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This is a great idea, and I support whole heartedly. Unfortunately it is notthe least way feasible. I really wish it could be implemented, but I think we are dreaming here.
Ever go home to the little missus, talk to her, Ask how things were, talk about the future, what the plans are. see what opinons she has on thing, if that's a new dress? Me neither. Al I can is sell things to her (where's she keep the stuff and why charge your own spouse? What happened to communal property?) And collect money like she was paying rent. It would be nice to have a lot more immersion for the little lady. Here's some ideas. She gives you random materials to craft items with instead of money (For immersion sake you give her up to x money to get it and she comes back with betwen .75 -1.5 times the worth in soul gems and crafting materials) Take sa day or so. You supply the store yourself, you give whatever you want to sell, no money limit. The only catch is she doesn't pay you herself, she only acts as a vendor to sell it to others, and it might take up to 3 or more days to sell the equipment at which time you get all the money. You can take the items back of course, assuming she hasn't sold it yet. Ever heard a guard say "Can you enchmant my sword?" Sure, talk to the missus, you supply the weapon and the sould gem and I'll see what I can do. Or for even more money, I'll supply the gem. Just tell me what enchenment you need, after all, good training for me. A guard wants to upgrade his armor, talk to the missus. Need a new wapon/armor, the missus. Missus, I need alchemy reagents, I know you can't sell stuff at the same time and all selling timers will be halted until you collect them, but please get them for me anyways. Missus, I have no idea what I am doing with these reagents, can you find me a scroll with recipes on it. Iknow it will cost something, but take it out of the money I gave you. Missus, you should be able to follow me around, put this armor on, don't care if you are a follower or not (can be done with console) And conversation options, if it were feasible, which it isn't, unfortuneately.
I just cut the head off that poor bandit. Poor girl, she was cute too. I bet she would look great on my mantelpiece. Let's pick up that head and take it home, I can put it on display for all my friends (and enemies) about how it felt when my sword went through her neck. (I warned the viewer how morbid the idea was in my title.)
This is probably not the right place for this, but I can see no forum to post suggestions to improve the site, if a moderator wishes to move this to a more appropriate location, please do. I am sick to death of seeing over 600 armors available for Skyrim, every one a retexture. I have nothing wrong with retextures, heck I use them myself. But it would be nice to have a filter for them, I don't want to sift through over 600 retextures in order to find 1 piece of armor which is a new model. It would be easier if we had a filter to seperate the files in to two groups Vanilla Retextures, Custom Content. Perhaps put Custom Content Retextures in a third category or merge them in to the second. By filters I do not mean a new category, I mean filters or tags, just to clarfiy. For those who wish to point out that the Creation Kit will be out soon and therefore we will see more models here, this is a given. However, this has nothing to do with my post, please respect that.
While I disagree with most of your examples, I agree that more immersion must be put in place for marriage. I am more interested in post marriage acitvities (not sex) rather than the ceremony. Other than being asked for a meal, giving you some gold every day and acting as a new store you get no interactions what so ever. There is no immersion here at all.
I second this. I would want it to do two things. 1. A slow motion camera that makes the scene last longer. 2. An automatic kill move animation (regardless of whether or not it was critical/execution hit) on the last (and just the last) bad guy that you are fighting. Similarly to New Vegas, where ,unless you use Vats, the death camera only shows up on the last bad guy you kill in the fight. Sometimes I get a horrible camera angle, like a close up of my characters abdomen when I'm sure that something cool must have just happened somewhere. But I doubt that can be fixed. Oh and when your character sneaks up on someone to kill them with a blade, it would be cool if she/he were to whisper something cool in to their victims ear just before slitting their throat. (Boy now that is dark)
I have seen several posts hear looking for paper or 2d maps. Basically I love the 3D map, you can see the mountains and terrain better. However, there are problems with it. First, even with ini tweaks it is not truly 360 degree rotatable. If you tried it you know it can be rotated to point due south but it will not continue to rotate to the north again, you have to reverse direction. Another rotation issue is seen at the edges of the map. For instance, you can never see the norhtern face of the mountains by Solitude, you would have to move the camera farther north than the game will let you in order to rotate the camera around to see them properly. But these are minor issues. The worse part is that the clouds and blurring effects just hide Bethesda's laziness, take them away and you notice the complete lack of detail in mountains,rivers etc. Not to mention there are no roads on the map at all. They should be putting less effort into clouds and more into acutally showing the towns, geography and roads. I would love someone to replace the 3d map with a new high def version that shows all the roads, rivers and mountains laid out correctly so I can see where I am going. As well a way to fix the camera issues if possible.
Bethesda proved its lazyness again (first with the horrible map that does not even show roads) with a complete lack of vampire feeding animation, let's fix this shall we? Another great idea is the see you sleep mod from Oblivion which for some reason never made it to a Fallout port. I thought for immersion sake it was one of the best mods ever. Bethesda in it's divine wisdom also saw fit to move the camera off center and to make the character walk on an angle. The angular walking was achieved by moving the camera on the z axis, and the off center camera by changing its position on the x axis, both of which can be modified in the skyrim.ini file. However it still leaves the horrible swimming animation where you list to one side. The character also stands on an angle and may slightly walk on an angle despite changing the camera's z axis position (I have to look in to that, sometimes it seems she does, sometimes not). It would be nice to have animation fixes for this as well.
Nifskope, changing the skin shader flags.
otis0310 replied to otis0310's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Okay, I managed to change the skin to a dark texture. Most of the time it is black, which is okay, but under the right lighting, it shows a pattern in almost halfof the area where the rest is dark grey translucent blob. Any way to fix this or do I just have to hope the nifksope guys identify more shaders so I can fix it right.... By the way, I am modify an Oblivion port I found on the nexus, so it could be the mesh itself perhaps. -
Nifskope, changing the skin shader flags.
otis0310 replied to otis0310's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Well I have been trying with different version all morning, and so far none of them seem to show a flag where I can turn a skin section into a normal cloth/material. So how do i that? I can do it in Oblivion and Fallout, but not in the official Skyrim nifskope, and yes, I tried the one released on Dec. 11. -
Nifskope, changing the skin shader flags.
otis0310 replied to otis0310's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Link Please -
I just downloaded and ran the new Nifksope for skyrim (not just the xml file, the new completely skyrim friendly version). Eventually I found the flags that holds the shaders in the hopes of making a skin section retexturable. Unfortunately, every time I open the flag dropdown menu in the block details of the shader section of the appropriate trishape, the flags reset themselves. To clarify, I open the menu, click the check boxes to activate/deactivate particular flags, when I click outside the menu (or push enter) all boxes are cleared, all flags removed, including the ones that were there by default. I do it again, and it never remembers which ones I checked, it just clears the whole list over and over again. It also will not let me write it in. I know this is a very new version of Nifskope so it may have some issues. However, I do not use the program regularly and I was wondering am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?
Now we all know that we can center the camera by adding these lines in the skyrim.ini file. [Camera] fOverShoulderCombatAddY=0.0000 fOverShoulderCombatPosZ=0.0000 fOverShoulderCombatPosX=0.0000 fOverShoulderPosZ=0.0000 fOverShoulderPosX=0.000 fOverShoulderHorseAddY=-0.0000 fOverShoulderHorsePosZ=0.0000 fOverShoulderHorsePosX=0.0000 fOV=90 Although the the fov is not really needed. However, the character still walks on a slight but noticeable angle, stands on an angle, and the swimming animation is completely borked. How about a mod that has both the ini tweaks and animation fixes? Especially the animation fixes since anyone can enter those lines in the ini.
The transportalponder gun is great, but on the whole useless. I have seen some mods that replace it, they either add new special effects or go too far. It would be nice to have a simple upgrade that does two things. 1. Remembers where you fire it from. So you can shoot it anywhere outside (and maybe outside combat), like The Strip and you get teleported back to the balcony in the Big MT. You can then run down to the X-2 Research Station and fire it again, this time taking you to The Strip, where it was last fired. Firing it again takes you to the X-2 Research Station. Although the latter is less important, the big MT is small enough it matters little where you were teleported to. 2. Can be placed on a hotkey. Heck simpy making it so it teleports you to Freeside is an improvement, at least then you aren't in some obscure corner of the map.
There is patch of skin on an armor that I wish to retexture to make it look like its covered, without acutally making a new mesh. The character's back is exposed, and I want to retexture the body mesh so that it is not, using what is now the body mesh. So what was once exposed skin looks like a different layer of the armor. That simple. Please note that I have tried simply rexturing the armor in Nifskope. Although in Nifskope the body is now retextured to look like another layer of the armor, as I intended, in the game the skin still shows up as if I never retextured the body mesh at all.