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Posts posted by lylcollege

  1. This is probably going to get an eye roll from experienced modders, but I never learned about the whole modding process. Whenever I look up tutorials on downloading mods, I see people using different drivers. I only have an OS (C:) driver which probably is whats causing issues. Do I need a separate driver for modding? If so, how do I approach this?

  2. This is probably going to get an eye roll from experienced modders. But I have no idea where to start. After endless hours of researching and digging, I never seem to set up mods correctly. I have used MO2 and Vortex, but I might just stick with Vortex since its more user friendly. I don't even know if this is the right forum to ask, but whenever I see tutorials on downloading mods, people always got different drivers, which might be my issue. I only have an OS (C:) drive, and I have no idea how to create another one. All my downloads are so messed up since everything is pretty much on that driver. I keep looking up the basics of modding, but it just seems like everyone is already in the know. Accidentally posted two questions, disregard the last message from me

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