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Fester Pot

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Posts posted by Fester Pot

  1. For myself, to fix this issue to move forward - it would always crash trying to enter the Temple for the first time - I simply reverted back to the default skyrimprefs.ini and skyrim.ini settings.


    Some visual mods will make changes for you if installed to the visual skyrimprefs.ini file.


    Once I returned them to their original installtion presets, I was able to enter the temple and move forward.

  2. Sweet! Now that you have an account here, you can upload and maintain your own content to Neverwinter Nexus. It's a great start!


    I know what Nexus is like for not allowing people to upload content from other sites without authors explicit consent so I figured I'd post this




    I havn't done NWN modding in many years nor have any interest in all the work needed in repackaging and moving my old work over to NWN Nexus but I know a lot of my content is still in use out there (Notably in the CEP), so I just thought I'd put up a formal notice saying that if anyone does wants to use my content, either to simply reupload or to use in a recompilation they *do* have my permission.


    On a side note it was a pleasure to work with the NWN community best part of 5 years and glad to see it's still alive and well even today ^_^


    - Ryuujin




    I figure this thread might be useful for posting similar permission confirmations just to streamline things for the mod community so we don't get the problems the Oblivion and Skyrim nexus communities have with imported content from other Oblivion/FO modding sites being deleted for lack of permission to reupload ^^

  3. This is great! The NWN community will certainly benefit from having the Nexus around. The more places to download great NWN adventures, the better!


    It's amazing after all these years that NWN is still going strong and The Nexus finally noticed!

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