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About EthicalLune

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  1. Edit: Nevermind, some users helped me find the cause, delete this thread if any mods are reading. So after I updated my mod Unbogus Fallout Overhaul to 2.1, a small(I hope) percentage of users reported crashing. I personally have no issues whatsoever with this version with many hours of play with no problems and I think most users run it fine, but obviously something is up and I can't figure out what it is. I have ruled out .pex files being a cause, but other than that I have nothing to go on. I would like to ask any experienced modders to help me figure out what the problem is, any help at all would be appreciated, thanks.
  2. So I'm doing a thing with non-VATS crits like in New Vegas, and I've been looking around but there doesn't seem to be any obvious way to make a little sound play when the player deals a critical hit. Anyone have any idea how I could accomplish this? I'm totally papyrus illiterate just so you know :tongue:
  3. Edit: Please delete this, moved my question to the appropriate section.
  4. Bump-a-doodle-doo, possible with the newer tools?
  5. First off, I've never personally modded a Creation Engine game, so I'm not sure what is possible without the official tools. So, I was thinking that it could be a whooole heap of fun to overhaul the game something like this: -Guns and ammo are 'very' rare -Guns deal close to realistic damage (melee damage stays about the same I think, seems fine) -Most people use melee weapons, with the exception of perhaps higher ranking npcs, and they should have limited ammo if possible Nothing too complex, yet, since the tools aren't out and what I wrote down already might be impossible for now anyways. So uh, possible or am I going outta bounds with this tool-less idea? :ohmy:
  6. I've searched quite a lot and I can't seem to find anything that can deal with .csb files, supposedly VGMToolbox can do it somehow but I don't see anything in it that could do that. Why can't devs just use common formats... Does anyone have any idea? :ohdear:
  7. Any luck? I wanna access the sound files but I can't quite figure out how, why do devs have to use such obscure and weird formats :V
  8. I loved Medievil as a kid, here's hoping this doesn't get a C&D. (Knowing the gaming industry, it will very likely get one anyways unless you find a way to worm around it) Also, any chance we could get the Sir Daniel related things (player model, sword and what have you) now? :)
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