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  1. Bump. Dev tools are out now. Anyone wanna take a crack at this?
  2. The current viking braid hairstyle looks a little goofy lying flat like that. Something like these would look awesome in a band of raiders:
  3. I suggest using the winter forge for that. You can copy the stats of pretty much any armor or weapon in the game and set them to a new item.
  4. That's all well and good, except for those of us who can't get the toolset to work properly on our computers.
  5. You're in luck. Such a mod already exists. http://dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=249
  6. Bump. Come on, this one should be easy to do.
  7. Actually, the Winter Forge doesn't require any resources to make stuff -- you just go back to your camp and ask the blacksmith to make something for you, and she does it.
  8. Yeah, I always thought that purple-tinged dragon bone was a little goofy. I wanted to see that ashen gray color that the Dead Legion armor has.
  9. I suggest finding the Winter Forge mod -- then you can build pretty much anything you want.
  10. Yeah, polearms would be pretty sweet. Personally, I'd like to see more armor choices than anything. Your options in the game are either big clunky metal armor or really weak, crummy looking leather armor.
  11. You forgot to add changing all the NPCs faces, Ozisl.
  12. Not sure, but one has to wonder if there's any portion of the game that's dark enough to even warrant such a spell.
  13. I mean, platemail is one thing, but that dwarven armor looks pretty well made and not prone to all the jingling. I always cringe when my rogue is running around in armor that sounds like it'd alert everyone a mile away.
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