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About SexyNexy

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  1. Is there a mod that would scrap components on pickup? For example - you pick a Fan. Instead of putting into your inventory, it's automatically broken down into components. So instead of picking 3 pounds of junk that nobody would carry as a whole, you pick up only useful components that weight 0.1 each - screws, plastic parts, whatever. Weapons, Ammo and Armor would be exempt of course.
  2. Thanks for the quick reply! May I PM you if I have problems or further questions? :unsure:
  3. Hello, I have both New Vegas and Fallout 3 installed, and I would like to port the All-American carbine to Fallout 3. Now I know the site rules forbid this thing (uploading that kind of mods that is), but I just need a tutorial on how to do this for personal use. Can some good people help? :happy:
  4. Anyone? It shouldn't be too hard, since the majority of work has already been done. :sweat:
  5. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9198 Can someone please take a look at this mod and see if it's possible to convert the Triss face mask to a regular Skyrim face, maybe a custom race or something? Thank you!
  6. As I said, something that looks like candle light but you can remotely control it and see trough it;s "eyes" Like a remote car. A spell could last 60 or 120 seconds. For example you are a mage or a thief and you want to see what's around that corner, what enemies are there, you cast the spell control it like you control your character, scout the area, "sheath" it or let the timer run out and you're back in your character. :)
  7. Is it possible to make a spell with CK, that is similar to console TFC command? But 'lore friendly" Something like candle light, but you could remotely control it with an external camera view and scout areas ahead in dungeons and such. :)
  8. Wonder how the guys at Valve deal with all the possible copyright infringements in user mods in SW. There could be lawsuits up the ass :D
  9. I'd like to see SW to install and configure such mod packs as FCOM with script extenders, tweaks and options. NOT GONNA HAPPEN!
  10. See you sleep mods will be there once the CK is out. Not sure about waiting.
  11. Keep up the good work! :thumbsup: I want Triss perfected :teehee:
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