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Everything posted by jhinor

  1. Just click the link I added. It will take you to the "Valentine's Gift" clothing set by Tottes.
  2. Here is the outfit the lace sleeves came from; Valentine's Gift and here is the shop; Tottes Atelier 2
  3. I've been playing Monster Hunter Wilds. Game only has a couple weeks worth of content though, so back to Cyberpunk!
  4. Hi Rexi! Sorry I'm only seeing this now. Anyway, if it isn't a mod that was released right around the time you sent the message, then I have a feeling that it's either a private mod, or one that is available for sale on patreon. I've never seen it before and would definitely remember it if I had. I'll keep an eye out for you though!
  5. good morning! So I use this body texture mod; https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/7125 I use all three files from her mod. Then I use this mod for skin tone; https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/15426 Nice thing about using this mod is you can pick whatever shade of skin your heart desires! For installing, I mostly let vortex handle my mods. Some things you have to install manually, but just get in the habit of ALWAYS reading the entire "description" tab of any mod you want to try out. There are often very important details listed there. As far as body mods and vehicle mods, they should never have any kind of conflict, as they alter completely different game files. Lastly, youtube does have a bunch of videos on learning how to install mods for cyberpunk. Since you used the tag 'newbie' in your thread, it wouldn't hurt to spend a half hour watching a couple videos. Myself, I just learned how to do it through trial and error, which is a painful way to do it sometimes!
  6. Well that was one of the more painless troubleshooting sessions I've had. As soon as I saw that I had accidentally re-enabled "Iconic", I knew who the culprit was. Weird that it worked okay for a couple days before having an issue, but whatever. Iconic once again removed and all is well!
  7. Great suggestion! I hadn't even realized that mod was still waiting on an update. Sadly though, that didn't resolve my issue
  8. The abs and skin tone are other mods as well. The three links I gave will have a flat stomach and default skin tones, just fyi.
  9. I've literally tried every single one, with every rig deform as well. My favorite, by far is Hyst's Angel with Charismatic Fox's rig deform. You have to use unique rig for V if you want to try out that combo. Here are the links to all three mods. Hyst's Angel: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/14896 Rig Deform: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/16574 Unique Rig for V: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/3725 some pics attached of this combo.
  10. https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/16296?tab=files The outfit you asked about is in Volume 3. If you are an Angel user, might as well download all three volumes!
  11. in case you are using Angel body, you can get that outfit in the big Angel pack for that author's mods. The link I gave doesn't have angel. You have to get the mega-pack with tons of their stuff.
  12. Spoiler: It was the "Iconic" mod that caused the issue. Before I start uninstalling mods, I'm hoping someone out there is familiar with my problem. When I use the mirror to change my V, I have two sections for hair color. Meaning, the list on the right side where you edit, the part for hair color is listed twice. But the real problem comes when I try to change my hairstyle. Either the game crashes, or the game retains the hair I have now, and adds on whatever I change to. So both hairstyles simultaneously. Once I do that, the section for changing hair is replaced with a 3rd section for hair color! The hair I have been using for a few days is the long braids by Peachu - https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/20175 I don't know what I could have downloaded to mess up character creator. I've mostly downloaded clothing and poses. I did download some cyberware that uses 'more body meshes', and assigned it to slots 3 and 4. I've had other cyberware assigned using more body meshes for months and no problems with that, so I don't know. Hope that's enough info. Anyone encountered this or have a guess as to what's causing it? Thank you!
  13. https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/11963
  14. That's it! Thank you! I did enable that mod with my re-install but hadn't used it yet. Thank you very much!
  15. I just had to do a fresh install and reinstall all my mods. I had a mod that made a bunch of the joy toys hire-able. Like a few of the ladies around Vik's had joy toy icons above their heads, as well as many places around the map. However, for the life of me, I can't find it again. I do remember the mod author wrote in the description something about calling them joy toys or working girls wasn't very nice, so they called them something completely unique (hence my difficulty finding it again I suppose). Does anyone out there know what I'm talking about? I downloaded it maybe a week-ish ago, so it should still be on NEXUS!! Thanks!!
  16. Same. It happened to me the last small update as well. I tried changing things with no success, and then it just magically worked again. I think Vortex has to update their software after the game updates? I don't know, but I'm hoping for an answer from someone more knowledgeable than myself.
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