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  1. In response to post #39498625. #39499265, #39499445, #39500430, #39500805 are all replies on the same post. Completely spot on. OP hit the nail directly on the head.
  2. "blah blah blah... Seweryn, I agree with you on this. Modding is a humble hobby. It has been for a very very long time. But now people are demanding donations. Just as much as they did endorsement. The entitlement I swear. This place is the Facebook of modding. All these narcissistic people just feeling demanding, and if they don't get it, they throw a fit until they do get it. Not making enough, find a better job. I'll spare the lecture. But yeah, these people wouldn't get a nickle out of me. Don't care how many hundreds of hours are put into the project. No one is holding a gun to their head and demanding it be made. Want money? Get a job." Want free content? Make it yourself. Thanks for the reminder.
  3. In response to post #24832564. #24833079, #24833104, #24833179, #24833249, #24833549, #24833659, #24833844, #24834234, #24834574, #24834934 are all replies on the same post. sorry, I don't agree on this. yes 25% sounds bad... it does but what are my costs to make it vs Valve/Bethesda's to make/host it? and I said "close"
  4. In response to post #24827544. #24828559, #24828899, #24829149, #24829774, #24830084, #24830089, #24830244, #24830269, #24830279, #24830434, #24830474, #24830494, #24830544, #24830624, #24830709, #24830784, #24830789, #24830854, #24830894, #24830919, #24831079, #24831109, #24831114, #24831884, #24831959, #24832009, #24832024, #24832844, #24832949, #24834759 are all replies on the same post. "So what you're saying is... releasing a broken mod and charging people for it is a nonissue because its too difficult to punish the mod creator? " yes that's exactly what I'm saying..... come on...did that in any way sound like what I said?
  5. In response to post #24832564. #24833079, #24833104, #24833179, #24833249, #24833549, #24833659, #24833844, #24834234 are all replies on the same post. Are you asking if I supported the paid workshop as it was? If so I tell it to you straight I do not know, as I never took part in it, I have no idea how it would've worked given the chance. All I have access to is the information that I could find on it from the outside. Now to be more blunt. Yes I fully supported the concept. Feel free to dig through my post, I openly still support the concept. The percentages as they were....I have to say yes, I personally think they were "close" to fair.
  6. In response to post #24832564. #24833079, #24833104, #24833179, #24833249 are all replies on the same post. "Not over a CTD, over false advertising. You as an author would be legally obliged to find out all incompatibilities, if you fail to do so and thereby fail to deliever the product I ordered I have every right to sue you. Of course I wouldn't sue over stuff like this, I'd demand a refund immediately. Someone with more money could sue you. And then you're having a serious problem " unless.....they were offered the same refund? As they were allowed to do? But fair enough, I admit I am not a legal expert. You guys may be right on this issue. I'll completely and fully admit I don't know anything about how t would've worked in the absolute worst case scenario. I just keep thinking though, this would be less than any measurable percent.
  7. In response to post #24832564. #24833079 is also a reply to the same post. In all honesty, no one I going to pursue legal action of any kind, over a CTD. This aspect of the debate, is pointless. Tell me you would invest your time/resource to sue me over a CTD (which is the true worest case scenario btw, concerning incompatibility) that was PROVEN (Who says it was my mod that was the incompatible one and not the other one) to be cause by my $5 hose armor. I mean really, the week before this started the Mortal Kombat X issue popped up, did we see courts filling to sue NR studios or Valve?
  8. In response to post #24827544. #24828559, #24828899, #24829149, #24829774, #24830084, #24830089, #24830244, #24830269, #24830279, #24830434, #24830474, #24830494, #24830544, #24830624, #24830709, #24830784, #24830789, #24830854, #24830894, #24830919, #24831079, #24831109, #24831114 are all replies on the same post. I get what you're saying Ves... I really do, but you're kidding yourself You're telling me, if you about my $5 horse armor, and it caused a CTD No better yet.... Say it crashed skyrim to literally delete itself from you hdd, that you or anyone else would go to the time/effort/expense of trying to seek legal action.... Really? Good luck finding a lawyer willing to invest in taking that case. Better yet say 100 million users suffered the same fate, once any type of class action was taken do you think they guy in charge would come after me.... Or the very deep pockets of the ones who provided you acess to said product. Come on guys, I get how the world works, you do to. This was never a feasible concern. I mean do you really think the million dollar lawyers these two companies have at their disposal didnt think of this, if the guys on the forums did?
  9. In response to post #24827544. #24828559, #24828899, #24829149, #24829774, #24830084, #24830089, #24830244, #24830269, #24830279, #24830434, #24830474, #24830494, #24830544, #24830624, #24830709, #24830784, #24830789, #24830854, #24830894, #24830919 are all replies on the same post. "Yep, the entitled user is to blame when the mod authors couldn't be bothered to write the incompatibilities on the mod page. Typical" If someone is stupid enough to pay their hard earned money For a product with a clear definition of what it is or does.... Then, yeah, pretty much. Of course these are the same people who need told coffee is hot.
  10. In response to post #24827544. #24828559, #24828899, #24829149, #24829774, #24830084, #24830089, #24830244, #24830269, #24830279, #24830434, #24830474, #24830494, #24830544, #24830624 are all replies on the same post. This breaking other mods argument is also a failed Perspective. Who's to blame? Well that'd be you the User who chose to purchase two items without researching their function. Who's to blame if I buy round pegs for my square hole?
  11. In response to post #24827544. #24828559, #24828899, #24829149, #24829774, #24830084, #24830089, #24830244, #24830269, #24830279, #24830434, #24830474 are all replies on the same post. "With no rights" So do you think professional developers Retain "rights" over the work they produce at A studio? Think the guy who meshes the steel Sword gets say so in how his work is used by Bethesda?
  12. In response to post #24827544. #24828559, #24828899, #24829149, #24829774, #24830084, #24830089, #24830244, #24830269 are all replies on the same post. I should not be allowed to profit from my time/efforts.... Because it's " against the greater good"?! W T F? Please enlighten me on this "greater good" ..... And how my efforts would hinder it. And also.....wow
  13. In response to post #24827544. #24828559, #24828899, #24829149, #24829774, #24830084 are all replies on the same post. "If you want to earn money for modding, become a game dev." This stupid reasoning, that's been spewed so much in this thread, is literally unforgivable. THAT was the opportunity we were given, to develope content for profit. To become a freelance "game dev"
  14. In response to post #24827544. #24828559, #24828899, #24829149 are all replies on the same post. I don't. Never once said I did. Now answer me this... What makes you think you should be able to deny me the opportunity to make money off something I create for profit, with the blessing of the ip owner? No-one ever once said anything about taking away your free mods. This was about the future, and how countless authors were given a chance to profit from their works, moving forward.
  15. In response to post #24827544. You "won" and you're "proud"? Fair enough but try to remember one thing, this "war" you fought was never against Valve or Bethesda, neither of them were harmed in the slightest. Every user which was up in arms, will continue to support them by using their service, and buying their products. Your great "victory" was over the people who have freely and willingly given to this "community". Enjoy your spoils http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65261
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