To all who will offer help and advice, I'd like to say thank you in advance. I own Skyrim through Steam on my laptop. I haven't played it in a while (honestly, probably a year or so), but have decided to get back into lately. Since I last played so long ago, I haven't downloaded any new mods, and it ran fine with the ones I did have (which weren't many to begin with). When I first started playing again (this past Friday) it ran fine for about an hour, but not the screen will freeze for lengthy periods of time whenever I move a few steps forward or change the camera angle. I tried deleting all my mods, and that didn't help. After that I tried starting a new game, which didn't help either. So I uninstalled Skyrim from Steam and redownloaded it. Both vanilla Skyrim and Skyrim being launched through SKSE still result in the constant freezing. In some of my tests, in beginning a new game, some weird things have happened too. For example, on one test when I got to the chopping block and put my head down, the dragon showed up, but never landed. He just flew around Helgen while the executor just gazed at me... another time, the horse carriage stopped where it normally does, the thief said "Why are we stopping?!", but the guy who talks through most of the ride didn't say his "Why do you think?" line, and we just sat in the carriage, with nothing happening. I could look around, but we never got unloaded from the carriage. Sorry for the lengthy explanation, but there you go. Here are my laptop specs: Windows edition: Windows 10 Processor: IntelĀ® Core i5-3337U CPU @ 1.80GHz Installed memory (RAM): 6.00 GB (5.89 GB usable) System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 720M with 2GB Dedicate J VRAM I'm not sure how to check what version Skyrim is currently in. I use NMM version 0.63.1 I have no DLC I'm using whatever version of SKSE comes with NMM, so I suppose that's 0.63.1 also? I don't have anything like BOSS or LOOT, nor do I know what they are. And like I said before, I deleted all my mods from NMM itself, so if they're still a problem, I don't see how. Again, thank you to anyone who can help me out with this. I really want to get back into Skyrim with some of the mods I was using before!