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Posts posted by SunnyDuckling

  1. I am seeing a popup whenever I try to download a file for SSE. It's just an empty box with the label "An Error Occurred" and nothing else. I have tried several files, to be sure it isn't just one file. I haven't tried downloading files for other games here on the Nexus. Just SSE.


    I looked for news about maintenance for Nexus and didn't see any indications of file woes. Is anyone else having this problem?



  2. Whether our modding folks decide to keep their mods free or charge for them, it's their place to decide what methods best reimburse them for their time and efforts. How can I begrudge them their choice, whatever it might be? After all, I wouldn't have any mods at all, if they didn't make them, and it's not as if I contributed to the efforts to make the mods I've enjoyed so much.


    It didn't cost me mind-numbing hours of my time, working around the idiosyncrasies of Papyrus or dealing with the game's sometimes illogical approach to things. I didn't spend a minute of my free-time perfecting a substandard asset to make it beautiful. I didn't put my family time, work time, or school time on hold in order to wade through render after render in Blender just to make the game shine or create a new world for my fellow gamers to discover. I may have missed some sleep playing all night, enjoying their mods, but I haven't stayed up all night to finish a tutorial or put together a helpful utility or resource that makes gameplay more awesome.


    I appreciate each and every member of our modding community with all my heart. No matter what you decide to do, you are my fellow players whose mods have given me hours of fun. I hope you don't get discouraged and stop modding. That really would put an end to modding. And above all else, I know I'm not alone when I say it means the world to me that you have devoted hours of time, creativity and skill to make a game I love more beautiful and exciting.


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