assisting me in the development of an ambitious project let me know. I have little so far but with the right team I feel this Idea can go far. Thanks for reading!
Hello there I go by Zim on the internet, and I happen to be looking for companions so to speak. I'm currently not fluent in any coding language, however I am willing to learn. I can come up with sketches and can develop pretty decent lore and ideas in general. Anyway I'm currently looking to form or join a modding team. Please take the time to consider me/ my offer and thank you for reading. Please Email me at [email protected]