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Everything posted by statsmakten

  1. Put Diamond City Expansion in the bottom of your load order, the flickering should most likely go away.
  2. Sorry for necro posting but just want to add information for future modders googling for solutions: If objects you've deleted still shows up in game it's because they're part of a precombined object/grouped object. This happens specifically if you have regenerated precombined objects and previs, thus "locked" the objects in place. You can solve this by using FO4Edit to delete all precombined refs in your mod.
  3. Do you get the same error if you start Creation Kit from the exe file in your Fallout folder? Could just be an issue with Bethesda launcher.
  4. Yeah it's set to peak value modifier and it says "health -50" on active effects. This is reeeaaaally weird. I don't have any active mods other than my own, so I'm all out of ideas here:(
  5. Thank you joerqc. Unfortunately it didn't help me because I'm already using that exact method with same settings:( The potion gets equipped, I can see the health bar go down, I get the disease perk and when I use the antidote it disappears. But the peak modifier doesn't do anything, I'm still able to heal to full health while carrying the disease:(
  6. I've been trying to create a disease that gives you -10 peak health until you've found a specific antidote, but no matter how I try I can't get it to work. For some reason the damage peak value doesn't apply the effect, does anyone know the correct way of doing this? I've even tried to replicate the Molerat Disease from Vault 81 but no success:(
  7. I'm working on my Diamond City Expansion mod and my scripting skills are pretty s#*!. What I'm trying to achieve is this: In the shower inside some public restrooms there's a soap lying on the floor. If you pick it up you will hear a bathroom stall opening, and suddenly there's a flirty beefy dude in only underwear standing behind you. So yeah, that's pretty much everything that's gonna happen. A little easter egg. I've gotten the soap to enable the NPC and open the bathroom stall when picked up, but: - I don't know how to make the NPC walk towards the player. - I don't know how to set the relation of the NPC to be flirty with the player (if it's even possible). Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  8. Wow thank you so much for picking my Diamond City mod! Being new to the modding community it really means a lot that the work I do is appreciated, it makes me excited to keep working on it:)
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