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  1. I was looking for the Dawnguard Helmet ( http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Dawnguard_Full_Helmet ) combined with the Greybeard's Hood ( http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Greybeard%27s_Hood ). The helmet covered by the hood. Retexture/color the hood to black, as well as another version in white. I am going for the hooded crusader look.
  2. Yaulp is from my days back playing EverQuest as a cleric. Was a buff spell that increased mana regeneration. I think it had some other benefits as well.
  3. Typical Paladin style approach. I have seen some mods that offer their own versions and approach.. but my ideas are based on my gaming experience throughout the years. A wielder of Restoration magic that uses it to purify and dismantle their enemies with a much greater effect and potency against Undead, Daedra and any other abominations. Preferably while wearing Heavy Armor and the choice of a Sword, Mace/Hammer or Shield. Relying only on the Restoration school of magic outside of arms and armor. Some spell ideas would be... Weapon Imbue - While attacking <Abomination> grants a buff for a short duration after striking that does increased damage and weakens the <Abomination> in some way. A passive buff that increases weapon skill would also be baseline to have a slight advantage against any other non Abomination encounter and make using it in general worthwhile. Long duration buff. Meant to be maintained permanently unless canceled. Zealot - A spell used as a shout that grants a short buff for 10 seconds and surrounds your character in empowering light dealing Sun damage to Abominations nearby and causing your attacks to strike through any defense making it impossible to reduce or defend against your damage if an Abomination. 30 second reuse. Lay Hands - Completely restores all Health and Magicka upon use. Only usable once per day. Resolute - A shield that cannot be dispelled and offers immunity to disease, 50% Poison resist, and 50% Magic Resist. Yaulp - Buff that increases magicka regeneration rates by 150% and improves Restoration skill by 25. Meant to be maintained permanently.
  4. Looking for a kick attack similar to the Leonidas kick from the movie 300. As far as the function, if possible, incorporate the animation into the block/power bash attack with 1h and 2h weapons. Would certainly add a lot more flavor to combat. It's something I found missing from my two hand wielding Nordic warrior.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZeYVIWz99I&feature=player_embedded << This kick
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