Hey everyone! Just wondering if anyone could help me with this bug I'm having. I get through the entire quest of 'Message To Whiterun' until it I have to to talk to the Legate. But, whenever I talk to him, the dialogue regarding the battle does not initiate, therefore the quest does not finish and the next does not begin. All I get is default responses. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3T5o7QOEhKA I have tried many ways to fix it. - Using setstage in the console does not work, as you cannot start the battle via console, and if you skip the battle also, you cannot start the quests afterwards. - Waiting 72 hours+. - Fast travel and leave the area. - Reinstall. - Disable mods. - Create an entirely new character. - Spawned another Legate. - Loading old saves. - Integrity of the game cache. So if anyone has any input, go ahead and let me know :) I am welcome to anything. :) Thanks! -sk0rge