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Everything posted by DonozPaps

  1. Alright thank you so much for all your help so far. I'll see you in another mod asking page :). Also check my message in discord
  2. I dont think I need the war paint or age slider mod. My characters face is pretty good Thanks for offers.
  3. Alright I did the pasting procedure on every file in Specialanims file. It didn't took so long doing manually. Added ''_BLKD_PERNPC_Oblivion.esm_00000007'' before .kf on every file in Specialanims. I checked in-game but Im unsure if the mod is working fully. For example fist stand is definetly different, the bow animations as well. But I can't tell if jump or walk is different. What is our next step? Also thanks for your help so far and your understanding
  4. Alright so I checked in-game before doing the notepad stuff and it seems animations work. The fist position and bow works. How do I do the copying thing exactly? I really lost our procedure last 2 days because I had online exams, sorry. Lets begin again starting with downloading the animation mod. I downloaded the mod and If I remember correctly I created a specialanims folder to oblivion male folder. It contains those BLKD PER NPC folders the other folder _male contains is idle animation and It only has stand file. other than that there are many KF files. Now what exactly I do with the notepad? sorry I just got confused about this part.
  5. I quite didn't understand that and thought copying and pasting might do the job. Do I have to use notepad++ for the copying procedure?
  6. Alright I copy and pasted the mod animation files to the oblivion character/male files. whats our next step? Unless, I hope, I didnt miss a step
  7. Okay but instead of specialanims folder there is an idleanim folder in oblivion folder line. The specialanims folder is in the combat stance animation mod files
  8. You know what I changed my mind, I just watched first 37 secons of that video and I would like to have it :D if its no problem. We can apply the whole mods animations and camera system if Its not a big deal
  9. hmm I don't think I need it. Dont want to sexualize the game too much you know :D
  10. Oh yes thats what I needed. The R key is what I was looking for. And what type of animations are we talking about?
  11. They work fine with the body. But I can only see characters back because of oblivions third person camera.
  12. Alright I did the texture thing and applied plump body checked in game and they look fine. I couldn't be able to control the triangles on wrist on Nifscope because Upperbodies have no hands they are cut. What is our next step?
  13. Yes as well as the feet and hands. I checked and it works now EDİT- OH WAİT NO NOT THE TEXTURE ONE, I did the meshes thing that change the body. I kinda forgot the path of our modding sorry. Ill read your message up there about the textures and to as you say. Be right back
  14. Ah I forgot let me quickly take a look. Btw can we do something about cameras. Its possible to look around your character in Skyrim with third person camera. Would it broke the controls? Edit- Ah I saw what happens when I use different lower and upper bodies. There is a slice on waist. No need to fix I'll stick with the one we decided first time. I spent too much on choosing a body. What is our next step? I downloaded those files you said. Edit2- Oh wait just saw your edit. Alright Ill use that let me change it quickly. What I tried to do is use the FCPA file on the nif files with the AA bodies and thats why It glitched. Now I understand Edit3- Same procedure with FCPA body? Do I need to know anything more while applying as character body?
  15. Hey I'm back, sorry for dissapearing. I was wondering if I could use a thin upperbody with a very large lowerbody (HGEC of course to make our job easier) will it glitch on waist area or we can manage to work?
  16. I'll be downloading and checking the files and be here tomorrow, Its late here. Thanks again for your help.
  17. I see, alright. But what are these texture gonna do? It isn't for the nude characters body right? Because they look fine. And If It's going to make our job easier I'll choose a body from HGEC.?
  18. Oh wow thats a really good trick. I'll find another bodytype quickly this time. The other npcs can have any bodytype they want even the default. Its alright for me. If I have to choose a non-HGEC body files. I'll just rename the hands and feet as well like the upper and lower body parts right? Edit- Alright I tested myself If I understood your trick and yes I can change the body type of my character easily, Thanks again. How do we make that the cloth/armor will take the shape of the current bodytype?
  19. Alright I downloaded the Fly armor clothing file. If the body size I choosed dont have much options, I can have a one with more. I would actually like to get a busty thick body as well so there wouldn't be any problem. If It's not a problem to our procedure?
  20. Oh yes It worked no more boob glitches, thanks! What is our next step? And this posture of character while on menu makes it hard to know if the body is correct, I can show images I just took( dont know how to do it here).
  21. Alright I did as you say but there is a big problem, Im not sure if the body is the one I choose and changing/unequipping armor makes the body VERY glitchy To make sure there is no misunderstanding Ill say what I did: I created these following files as folder files Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters\BodyAssetOverrides\PerNPC\Oblivion.esm\ and I only made this one. I put those nifs into the Oblivion.esm and I renamed them as you said.
  22. Alright I got few options but I choosed the file AC_AAA.NİF from HGEC folder. And I noticed most of the other folders are like body set packs. Whats our next step?
  23. Alright thanks. Ill take a look to all of them might take time. I have to choose the ones from HGEC folder only am I right? and what about lower body? will we get into that after the upperbody?
  24. I realized I downloaded the CORE files sorry about that. And sorry about late replying recent days. Been busy cause university starting soon. Anyways now I downloaded the DATA files, the one you mentioned, went to the HGEC folder and there is so many choices now I can see. What is our next step?
  25. I realized I downloaded the CORE files sorry about that. And sorry about late replying recent days. Been busy cause university starting soon. Anyways now I downloaded the DATA files, the one you mentioned, went to the HGEC folder and there is so many choices now I can see. What is our next step?
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