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Posts posted by Werewolf334

  1. even when using cracks you still had to install the GFWL just to get the game started, same goes for another online thing called Rockstar something, It required not one but 2 online services just to start the game... The cracks did allow me to save the game without GFWL, but the game still sucked. The driving system is worse than in GTA:SA. The plot is stupid and makes no sense at all. Suffice to say the first thing you see in a nasty guy getting whipped by a girl in sexual foreplay, not really something I liked to see first in the game. Sure it may attract perverts, but it didn't attract me, and I had no idea why they started it off that way anyways.


    This game is just a garbage jump for money. Get if you like GTA (like I did), but don't be surprised if you get the reaction as me and uninstall it and try returning it.

  2. When I first saw this game was coming out I was ecstatic... once I started reviewing things for the game I stated to see more and more things I didn't like. First of all, I hate Windows Live, and discourage it completely. Suffice to say I am a Windows Live rebel.


    The fact that you have to use windows live just to save the game is completely idiotic. I guess microsoft is using this stupid thing to prevent pirating, well guess what - When you do a stupid move like this it makes it all the more tempting. Granted I know pirating isn't supposed to be talked about so lets not discuss it too much.


    All I know is that most of the series of games coming out require patches, cracks, or mods made by players just make the games playable. I find it ridiculous really. If I wanted to edit a game so much I might as well make my own.


    Now to the good part: I have bought the game and am installing it right now, hopefully I find the game the game a bit fun, but I am going to use some cracks to make it so I can actually play without windows live - I don't regret it either. Windows should know that not everyone likes their stupid live program, and that not everyone uses it.


    Sometimes I wish sony would come out with more stuff for the PC because I have NEVER had a problem with anything sony. To be precise I still have my old ps1 and it still works, same with the old ps2... still works (and i mean the fat version that I got right after ps2 was released). I can't say the same about anything related to microsoft. I have had to repair, replace, mod, or buy another -- be it an xbox, software, or basically anything related.


    The number of times I have had to reinstall XP is pure... and utterly ridiculous too. Most of the time it isn't my fault. Maybe I should switch to linux?


    Ah yes, to the bad part - this game is crap. I played the game for just a few minutes and noticed - There is no good to it. GTA San Andres was by far better, and I uninstalled that after days of growing bored of it. I grew bored of this game in just a few minutes. First off the start is just plain stupid. The game seems to have a bit of a slow gameplay. When driving around I feel like I am driving at 5 miles per hour...


    maybe Im not giving the game enough credit - but from what I have seen and played, it doesn't deserve any. Waste of money, big time.

  3. I came across this game and absolutely loved it. Im a big resident evil fan, cause I basically grew up with the games and movies... But this just puts the nonstop action into the game which resident evil, silent hill, or any real zombie game hasn't. Saying this game is the best zombie game doesn't give it enough credit. Its awesome.


    Sometimes, it even has the thrill that F.E.A.R. gave you when playing it... (Yes, when I was playing FEAR i actually jumped from some of the stuff... more than once!) I loved that game.


    So far I haven't encountered anything that has scared me like those games in Fallout 3... but that only happens when you really get drawn into a game. :D


    For those of you that haven't played FEAR (and not the multiplayer the actual singleplayer) YOU SHOULD!

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