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Posts posted by SexyNexy

  1. Is there a mod that would scrap components on pickup?


    For example - you pick a Fan. Instead of putting into your inventory, it's automatically broken down into components. So instead of picking 3 pounds of junk that nobody would carry as a whole, you pick up only useful components that weight 0.1 each - screws, plastic parts, whatever.


    Weapons, Ammo and Armor would be exempt of course.

  2. As I said, something that looks like candle light but you can remotely control it and see trough it;s "eyes" Like a remote car. A spell could last 60 or 120 seconds.


    For example you are a mage or a thief and you want to see what's around that corner, what enemies are there, you cast the spell control it like you control your character, scout the area, "sheath" it or let the timer run out and you're back in your character. :)

  3. Noo! disheading is enough, and, most ppls in skyrim had armor, so in real life sword cannot do that through armor


    Oh yes it can! Fallout dismemberment is ridiculous, but that was the whole point. In Skyrim a power swing from a 2 handed sword or axe should cut and arm off if the enemy is at low health :)

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