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About shael678

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  1. Man i love You! Problem was in the Xonar DG Audio Center, turning off GX and HF options helped me. There is no random crashes and annoying sound after crash. Many many many thanks Friend! :)
  2. Its install on other drive D:\Gry\Steam... It also happens with gog version. Reinstall Oblivion, deleted all of the remaining files. Launch game, start new game, play a while, exit game, launch game again try to load save and crash when loading :/. No mods.
  3. No mods or OBSE - game works fine. Any mods or OBSE- starting to crash as hell
  4. This is with any (no matter which ) mod. No matter is this obse plugin or normal mod.
  5. Hello. I tried to mod Oblivion, but with every mod leads to crash. Of course im using obse and any other required mods, installed correctly. Sometimes even oblivion without mods, but with obse leads to crash. When with any mod i cant even load game because its leads to crash. Start new game-save-exit game-launch game-trying to load save-crash. Whats wrong? Sorry for my english
  6. Hi! As in the topic.Whether these mods are compatible with each other?? How to install them ,so that everything was ok and there were no problems? Sorry for my English if they are errors.
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