Ethre. I request that you pull SilentObserver, Yoba as well as KDStudios into check. I logged into the server today and such, and KD and Yoba have been amusing themselves by placing blocks in my house region outside the old spawn. As well as this, they repeatedly have killed me with lava, placing lava inside and outside my house to do it. EDIT: As well as this, they have heavily griefed my house, by placing Netherack, Cobblestone as well as Dirt around my house, as well as half blocks. :/ EDIT: I know it is KDStudios who is constantly attacking me because he is always near me with a LavaBucket just as the lava is placed, constantly killing me. I request that all three of these users be banned from the server for harrassment and griefing. EDIT: Also, whenever KDStudios sees me, his first course of action is to bring out his Lava Bucket to kill me, they are taking advantage of the state of the server to do this.