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Everything posted by jimmojohn

  1. Good luck to everyone, especially myself.
  2. Right, time to enter another giveaway to sooth my entirely nonexistant gambling problem.
  3. I'd like one of these for the hours upon hours I spend trying to fix the buggy modded mess that once was Skyrim.
  4. My chances are nill, but there still is the tiniest chance.
  5. There are many impossible locks for me to fail to pick out there. I intend to go and find them, and fail to open them.
  6. Based device for picking a winner, choose me.
  7. Disregard females, acquire currency. Or giftcards, whichever.
  8. Always ready to more than likely lose a contest.
  9. I require a hat. Specifically a green one, with a buckle on it.
  10. Game looks great, especially considering the tools aren't even out yet, the mods are promising.
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