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Status Updates posted by BlackBaron2

  1. Can't see my face, balaclava
  2. I totally dare you to message that pale figure with black eyes. It can only go well!
  3. I'm an eldritch abomination in a form you are only partially comfortable with.
  4. O)_(O i see your face
    1. Luminiari


      I apologise! :3
    2. BlackBaron2


      I was trying to be funny and/or remind you of the Funnymouth creepypasta story.
  5. Hey, did you ever finish the skellies?
  6. Well, I'm fine, just not very active any more. Too much to do offline, going to retrain and do snake-handling and powerlifting because I can.
  7. Please stop adding me. I do not know you.
  8. SiteBot should be a chat bot as well.
  9. All right, I've fixed ited it.
  10. I feel like an apostate in a roomful of Templars.
    1. Astatine11


      at last!! good to see someone talking about dragon age. ithought its mostly elder scrolls and fallout here. :)
    2. naomis8329


      Cornered, trapped, playing with magic???
  11. You don't need someone to give you a scarf to be a proper knight!
    1. AurianaValoria1


      That is true! :D
    2. Flintlockecole


      "True Knighthood: We serve our King and People, when our king's wishes go against the better of the people we must lead him back through council or bring war to his doorstep". Those word's have been burned into my mind. Scarves are silly anyways.
  12. I like colourful clothing textures.
    1. Zaldir
    2. KennethKarl


      I prefer the weathered look. Both in game and real-world. For some strange reason all my stuff looks like it's been through hell and back.
  13. Yeah, I know. People don't seem to take these issues at all seriously and it really annoys me.
  14. We need more info out there and worded so even a zombie will understand it. I'm sick of people misusing the terms "hate crime" or "discrimination".
  15. Thanks :)

    I thought I needed to explain what those things actually mean because most of the time time it seems like nobody knows.

  16. If you don't read the readme, expect no support. :)
    1. Zaldir


      "Could you help me with a mod???? I been trying to get it to work for HOURS now but it WONT WORK!!!!!!!" - "Have you read the document with the big letters telling you to read it?" - "Uh, what?"
    2. TheReverendTholomewPlague


      The number 1 cause of my frustrations on this site are people who don't read instructions >:(
  17. My life is more confusing than the plot of fanfiction. >.<
    1. Luminiari


      So I herd u liek My Immorta-- *bricked*
    2. BlackBaron2


      A large Xivilai has been dispatched to your location. The only way to save yourself is by throwing pillows at him.
    3. CheeseyBall


      Lol. :P

      Good luck with that.

  18. Don't promise me "someday". If I ask a question now, that's when I want an answer.
  19. There is no turning back now that you've woken up the demon in me....
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CheeseyBall


      For the absolutely awesometastically epic win. :D
    3. Keanumoreira


      *Grabs a tub of popcorn* Needs more butter...
    4. CheeseyBall
  20. Oh, the chat is working now, if you wanted to know....
  21. Don't do that in public ;) We might shock the newbies! And then Dark0ne will kill me :P
  22. I will keep saying crazy things. I will not break.
    1. Aenya
    2. Deleted1848331User


      Oh really? (if only those emoticons worked on here)
  23. I'm stil not dead...

    Just send me a PM if you're still up for collaborating in taking over the universe.

  24. Yo, anyone wanna help me summon a succubus?
    1. vvk78


      Baron, you fell to the sheep mania too?


      May the Nine protect us! The end is nigh!



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