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About malevolentraven

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    TES Series

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  1. You obviously know nothing about the lore of these games.
  2. Bethesda stated before the game came out that they had no intention of making it so your foot prints appear in the snow. The don't do environmental changes like that. Probably never will at least untill next gen consoles.
  3. I'm sorry if any of these have all ready been talked about but I couldn't find them, also I love this game so I'm not trying to troll or anything here, these are just a couple minor things that I wish were different and once I get a better pc and get the pc version I'm sure will be modded. First, In my game at least every single child looks exactly the same. There are only nord children and they are all ass holes. Second, It seems they took a step back from Oblivion with staves visually in the respect that when I put my staff away it just dissapears. Two handed weapons can go on my back so why can't a staff...this seems like a ridiculous thing to just be like oh let's not put it on there back even though you can see any other weapon in the game. Lastly, and I'm sure this one is all ready some where but why the hell are dragons not nearly the hardest thing to fight in the game...I will take a dragon over a giant any time and half the trolls I seem to fight could kill a dragon. Now I do occasionally fight a dragon that seems a lot more powerful than the others but I would think even a weak young dragon would still be more powerful than most things. But alas, I love this game and have devoted many hours to it and I intend to keep doing so. Let me know what you guys think of these things and if any of these could be patched.
  4. lol I'm a console player and proud of it...*cough*until i get a decent pc*cough*...anyways what was I saying?
  5. Just think for a moment about the size of Skyrim. Of course the graphics are not going to be, at say Uncharted 3 levels or some other game with great graphics of your choosing. There is just to much content to be able to make the graphics blow your socks off and still deliver the same level of content that fans of the series love, with this generation of hardware. And yes yes I know "make it for PC & not worry about console because they can't handle the better graphics", well the community does a wonderful job at releasing graphical mods so this really isn't that big of an issue. Anyone who has been a fan of the series loves that you are not told about your back story. This is not a time to evolve or change with the times situation, you wouldn't re release Lord of the Rings with more explosions just because Michael Bay films are popular. Also people who have been a fan know that they are not going to, without mods, get ridiculous graphics because of the sheer size of the game. If you are really that disappointed, just don't play it until some mods come out, but saying people who are defending the game with logical statements are just fanboys/girls is ignorant, you don't have to be blinded by your devotion to a game company to stick up for something.
  6. That's the part I don't like. Without character attributes and with only these strict perk paths, how are you actually supposed to create a unique character? I think that the way you personally play and the fact you can choose different perks presents a myriad of ways to create a unique character. You may have to have some subsequent perks to get others and in some cases that makes sense, in others not so much, but I still believe that you could easily make a unique character that's all your own creation. Alas I have not played the game and maybe I'm wrong, I just feel/hope that the characters will be quite unique.
  7. Does every police officer or prison guard IRL know what every single prisoner is in jail for?
  8. Apparantly some people need to be dragged by the hand and told everything about their character because they have no sense of creativity. This isn't a linear game so use your imagination. Also as for it not looking much better than oblivion, we can see it does by screenshots alone so get your eyes checked. And if you're really that irked about it, there will be UI and graphic mods in a month or two if that, so cool it dude. Also before anyone points it out... flame flame flame flame flame. And I'm proud of it.
  9. They said that there are bows that take longer to pull and do more damge and pull faster and do les damage, I'm assuming this means long and short bows. As far as other weapons go it's the same as always.
  10. Well if the map is what you are concerned about I believe it was on Pete Hines twitter but it was confirmed that all copies of the game no matter when you get them have a map in it. It's just that you get a higher quality map if you pre order. If you just want the glossy paper kind like in Oblivion then you will still get one no matter when you get the game.
  11. What the crap I couldn't ever get my extra mouse buttons to work in oblivion it acted like I wasn't pressing anything. (I have a WoW Cata mouse...please don't flame me lol)
  12. I'd rather a toggle button, are they really telling us that they cast a biological function as a spell that costs magicka and only lasts for 60 seconds? It's not even powerful enough to be balanced, the only real way to balance it is to make it toggle-able. *sighs* I guess we'll need mods. AHA!!! I've got it, for a khajiit character just turn your brightness upat night lol. It would make sense. I like to think that my cat see's things normal at night instead of blue...all though maybe that's why he always attacks my feet at night...... But in all seriousness guys why aren't you talking about how OP the Bosmer power is I mean we Bosmer are gonna be sending out little rats and stuff left and right, you won't know which way is up buddy. They'll be biting your ankles and stuff until you bleed a bit...yeah that'll learn ya. How OP would it be if dragons were considered a creature in that sense and the Bosmer just walked around with a dragon for 60 seconds lol....that would be hilarious. (I know there is a shout to call a dragon...but stop ruining my fun :P )
  13. Most of my characters will not be. But my dark mage/necromancer will conveniently have the same name as my Oblivion character but with 2 letters swapped (Dragonasi - Dragosani) and he will follow the teaching of my Oblivion character, probably through a discovery of some sort. Like a memoir. Unfortunately I am a console player until I get a better PC so I will just have to imagine the book lol. I'm considering having him do the college of winterhold stuff first though and then being corrupted...but idk depends on the winterhold quest because my Oblivion mage was the Archmage but he was a necromancer and the mages guild still hated them...wtf.
  14. With all their talk about the leveling system and that you can go into dungeons and get your ass kicked if your not high enough level I wouldn't think (or at least I hope) they wouldn't be dumb enough to do that and then level the weapons you find in there.
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