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About DestinySeraphim

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    The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
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    Final Fantasy XIII

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  1. Hi, I'm currently running into a little frustrating issue with Skyrim. For some unknown reason, Mudcrabs are causing complete lockups of Skyrim SE. I have no idea why. I should have nothing that should be affecting Mudcrabs. But apparently Mudcrabs taking damage or whatever, causes my game to lock up. I don't know why. I've tried uninstalling FNIS Creatures and reinstalling it. I even uninstalled and reinstalled FNIS as a whole too. I've uninstalled my entire set of animation replacers. I've tried verifying. I've tried uninstalling Skyrim Sewers and that didn't help. I figured it was Mudcrabs on the basis of at one point I tried spawning mudcrabs in the exterior world space. The third mudcrab I spawned caused a complete freeze. Mudcrabs for some reason has been the consistent aspect of these freezes. I have no idea why. I just want to fix it. Attached are my Load Order and Plugins as generated by Vortex. EDIT: I think I might have fixed it somehow. Somehow by running Skyrim through Steam fixed it. Because apparently FNIS thought my Skyrim install wasn't 'legal' despite having run Skyrim first for a few hours before I started even modding so I don't even know why FNIS was insisting on Skyrim needing to be run again through Steam. Either way, it reset my preferences and I guess that fixed it somehow???
  2. Ah, quiet. I'm allowed to have fun with people from the land from which my ancestors descended from. :D All Hail Scotland, Ireland and Wales. :D How am I being racist when we are practically the same race, we are both of British descent. :3 Now excuse me whilst I enjoy my bush tucker. :D
  3. I sit here and laugh at how you incriminate yourself and give yourself a high horse. :D Have fun seeming like a douchebag~ :3 Also Yoba can not vouch for you since Silent, you and Yoba are under suspicion, therefore your 3 beliefs are invalid. Technically, you can place lava using buckets in regioned area since the world guard is set at the surface level of an area normally by a mod, under that level (as in the case of my house which happens to go downwards), World Guard is not normally protecting. :3 You think I am whining over a game? Nah... :D ! Problem? No Problem, sir. :D I will no go off to do what you British People do! Tally hoe, young chappie! :D
  4. I never keep a world for long. :3 Not that I can visit servers yet. :3
  5. Nah, not mad at all. :3 I'll be playing good old Terraria. :D
  6. I would just like to say as a last word, KD. Since it is a server, there is likely going to be server logs. I know that most Minecraft server logs record the data of who placed what block, or used what item on where. Despite me not caring, I hope Ethre searches such logs and we will see if your belief of innocence is proven.
  7. That's a freaking lie and you know it. Evidently, the server's WorldGuard is stuffing up, I have told you repeatedly to stay away from me in the last few minutes on the server, and you always have a Lava bucket in your hand, and the next second, I am on fire from lava being placed.
  8. Ethre. I request that you pull SilentObserver, Yoba as well as KDStudios into check. I logged into the server today and such, and KD and Yoba have been amusing themselves by placing blocks in my house region outside the old spawn. As well as this, they repeatedly have killed me with lava, placing lava inside and outside my house to do it. EDIT: As well as this, they have heavily griefed my house, by placing Netherack, Cobblestone as well as Dirt around my house, as well as half blocks. :/ EDIT: I know it is KDStudios who is constantly attacking me because he is always near me with a LavaBucket just as the lava is placed, constantly killing me. I request that all three of these users be banned from the server for harrassment and griefing. EDIT: Also, whenever KDStudios sees me, his first course of action is to bring out his Lava Bucket to kill me, they are taking advantage of the state of the server to do this.
  9. Facepalm. 1 I am not a VIP. Again. D: 2 I can't get the protection signs working. D: All I get is red... 3 My house near the spawn got griefed... some f***er stole the bed. D:< And Robbed the Chest. D:
  10. Wait... what the frig happened while I was gone... and I can't connect to the server though so I am assuming it is down. D:
  11. Pretty hard to do that when I make sure to kill the mobs first. D:
  12. By the way, when did the spawn change? :D EDIT: Okay seriously. Something is going on with the mob spawns. I found two spiders in my house, and my house is well lit up in every part of it. Even in the side passages, and this was during the day so there should be no real reason for spiders to be spawning there. Especially down stairs into the earth of my house. :/ There are no paths from dungeons to my house by the way, so I am confused as heck. EDIT2: A zombie walked into my house. Thing is, it was walking through the cobblestone blocks in my house. WTF?! EDIT3: Now I find a bloody CREEPER! Okay, the mobs are honestly to god broken. They are spawning regardless of their normal conditions and they are walking through walls.
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