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Everything posted by Adecurus

  1. Sounds good, but it would be hard to get the average Skyrim player to run from an enemy.
  2. Looks cool mate. I did wish I could build/expand a settlement while playing Dragonborn DLC, it seemed it would have been an interesting distraction and fit in with the theme of helping the struggling colony. There were so many ruined buildings around, why couldn't I get people to live in them? Seems like you might have thought the same with this mod. Anyway, looks great, can't wait for release.
  3. Adecurus

    Sup guys

    Oh, I forgot, don't forget to check out my semi-WIP mod proposition http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1360245-fall-from-heaven-mod-for-skyrim/
  4. I think a multi-provincial game would be cool, like Elsweyr and Valenwood, but I don't know if Bethesda would be able to accomplish anything but High Rock lore-wise.
  5. Adecurus

    Sup guys

    I didn't even see this subtopic, all the way down the bottom... Anyway, hello. I'll mostly be hanging around the Skyrim modding area i think. So, yeah.
  6. There are different kinds of ways to scare people, some may work better with Skyrim than others. I think you could go for a bit of a cosmic horror angle (like Lovecraft), which would work better for Skyrim, since you could just put it into books. Also, keep in mind that fear is fuelled by suspense and foreshadowing, even jump scares. This, again, can be achieved through books or NPC dialogue. You want to show the player why they should be scared of something before they encounter it. You should only let the player actually see the monster at the very end, keep it in mystery. The combat side of Skyrim simply will not work with horror, so try to stay away from it. A good way to do this would be to place 'scenes' of objects around the place, like a headless body on spikes (but more original than that, maybe see what is done in horror movies). Those are my thoughts, good luck bro.
  7. Hi guys. I don't know how many of you have played the Civ 4 mod Fall from Heaven, but I've been thinking the setting would make a great total conversion-style mod for Skyrim. It's a dark fantasy setting with quite well fleshed out lore, there's a wiki you can google is you're interested in learning more about it. Anyway, I have been planning this and jotting down some ideas for it, and would like to know if anyone would be interested in this kind of project. I do know that a lot of work would be required for such a project. So, even if you don't want to commit to a long term project like this, feel free to come into this thread and just post an idea you might have. There are many unique civilisations in FFH, but only the generic Human/Elf/Ork/Dwarf races. I don't know if making each civilisation a unique race with minor differences and racial bonuses (like in Skyrim you have Bretons, Imperial and Nords - they're all humans but look different and have unique bonuses and abilities) or if I should give the player the four generic races, then the ability to choose which civilisation they are a part of. Next, the plot. I've decided to set this during Auric's Conquests. The actual game will not take place outside of Bannor lands (which are quite extensive anyway). I won't go into much more detail now with this, but feel free to ask. The magic system will need to be at least somewhat unique. In the actual mod for Civ 4, magic requires the civilisation to own mana nodes, so if you own, say, a Fire Mana Node then your magicians can cast fire spells. What I'm thinking at the moment is that the Bannor have access to Body, Life and Law mana form the start, so that is what the player is limited to, however as they explore they can find wild mana nodes which give them access to new spell spheres. In all there are 21 spheres of magic, so it may be difficult to implement them with the skill tree, as we still need the other physical skill trees. I thought of merging some spheres into a single skill tree, for example, Body, Life and Law into Aracaeum Litium, in which there are branches for Body Life and Law, then merging branches, where you gain access to powerful spells which utilise two or three mana types. I have thought of some example spells which I will spoiler below. This brings me to the subject of skills and skill trees. I've thought about merging One-Handed, Two-Handed and Block into 'Melee', Smithing, Heavy and light Armour into 'Armour', and Sneak, Lockpick, Pickpocket, Alchemy and Acrobatics into 'Recon'. This leaves a lot of space to either add new areas for the Melee and Recon classes, or to implement the various spell spheres. I know that many people get annoyed by this kind of screwing around with skills, but hey, it's a conversion mod. I have more, but won't post them for now. Thanks a lot if you read all that, and if you're interested please post. TL;DR Fall From Heaven in Skyrim. Total Conversion-style mod. If you have ideas post 'em.
  8. Sounds like you've got some pretty sweet ideas. I know that SkyRe and Requiem have some Divine/prayer system similar to yours, where your ability to receive buffs from the gods depends on your actions. Your spoiler'd ideas seem like a magic overhaul. I'd say that it's better to have the Cons and Pros of each sphere of magic being opposites, otherwise they kinda cancel eachother out. For example, a mind spell which damages your magica but at the same time makes spells cost less magica to cast either negates the negative entirely, or the negative negates the positive so that there is no benefit at all. I would think that it would be better the have something like: -Mind: Channelling the spirit of ancient mages puts great strain on your body, reducing stamina and health regen or even negating it entirely. -Heart: The turmoil that your physical body goes through in these changes causes you to lose the ability to cast spells at all (?) or lose your racial bonuses -Will: The will parasites feed off of your lifeforce, reducing health and magica regen or even negating it entirely. Makes you enraged in combat, halving your armour rating and making you 50% more susceptible to elemental damage but doubling the damage dealt. -Body: Your idea sound interesting, not sure if it's possible though. Hope I helped. You have some good ideas.
  9. You could do a good mod adding some small island with a whaling town on it, say that the whales migration path only goes past that island, so all of Skyrim's whaling industry has died or moved over there. When the player goes whaling they can encounter sea monsters like the kraken.
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